Art Investment

The society Bytie

1921-1930, Moscow

Members: M. N. Avetov, R. N. Barto, S. Bogdanov, F. S. Bogorodsky, B. I. Borisov, I. P. Bulatov, L. M. Bunatyan, S. N. Buhari, K. J. Weideman, L. A. Voronov, A. M. Gluskin, V. I. Grigoriev, . N. Grigoriev, B. S. Zemenkov, G. S. Zozulya, E. N. Ivanov, Kapterev, M. D. Korneev, D. L. Kolobov, V. I. Kolobov, A. A. Kolosov, P. P. Konchalovsky, M. A. Kuznetsov, A. V. Kuprin, . A. Varnishes, A. A. Lebedev-Шуйский, K. Levashov, I. P. Makarychev, M. S. Malyutin, G. I. Motovilov, D. V. Murashev, S. G. Mukhin, D. V. Nasakin, V. S. Nikiforov, V. M. Novozhilov, M. V. Obolensky, A. A. Osmerkin, M. S. Perucki, V. L. Povalyaeva, P. D. Pokarzhevskii, . N. Popov, . P. Regin, G. P. Rozanov, G. I. Rublev, V. N. Rudakov, G. G. Ryazhskaya, V. A. Savvichev, V. N. Cages, S. G. Sakharov, P. P. Sokolovsky, p. P. Sokolov-Скаля, G. A. Sretensky, A. S. stavrovskiy, . S. Stenshinskaya, I. S. Stenshinskaya, A. A. Taldykin, S. M. Taratukhin, M. A. Feigin, K. A. Chepcov, A. N. Teals, B. S. Chable-Табулевич, . G. Shalimov, V. M. Kerichev, V. R. eyges, O. V. eyges and others.

Exhibitions: 1-я (1922, Moscow) — 7-я (1929, Moscow)

the Society of artists; founded by a group of graduates of the workshop p. P. Konchalovsky VKhUTEMAS — A. A. Lebedev-Шуйским, . By p. Reginam, S. G. Sakharov, p. P. Sokolov-Скаля, G. A. Sretensky, A. A. by Taldykina and others. The group, based on the experience of "Jack of diamonds" aspired to come to meaningful easel painting, dedicated to contemporary topics. Basic setup was unchanged until 1929. This is reflected in a programmatic article, published in the catalog 5-й of the exhibition: "a protest against the extremes of left art in 1921 came in the face of constructivism to a complete denial of easel painting and its social values, were the link between the organizers of "Being"... Being in succession the heir of the "Jack of diamonds", "Genesis" in its subsequent development abandoned peculiar to its predecessor, the purely formal attitude to things... Only by abandoning the end in itself use a painting technique possible for Russian painting to become more social... to Confine the decision purely pictorial problems — would continue the era of etudiante... Here-то and there is an important task became to "Genesis"... It's — question about creating a picture of how the final form, so characterizing and representing the subject that it itself is content."

the Society held seven exhibitions — in January of 1922 and 1923, March 1925, February, 1926 and 1927, January — February 1928, March — April 1929, which in total were attended by over 60 artists (the exact composition of the first two — is unknown). Exhibitions were held in different rooms — halls of the Music school Shor on Myasnitskaya street (1-я), Polytechnic Museum (2-я), State Historical Museum (3-я and 4-я), the Working Palace. Aviakhim (6-я), on Tverskaya ulitsa, 4-6 (7-я, last). 3-я and subsequent exhibition was accompanied by the publication of a catalogue.

on the Eve of 3-й exhibition in "Genesis" entered a newgraduates Vhuteina and part of the former members of the "New society of painters" (A. M. Gluskin, M. S. Perucki, . N. Popov, G. G. Ryazhskaya). The same year the Society was under the jurisdiction of Glavnauka and received a state subsidy. Shortly before 4-й exhibition at the society merged with the former "Moscow painters" led A. V. Kuprin, A. A. Osmerkin, p. P. Konchalovsky (elected honorary Chairman of the Society). Shortly after 4-й exhibition Association left A. A. Osmerkin and a group of young artists (B. I. Borisov, V. I. Grigoriev, E. N. Ivanov, M. D. Korneev, V. M. Novozhilov, G. I. Rublev, V. N. Cages, S. M. Taratukhin, M. A. Feigin, B. S. Chable-Табулевич), which formed an independent society "Wing".

7-я exhibition held in the spring of 1929, he received critical reviews. So, organ AChRs magazine "Art into the masses" (№№ 1-2, April — may 1929) wrote in the overview: "In connection with several past exhibitions revealed one of such processes — death Satanism (so! — AI.)... This is evident in the seventh exhibition of “Being”. To begin with, that “Being” passionately renounces his hereditary succession of “Jack of diamonds” and their identity with the Russian sezannizmom in General. It certainly doesn't change the facts, always remaining stern facts. However, I must say that over the past year Genesis has created a kind of dictatorial elite —, the Committee of the jury, — which spent a lot of work in order to get “Genesis” from the long-neglected and overgrown with grass paths on the highways of art... But the results of all these efforts, or minor, or point to the development of enterprises in the direction undesirable for its main core. The most characteristic figure of the Association on 7-й the exhibition is Rain, the characteristic artist of the peasantry... some other artists “Being” you can only talk about difficult and slow overcoming old traditions. Attempts to go to the story on the-прежнему “still life”... All this says about the collapse of the attempts to revive the “Genesis”... from year to year “Being” poorer forces. Now attempt to increase led to the creation of two mechanically connected groups. Don't need to be a prophet to assume their decay in the short time".

Do shortly after 7-й exhibition in the society was split. Supporters of the previous course moved to the AHR (seeS. Bogdanov, A. A. Kolosov, V. N. Rudakov, G. A. Sretensky, A. S. stavrovskiy, I. S. Stenshinskaya and . S. Stenshinskaya) and the Society of Moscow artists (M. N. Avetov, S. N. Buhari, Kapterev, D. V. Murashev, S. G. Mukhin, V. R. Eyges). The remaining members declared the transition to production art, the gain monumental task, strengthening the connection with club work.

In 1930 "Being" reorganized "the Soviet Society of easel-оформителей" (Osso).


1. Exhibition of Soviet art. Reference. Vol. 1. 1917-1932. M., 1965. C. 90, 114-115, 154, 176, 204, 255, 292.
2. Art to the masses, 1929, №№ 1-2.
3. T. Kotovich In. Encyclopedia of Russian avant-garde. Minsk, 2003. P. 63.
4. D. Y. Severyukhin, Leikind O. L. The Golden age of art associations in Russia and the Soviet Union. Reference. SPb., 1992. P.34-36.

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