Art Investment

The Association of the artists of Revolutionary Russia

1922-1932, Moscow

In 1928-1932 — Association of artists of the revolution

Members-учредители: A. Arkhipov, F. S. Bogorodsky, A. A. Voltaire, A. V. Grigoriev, N. I. Dormidontov, I. G. Drozdov, M. D. Drozdov, V. Karev, S. M. Karpov, E. A. Katsman, P. J. Kiselis, . G. Kotov, F. K. Lekht, S. V. Malyutin, . M. Nikonov, S. A. Pavlov, V. N. Perelman, P. A. Radimov, S. V. Regina, A. A. Sidorov, L. S. Sosnovsky, . B. Terpsichore, D. A. Toporkov, . P. Khristenko, B. N. Yakovlev.

full members and exhibitors: M. I. Avilov, M. M. Adamovich, H. M. Aladzhalov, M. K. Ammosov, V. P. Anderson, A. A. Andreev, . A. Andreev, Yu. P. Annenkov, V. F. Antonov, V. A. Apostoli, A. P. Apsit, A. N. Arzhannikov, M. S. Babinsky, A. V. Babichev, P. M. Bibarsov, V. G. Bakulin, V. N. Baksheev, J. S. Bashilov, . Ya., Belyanin, A. F. White, P. P. Benkov, K. F. Berzin, M. M. Beringov, G. M. Bobrowski, M. P. Bobyshov, . A. Bogatov, V. Y. Bogolyubov, . S. Bohm-Григорьева, M. V. Boskin, M. F. bree-Бейн, I. I. Brodsky, S. F. Bulakowski, F. F. Buchholz, V. P. Bychkov, V. K. Byalynitsky-Бируля, A. I. Vakhrameev, K. J. Weideman, S. G. Veprintseva, P. V. Williams, I. A. Vladimirov, B. E. Vladimir, . N. Vysheslavtsev, P. I. Geller, A. M. Gerasimov, S. V. Gerasimov, R. V. Gershanik, G. N. Gorelov, S. M. Gorodetsky, G. S. Gorokhov, M. B. Grekov, V. A. Greenberg, S. M. Guzikov, G. I. Gurkin (Choros-Гуркин), I. F. Degtyarev, B. N. Dakin, A. A. Deineka, V. N. Denis, L. A. Dietrich, V. N. Domogatskii, A. D. Drevin, E. V. Egorov, M. D. Yezuchevsky, V. P. Efanov, B. I. Efimov, V. V. Zhuravlev, M. M. Zaitsev, V. V. Zavialov, V. I. Zarubin, G. A. Zakharov, F. I. Zakharov, V. A. Zverev, S. M. Zaidenberg, B. A. Zenkevich, S. N. Zenkov, M. F. Ivanov, M. I. Ivashentsev, B. Johansson, M. S. Ioffe, A. V. Isupov, G. P. University, I. I. Kalinin, D. N. Kardovsky, . A. Kasatkin, E. N. Kachura-Фалилеева, P. I. Kelin, G. I. Kainov, K. V. Kirsanov, Y. Y. Klever (article), S. I. Klimentov, . N. Kohout, Z. Kozhevnikov, K. D. Kozitsyn, G. A. Kozlov, . S. Kazachkin, I. F. Kolesnikov, S. V. Koltsov, B. A. Komarov, S. T. Konenkov, PP Konchalovsky, M. N. Korikov, B. D. Korolev, K. N. Korygin, V. N. Kostyantyn, P. I. Kotov, N. M. Kochergin, A. I. Kravchenko, V. Krainov, . V. Krandievskaya, V. F. Krinsky, P. P. Kryzhanovsky, A. I. Kudryavtsev, V. V. Kudryashov, V. A. Kuznetsov, P. V. Kuznetsov, S. I. Kulikov, . N. The Kupreyanov, A. I. Kurbatov, B. M. Kustodiev, V. N. Kuchumov, G. D. Lavrov, L. N. Lavrov, K. A. Lazarev, B. N. Lange, E. E. Lansere, A. B. Lachowski, A. V. Lentulov, E. E. Lissner, S. I. Lobanov, A. K. Lukoyanov, S. M. Luppi, E. A. Lions, A. C. Magidson, G. P. Makaturing, A. V. Makowski, A. F. Maksimov, K. I. Maksimov, V. I. Malyshko, F. A. Malyavin, A. S. Manannikova, M. G. Manizer, I. V. Markichev, I. I. Mashkov, G. A. Medvedev, D. I. Melnikov, I. A. Mendelevich, A. A. Merkulov, S. D. Merkurov, V.V. Sacks, S. D. Miloradovich, D. I. Mitrokhin, F. A. Modorov, , D. S. Moore, A. V. Moravians, G. I. Motovilov, D. P. Moshchevitin, G. V. Neroda, K. N. Nikolaev, A. O. Nikulin, A. M. Nuremberg, P. J. Peacock, I. N. Pavlov, A. I. Peisakhovich, A. N. Werner, O. A. Permyakov, K. S. Petrov-Водкин, P. I. Petrovichev, Y. I. Pimenov, P. D. pokarzhevskii, A. A. Pomansky, N. N. Pomansky, V. I. Prager, . A. Protopopov, K. V. Prokhorov, V. S. Pshenichnikov, I. A. Rabinowitz, V. A. Radimov, Y. I. Repin, M. S. Rodionov, V. V. Rozhdestvensky, A. S. Rybakov, A. A. Rybnikov, B. F. Rybchenkov, A. A. Rylov, M. D. Windsunsky, G. G. Ryazhskaya, G. K. Savitsky, G. A. Saltykov, . S. Samokish, A. A. Sapozhnikov, V. S. Svarog, P. P. Sviridov, P. T. Sennikov, I. V. Simakov, N. I. Simon, O. I. Sinitsyna, I. A. Sokolov, p. P. Sokolov-Скаля, E. K. Spandikov, C. K. Stefano, E. I. Capital, M. M. Strahov, M. S. sadkowski, G. N. Sukhanov, S. D. Tavasiev, B. A. Tacca, A. I. Tenet, V. K. Timofeev, A. N. Tikhomirov, J. A. Troupyansky, L. V. Turzhansky, . P. Ulyanov, P. S. Utkin, V. D. Falileev, R. R. Falk, . I. Feshin, V. I. Figman, K. I. Finogenov, D. A. Fradkin, R. R. Franz, I. G. frih-Хар, M. E. Kharlamov, V. Khvostenko, . F. Halyavin, D. F. Tsaplin, I. I. Tsirelson, D. I. Chashnikov, I. I. Chekmazov, M. E. Chepcov, S. V. Chekhonin, K. T. Plane-Trees, S. N. Chumakov, G. M. Segal, M. M. Shemyakin, . I. Shestopalov, . I. Shilnikov, N. P. Slain, P. M. Shukhmin, A. V. schekatihina-Потоцкая, . M. Amuses, A. R. Eberling, S. D. Erzya, S. P. Yudin, K. F. Yuon, V. M. Usticke, . A. Jablonski, D. A. Ackerson, A. G. Yakimenko, V. N. Yakovlev, S. N. Yakovlev, D. N. Yakunin, O. D. Yanovskaya, E. A. Yanson-Манизер.

