Open 342-е the Auction and 28-й curator's auction "XXI century"
The master catalogue — thirty lots: twenty-one paintings, four sheets of an original and two — printed graphics and three works in mixed media.
the fee from buyers is 18%.
Lots 342-го of the Auction presented in the exhibition online-выставки AI.
Lots 28-го curator of the auction "twenty-first century. Contemporary Russian art" presented in the exhibition online-выставки AI.
Dear participants and spectators of the auction AI! No monitor and no modern gadget ever authentic will not give works of art! Color, texture, not to mention the aura of a particular work, the impression from the meeting with her, the monitor is not subject. Good thing he can do at least wishy-washy, and not very good, on the contrary, to embellish (the last one we have, but it is fair to say it's worth). In addition, each person sees and feels by-своему. So come see all the work with my own eyes we have on Gorokhovsky, 7 (only need to call and make an appointment).
MESCHERSKY Arseny Ivanovich (1834-1902) Rocks on the beach. 1869
oil on Canvas. 51 × 65
Section of Russian art of the late XIX — early twentieth century opens the canvas Arseny Ivanovich Meshchersky "Rocks on the coast" (1869). Landscapes of the rocky shores — favorite subject in paintings of the artist. The lot is not only worthy to go to the best private collections, but represents a true Museum value. Similar paintings with similar Dating are in the collections of the Penza regional art gallery named after. K. A. Savitsky in the Perm state art gallery.
KARAZIN Nikolai Nikolaevich (1842-1908) Landscape with Church. 1890-е
Paper on paper, ink, white. 28,7 × 20,2 (light)
the Marina Meshchersky be a striking beauty graphic "Landscape with Church" (1890-е) Nikolai Nikolaevich Karazin Kharkiv national University. Academician of the Academy of arts, Karasin "has become best known as a draftsman and Illustrator. Published in magazines such as "Niva", "world illustration", "Pictorial review", and many others." Experts suggest that "the work is an illustration to a story from the life of the Northern outskirts of Russia".
Nikolai SERGEYEV (1855-1919) Quiet water. Etude. 1892
Canvas on cardboard, oil. 24,2 × 40,8
the Work of another member of the Academy of arts, Nikolai Alexandrovich Sergeyev presented on the auction AI as a study of "Quiet water" (1892). The images of a peaceful and harmonious village life, peaceful rural life, surrounded by forests, fields, ponds and lakes are the leitmotif of the works of Sergeeva. As the expert in his conclusion, the work probably was originally conceived as a sketch for a large exhibition picture.
ORLOV I. (XIX–?) Winter. Caught in a Blizzard the wagon. The end of the XIX — beginning of the XX century
Wood, oil. 15,8 × 31,5
Winter theme Karazin was echoed by the painting "Winter. Caught in a Blizzard the wagon" (the end of XIX — beginning of XX century) artist Orlov, whose name and life remain a mystery. Canvas marked by dynamic composition — a team of horses approaching through the Blizzard and seems to be directed straight at the viewer. Painter remarkable way conveys the power of the elements which resonates the power of animals in motion.
Leonid TURZHANSKY V. (1874-1945) Wedding. In the village. 1907-1908
oil on Cardboard. 13 × 46
Leonid Viktorovich Turzhansky often chooses the horses of the Central theme of his landscapes, however, represented at the auction the work is dedicated to the village fete. "L. V. Turzhansky often traveled to the villages of the Russian North, has repeatedly came home in the village of Maly Istok in the Urals. The image of the village, household, village houses and courtyards — motif in the artist's work. In the survey study also shows a courtyard inside which turned the holiday festivities. Inside, the noise and the fun, but the artist is interested in the flip side, where flows the usual peaceful life" (judge E. V. Gordeeva).
SUDEIKIN Sergei Yurievich (1882-1946) Sketch posters for the Comedy Sarovskogo Yu. e. "Leprosy of orthopraxy, or Punished pedant". 1915
Cardboard, watercolor, bronze paint, lead pencil, colored pencils, lacquer, tempera. 63,5 × 62
the Work artists of the Russian Diaspora presents four graphic works. Opens the section sketch posters for the Comedy Sarovskogo Yu. e. "Leprosy of orthopraxy, or Punished pedant" (1915) Sergei Yurevich Sudeikin.
