Art Investment


Pokarzhevsky Peter D.

1889 (Kherson Province) - 1968 (Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist

from the worker's family-fitter. He graduated from a real school. Taking night courses in painting at Elizavetgrad FS Kozachinskogo, Kiev Art School (1906-1909), the Higher Art School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture at IAH (1909-1917) y J. F. ; Tsionglinskogo, NS Samokisha, GR Zaleman. In 1917, for work "harness" was the title of the artist and the right of a pensioner's trip abroad (not held due to the revolutionary events and the Civil War). In 1917 while working at the front in the military art department under the leadership of Samokisha.

lived in Tula (from 1917), Moscow (1922). He was among the organizers of the State of free art workshops in Tula, one of the founders and a member of the Art Museum in Tula (1920-1922). He worked as a portraitist, landscape painter, wrote to battle paintings, creating works on the themes of Soviet life. In 1928 was in a creative assignment in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. As an illustrator has worked in publishing "Young Guard" (from 1922).

member and exhibitor AHRR - AChRs (1922-1929, with interruptions), the society "Genesis" (1923). Participated in exhibitions of association "The Knave of Diamonds", "Independent". Exhibitors "Red Army" (1923), works of revolutionary and Soviet themes, "The building of socialism in Soviet art" (both - 1930), "Poster at the service of Five" (1932), «XV years, the Red Army" (1933) in Moscow "Artists of the RSFSR XV Years" (1932-1934) in Moscow and Leninrade, exhibitions of Soviet art in Amsterdam, USA (mobile: New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Detroit), Winterthur (all - 1929), Berlin, Danzig , Stockholm (all - 1930), Zurich (1931), Konigsberg (1932) and others.

taught at the Moscow State Art Institute (since 1937), Professor.

Pokarzhevsky works are in several museum collections, including the State Tretyakov Gallery, State Russian Museum, Tula Regional Art Museum and others.

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