Exhibitions: 1-я — 1922 (Moscow; Exhibition of paintings by artists of the realist direction in aid of the starving) — 11-я — 1929 (Moscow, "Art into the masses"); "For the socialist reconstruction of agriculture in the USSR" (mobile, 1931).

Largest art Association 1920-х — early 1930-х, relying on full state support. It was founded in may 1922 on the initiative of some members of the society, Union of Russian artists, society of artists of the Moscow school — P. A. Radimov, S. V. Malyutin, A.V. Grigoriev, E. A. Katsman, p. Kiselica.

the Impetus for the creation was the debate about realistic art on March 1, 1922 on the eve of the opening 47-й exhibitions TPHV, in particular P. A. Radimov "About the meaning of life in contemporary painting". At the end of March 1922 was created the "Association of artists studying revolutionary life" (FIRB), which received the support of Glavpolitprosvet and N. K. Krupskaya, becoming the prototype of the future Union.

may 1, 1922 at the Kuznetsk bridge, an Exhibition of paintings by artists of the realistic trend in famine relief, which later came to be considered 1-й exhibition AHRR. In the days of the exhibition at the apartment S. V. Malyutin held an organizational meeting at which it was decided to establish on the basis of IHERB new Association underthe assumed name of "the Society of artists of revolutionary Russia" and appointed a Committee to develop a Charter and declarations. In late may approved the name — "Association of artists of revolutionary Russia", adopted a Charter, formed the Presidium of the AHRR — P. A. Radimov (Chairman), A. V. Grigoriev (Deputy Chairman), E. A. Katsman (Secretary). Later the position of Chairman was occupied A. V. Grigoriev (1923-1926), P. A. Radimov (1927-1932).

Ideological program was formulated in the Declaration: "Our civic duty before mankind — artistic-документально to capture the greatest moment of history in its revolutionary impulse. We will depict the present day: the life of the red Army, the workers, the peasantry, the leaders of the revolution and heroes of labor. We will give the true picture of events and not abstract concoctions discrediting our revolution before the international proletariat. The old, pre-revolution groups have lost their meaning, the boundaries between them are erased in relation to ideology, and in terms of forms, and they continue to exist only as groups of people, connected only by a personal relationship, but devoid of any ideological justification and content. This content we consider to be a sign of true works of art... Revolutionary day, the revolutionary moment — heroic day, a heroic moment, and we have now in the monumental forms of the style of heroic realism to reveal their artistic experiences".