"If we consider a special commitment to Sudeikin Russian history and culture, then work on the making of Comedy J. E. Sarovskogo "Leprosy of orthopraxy, or Punished pedant" for performances of the Moscow drama theater, implemented in 1915, was to inspire the artist and come he likes. “Leprosy of vertebrate” refers to the reign of Elizabeth, to sweet heart Sudeikin Russian XVIII century, a connoisseur and an avid fan of which he was. The play focused on the “frivolous” side of privacy. The plot of the play embodies a fun g-жи Dorimene, widow Korabelnikova, in love with a Frenchman, Anselm, its leprosy over the pedant-ректором of the gymnasium, which, in turn, is in love with her. Razvernulas on the background of the Shrovetide festivities, “werepresent”, as they said, a charming lady Dalmeny gave rise to variations on the theme of Russian culture, life, literature, and theater. In the Comedy, an attempt was made to resurrect the traditions of old Russian drama of the XVIII century, was under the influence of the modern French Comedy, life of this era with a whimsical mixture of “Versailles with the Nizhny Novgorod”, the tradition is as quaint Russian theatre, including their home performances. Dedicated entirely to pranks, entertainment, festivities, the play was naturally turned into the form of theatre in the theatre and like games. The play was conceived as a pantomime and ballet, in fancy colored Oriental interludes. Judging from the reviews, giving an idea about the design, heavy luxury decorative image hardly matched resurrect the spirit of the era and was totally devoid of the proper play of light irony and ambiguity. Apparently, the similarity of the Oriental interludes (plug rooms the third act) with modern cabaret, marked by one of the correspondents, due not only to the performers but also the design. You should pay attention on the storyline motivation stage-игрового start carrying the productthe all-consuming nature. As in the easel pictures, in the production of “Leprosy of vertebrate” an overwhelming expression of play and theatricality, combined with their plot motivation and justification became a symptom of the extinction of the theatre-игровой element. Using the arithmetical concept, we can say that the multiplication of the elements of the game, theatricality, stylization in the construction of them to the degree they themselves neutralized. Happened the completion of the trends emerging already in the early period of the artist" (D. Z. Kogan).
POZHIDAEV Gregory A. (1894-1971) Sketches of theatrical costumes. 1920-е – 1930-е
Paper, watercolor, bronze paint, lead pencil. 47 × 62 (light)
Gregory A. Pozhidaev, the theatre and cinema artist, painter and graphic artist. After the emigration (CA. 1921) has lived and worked in Bucharest, Prague, Berlin, Vienna and Paris, where he worked on set design for theatrical productions, movies and concert performances in theatres-кабаре. Read more about the rich and varied creative activity of the artist on AI: "artist of the week: Gregory Pozhidaev".
ANNENKOV Yuri Pavlovich (1889-1974) Sketch the dress of Tatyana Larina for the Opera PI Tchaikovsky's "Eugene Onegin" (option). 1943
Paper, pencil, ink, pen, brush, watercolor, white. 49,5 × 32
the Graphic sheet "Sketch dresses of Tatiana Larina" (option) to the Opera P. I. Tchaikovsky's "Eugene Onegin" was created Yuri Pavlovich Annenkov (see "artist of the week. Yuri Annenkov") in 1943 and was intended for a performance staged Annenkov as a Director and artist in the concert hall "Salle Pleyel" Nazi-occupied Paris.
ARCHIPENKO, Alexander porfiryevich (1887-1964), Les amoureux (the Lovers). Arrangement of folders, Les Formes Vivantes (the Living form). 1963
lithograph on Paper. 76 × 56 (sheet)
Lithograph "Lovers" (1963) Alexander porfiryevich Archipenko — sheet from the folder Les Formes Vivantes ("Living form"), containing 10 tracks and released in Switzerland in 1963, edition of 75 copies.
the Following section of the catalog — the Soviet art of the first third of the twentieth century.
SHTERENBERG, David Petrovich (1881-1948) self-Portrait with a tablecloth. 1920- e
Paper, etching. Of 37.3 × 29,6 (list), 13,5 x 9,3 (print)
avant-garde direction is represented the etching "self-Portrait with a tablecloth" (1920-е) David Petrovich Shterenberg (see "artist of the week: David Shterenberg"). Art historian and art critic V. I. Kostin wrote: "the Greatest thematic load in art Shterenberg carried his etchings, depicting street scenes, everyday life and labor of artisans, landscapes. They are similar in the form of pencil sketches of street artist, depicting different scenes, styles, characters. <...> overall, the graphics artist close to his paintings. In it, as in his painting, David Petrovich Shterenberg emphasis on objectivity and materiality in the artistic depiction of nature and life. It gave him the right confidence and feel realistic..." (
GERASIMOV, Sergei Vasilyevich (1885-1964) Portrait of his brother, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gerasimov. The late 1920-х years.
oil on Canvas. 110 × 80
Painting of social realism, in turn, shows a portrait Sergei VasilyevichGerasimov.
