Art Investment


SEMENKOV Boris Sergeevich

1902 (Moscow) — 12 октября 1963 (Abramtsevo, Moscow region)

graphic designer, writer, local historian

From the family of the employee. He studied in Moscow at the State free art workshops — VKhUTEMAS (1918-1921). Member of the Civil war on the side of the red Army (1919).

he Lived in Moscow. In 1920 he published a book of poems: the "Stearin with streaks of gray. Military poems expressionist"; was a member of the group of expressionists. Member of literary evenings at the cafe "Domino", "Pegasus Stall". Was familiar with Н. Н. Асеевым, С. А. Есениным, В. В. Маяковским and other writers.

Worked mainly in the genre of the urban landscape. The author of graphic works (pencil, ink, Sepia, watercolour): "Sorok sorokov" (1925), "1917 год" (1925), "the Speaking stones" (1926), "singing Blind man" (1926), "Salt mill" (1927), "Circus" (1929), "New Moscow" (1929); series "Construction in Kazakhstan" (1929), "Moscow in November — December 1941 года" (1942). Drew for the satirical magazine "Crystal" (1923).

From 1930-х on the orders of the Literary Museum and the Museum of history and reconstruction of Moscow worked hard to recreate the external appearance of buildings of Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg — Leningrad, related to the life and work of figures of Russian culture — А. С. Пушкина, М. Ю. Лермонтова, А. П. Чехова, Н. В. Гоголя, М. С. Щепкина, В. В. Маяковского and others.

Illustrated and designed books for Agiza — Izogiz, publishing house "Young guard": "an Unusual story about the invention of the balloon, about the great scientist Montgolfier, silk skirt and talking the hearth" (1927), "let's Go-ка, boyfriend, hot South" (1928), "Builders" (1929) Г. Л. Владычиной the collection "dates from the life and work of А. С. Пушкина" (1937), "Scary guest" Н. Ф. Остроменцкой (1944).

during the great Patriotic war, worked in "Windows of TASS"; complied with posters: "Visual AIDS (fascist likeness) ..." (1942), "To Moscow!" (1942) and others.

From 1925 — participated in exhibitions. One of the founders of the Association of artists "Genesis" (1925-1929), a member of the akhr (1929-1931). Exhibited: art exhibition of paintings by contemporary local and Moscow artists in Ryazan (1925), 1-я state travelling exhibition of paintings in Moscow, Saratov, Volgograd and other cities (1925), "the Soviet figure" in Samara (1929), 1-я travelling exhibition of paintings and drawings (1929), "Russian figure for 10 лет of the October revolution" (1927), exhibition of works of revolutionary and Soviet themes (1930), "the Art of the third, decisive year of the five-year plan" (1931), "All-Union exhibition to the 100-летию from the date of death М. Ю. Лермонтова. 1841-1941" (1951) in Moscow (the exhibition was scheduled for the summer of 1941, but opened only 10 years спустя. — AI.), contemporary art exhibition in Simferopol (1927), exhibition of drawings in Perm (1930), "С. Т. Аксаков. 100-летию from the day of death" in Abramtsevo (1958-1959), and others. The participant of many international exhibitions and exhibitions of Soviet art abroad: in Tokyo (1927), Winterthur (1929), Danzig (1930), Paris (1931, 1937), Lyon (1932). His personal exhibitions were held in Moscow and Leningrad (1941).

Author of articles in periodicals and various collections of the memorable places of Moscow and Moscow region: "literary Moscow, suffered from the fascist bombs" (1942, not published), "Chekhov's places in Moscow" (in proc. "A literary tour of Moscow". M., 1948), "Belinsky in Moscow" (in proc. "The literary inheritance". M., 1951, т. 57), "Н. В. Гоголь in Moscow" (in: "Proceedings of Museum of history and reconstruction of Moscow". M., 1954, т. 4), "Memorable places of Moscow" (1959), "М. С. Щепкин in Moscow" (1966). The compiler of a collection of memories of Moscow first half of the nineteenth century: "Essays on life in Moscow" (Moscow, 1962).

Work is represented in several Museum collections, including the State Tretyakov gallery, the State literary Museum, the Museum of Moscow history and other.

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