By the summer of 1923, the Association had up to 300 members. From 1923 began to organize regional and national branches AHRR — in Petrograd (under the guidance N. I. Dormidontova and S. A. Pavlov), Kazan (Tatar), Saratov, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Tsaritsyn, Astrakhan, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Rostov-на-Дону, Ryazan, Vyatka, Ufa, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok, Sverdlovsk, Kaluga, Tambov, Orenburg, Ivanovo-Вознесенске, Smolensk, Voronezh, Penza, Cheboksary, Baku, Tashkent, Tiflis, Erivan. By may 1, 1926 the national branches reached 34-х.

the Association is constantly replenished by members of other art associations: in 1924 — "New society of painters" (VAW), in the spring of 1926 — a large group of members of the society Moscow painters, 1929 — by a group of artists of society "Genesis", 1931 — a group of artists from the Association "Four arts". In 1925 at the initiative of the Moscow and Leningrad students in art universities were established "Association of youth AHRR" —, OMAHRR, which had the status of an Autonomous organization under the AHRR with its own Charter and structure. In 1927 when AHRR was organized by the "Association of artists-самоучек" (CDA). Both organizations were represented in the leadership of the AHRR. In 1927, for public support of the Association was established "the Society of friends AHRR" (ODA).

Main activity in the 1920s-х the exhibition work. The Association has shown in Moscow eleven exhibitions of a thematic nature: "the Life of the red Army" (June 23 — July 10, 1922, Museum of fine arts; 40 artists, 189 works), "the Life of the workers" (17-24 September 1922, Science-технический club House unions; 47 artists, 255 pieces), "Red Army" (March 1923, the Museum of red Army andNavy; 96 artists, 244 works), "Corner of them. V. I. Ulyanov-Ленина" (may 1923, VSHV; 30 artists, 33 works), "Revolution, life and labor" (January — February 1924, Historical Museum@the semicolon 134 the artist, 499 works; 8 Feb — 15 March 1925, Museum of fine arts; 122 painter, 375), "the Life of the peoples of the USSR" (may 3 — 18 August 1926, VSHV; 294 of the artists, 1832 works; in the reduced composition shown in Leningrad, Academy of fine arts), exhibition of sketches, sketches and sculptures of artists of the Moscow branch of AHRR (April — may 1927, Museum of the Revolution, 57 artists, 194 works), the exhibition by 10-летнему anniversary of the red army" (February — March 1928, building Telegraph; 131 painter, 288 works), "Art into the masses" (June 1929, stadium MGSPS; 331 artist, 1234 works). An exhibition of the Association for International artistic-промышленной exhibition in Cologne (1929; 65 artists, 227 works). In addition, 1923-1931 was held about 70 exhibitions of regional and national branches. A separate group AHRR participated in the XVI International art exhibition in Venice (1928) and Artistic-кустарной exhibition of the USSR in new-Йорке, Philadelphia, Boston and Detroit (1929). Members of the Association participated in the largest thematic exhibitions: "Exhibition of art works by 10-летнему the anniversary of the October revolution" (1928), "the life of the children of the Soviet Union" (1930), "Red Army in Soviet art" (1930), "Exhibition of works of revolutionary and Soviet themes" (1930), "Socialist construction in the visual arts" (1930, 1931). 5-й exhibition "Area for them. V. I. Ulyanov-Ленина" attended the Institute of history of the party@the semicolon along with the art works exhibited historical-революционные materials: documents, photographs, Bolshevik Newspapers, proclamations, proclamations, reports of the police and gendarmerie.

Exhibition was supported by the revolutionary military Council, Council of people's Commissars, the trade unions and other public organizations; visited prominent statesmen and commanders: A. V. Lunacharskii, head of Glavokhota A. I. Svidersky; at the opening 10-й exhibition (10-летию the red army) visited I. V. Stalin and K. E. Voroshilov.

Paintings from the exhibitions were acquired by museums and public institutions: the Museum of Revolution, Museum of labour, trade unions, the state publishing house (for reproduction). So, 3-й of the exhibition ("Life work", 1922) all purchased all of the most notable work, in particular, bought the works . Kasatkina (64).

are Constantly growing attendance of exhibitions: 1-ю the exhibition was visited by 3 thousand people, 2-ю — 4 thousands, 3-ю — 5 thousand, 4-ю — 15 thousand, 5-ю — 100 thousand, 6-ю — 65K.

the exhibitions were first shown such significant works of Soviet art, like "Portrait of D. A. Furmanov" S. V. Malyutin, "Portrait of F. E. Dzerzhinsky" E. A. Katsman, Bolshevik B. M. Kustodieva, "red Army Parade" K. F. Yuon (— 4-я exhibition, 1923), "better Transport" B. N. Yakovlev (6-я exhibition, 1924), "the Cart" M. B. Grekov, "the First slogan" . B. Terpsihorova, "Meeting of the rural cell" E. M. Cheptsov, "a Solemn opening of the II Congress of the Comintern" I.I. Brodsky, "Rabkor" V. N. Perelman (7-я exhibition, 1925), "Street (the Boys)" F. S. Bogorodsky (8-я exhibition, 1926), "the Soviet court", "Rabfak goes (Universitarians)" B. V. Johanson, "the Way of the Hills," p. P. Sokolov-Скаля, "the Chairwoman" G. G. Ryazhskaya, "Kalyazin lace" E. A. Katsman, "In the parish registry office" A. V. Moravov (11-я exhibition, 1929) and others.

Stylistic and qualitative composition of the exhibitions was diverse: characteristic sharp contrast between the works of the great masters and the works of the Amateur-level works of artists of different directions. So, for 10-й exhibition (10-летию the red army) were shown as different, as "the defense of Petrograd" A. A. Deineka "death of a Commissioner" K. S. Petrov-Водкин, "Fergana guerrillas" P. V. Kuznetsov, "Tamansky March" p. P. Sokolov-Скаля, "the Men in ambush" F. S. Bogorodsky, "Railway station in 1919" B. V. Johanson, "crossing the siwash" A. V. Lentulov.

had a widespread practice of creative trips to places of industrial and collective farms in the red Army — to the Urals, Siberia, the Crimea, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Arctic.

In 1925 at the Studio, I. I. Mashkov in Moscow was created the Central art courses AHRR, where he taught leading masters: I. I. Mashkov (head), P. J. Kiselis, B. Johansson, p. P. Sokolov-Скаля, F. K. lekht, V. A. Zverev and others. Organized art courses in the regional branches.

the Association actively participated in publishing activities. In 1924 established production bureaus (head A. A. Voltaire) and publisher AHRR (head V. N. Perelman), which produce color reproductions, postcards, albums, exhibition catalogues (in 1929, the publishing house transferred Ogiso). The postcards were reproduced as works of masters of the AHR, and works of classical Russian and Western European painting. Collection "Four years AHRR" (M., 1926). In 1925 he worked as information Bureau of the organization producing newsletters.

In 1929-1930, the Association published the journal "Art into the masses", from 1931 — "proletarian art." The journal has been a place of controversy with other artistic groups and associations, especially a sharp LEF — REF, "October", OST, "4 art".

there was much controversy within society. In the second half of 1927-за the increased influence of OMAHRR Association left a group of members older — . F. Halyavin, M. M. Zaitsev, S. V. Malyutin, L. V. Turzhansky, H. M. Aladzhalov, which announced the creation of the society of artists-реалистов (PU).

In 1928 in gakhn held 1-й all-Union Congress of AHRR in gakhn, which was attended by 150 delegates. The Congress adopted the new name of the Association — "Association of artists of Revolution". In December 1929 the Central Council of the Association adopted a resolution "About cleaning AXP", after which the Union left a large group of members headed by the Chairman of the Presidium A. V. Grigoriev. In the spring of 1930 the group joined the Union of Soviet artists, which task consisted in the development of realistic traditions in the spirit of the previous course of AHRR.

in the Summer of 1930 AHRR became the initiator of creation of FOSH (Federationassociations of Soviet artists). In early 1931 the Communist faction of the AHR, OMAHR Ochs jointly developed a "Draft platform for the consolidation of the proletarian forces on isoprene" ("proletarian art."), which was the idea of differentiating artists along class lines. In March 1931 at the fourth plenary session of the Central Council of the AHR established RAPKH (Russian Association of proletarian artists), the core of which were members of the AHR, OMAHR, oskh.

In 1932 AHR dissolved in accordance with the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) "On restructuring literary-художественных organizations."

1. Apollo. Fine and decorative art. Architecture. Glossary of terms. M., 1997. PP. 57-58.
2. The struggle for realism in art 20-х years. Materials, documents, memories. M., 1962.
3. Exhibition of Soviet art. Reference. 1917-1932. M., 1965, vol.1.
4. D. Y. Severyukhin, Leikind O. L. The Golden age of art associations in Russia and the Soviet Union. Reference. SPb., 1992. Pp. 23-28.

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