In the section on works of the sixties, chronologically, the first was the work "the Metaphysical figure" (1987) Yuri Ivanovich Zheltova.
ZHELTOV Yury Ivanovich (1942) Metaphysical figure. 1987
oil on Canvas. 88 × 69,5
"it is Possible to note some principles characteristic of metaphysical poetry: the rejection of visible reality, a special understanding of form, perspective, space and the most significant — movement in the underlying irrational levels, expanding the boundaries of art, incorporation of ethical and (or) religious components. Domestic of metaphysics 1960-х was not a group or Association. Rather, we can speak about searching for different artists who, with varying degrees of interest were turned in his work to the problem of the temporal and the eternal <...> Yuri yellow, Parisian resident, a successful photographer and interesting artist, in age somewhat younger than other "sixties" and what-то as expands the creative quest of Edward Steinberg" (the Tradition of non-conformism. Painting. Graphics. Sculpture. Porcelain. From the collection of Joseph Badalova. M.: 2009. S. 14-15).
NEMUKHIN Vladimir Nikolaevich (1925-2016) composition with the map. 1996
Canvas, pencil, acrylic, veneer, playing card, collage, plaster, cuts. 100 × 80,5
Canvas in mixed media "Composition with a map" (1996), according to the expert, "it refers to a well-known and popular series of works V. N. Nemukhin from the card layouts for card-tables. Made these difficult things are picturesquely-пластических formulas based on achievements of the Russian and European avant-garde of the twentieth century. In this particular case, a source of inspiration and the basis for building a... work “composition with the map” came with the work of Italian artist-модерниста and pioneer Lucio Fontana (1899-1968), whose paintings with cuts and tears brought him fame. For the first time since Malevich, the painting was transformed in such a radical way".
SLEPYSHEV Anatoly Stepanovich (1932-2016) Two Nudes. 1989
oil on Canvas. 60 × 80
Complete "section Two Nudes" (1989) Anatoly Stepanovich slepysheva. Colored by the setting sun, disappearing over the edge of the village, free Nude female figures seem to be made of warm pink marble.
HOT Yuri A. (1938) portrait of a woman. 2007
oil on Canvas. 81 × 65
Somewhat apart is textured, impasto Female portrait the semidesertic Yuri Zharkikh, written in 2007 in France, (where the artist lives in recent years). The work was created in a distinctive, unique manner and different conditional forms and original decorative. More information about the artist is available in the articles on AI: "Artists of the week: "asenevtsi", "for the First time: the paintings of Yuri Zharkikh (Jarki) at auction ARTinvestment.RU".
the Last section directory make works by Russian artists of the second half of the twentieth century.
KOKURIN Valeriy Grygorovych (1930-2019) Pond. 1973
Cardboard on hardboard, oil. 40,5 × 53,4
Valery G. Kokurin, adopting the experience of the Moscow artists of the first half of the twentieth century is the Creator of Vladimirschool of painting: "it all started with the fact that in the late 50-х a group of young artists, among whom was Valery Kokurin, began a daring search in the field of color and flavor. The first success and recognition came to him in 1960. About the artists Vladimir are talking after the first Republican exhibition "Soviet Russia". Opinions there were many: praised, criticized, but indifferent was not. In those days, the courage and innovation of the Vladimir artists understand and accept not all. Too unusual was the painting.
Valery Kokurin, endowed by nature with a keen sense of color, even among the boldest of local painters was one of the most striking and original colorists. Element kokurina — is the color, in a beautiful dance of colors ringing appears bright temperament personality of the artist, his ineradicable love for life.
the artist has his own kokorinsky interpretation of the picturesque principles of the Vladimir school. The peculiarity of the creative work of this wonderful master — increased decorativeness and refinement found coloristic chords.
His painting, though based on folklore, but it is imbued with the aesthetics of impressionism, European art, finally, she's-особому sensual and emotional. Painting kokurina Vladimir makes the school more spirited, gives it a special mannerisms, the ease and delights" (Nadezhda Sevastyanova).
RATNER Vladislav Isaakovich (1926-2002) Summer day. 1976
oil on Cardboard. 32,8 × 50
the Work Vladislav Isaakovich Ratner, as always, is based on the large planes of bright colors, the combination of which seem to be on the-фовистски expressive and unexpected.
MOKROV, Nikolai Alekseevich (1926-1996) After rain. 1979
Canvas on cardboard, oil. 34 × 50
Cozy autumn landscape of Nikolai Mokrov continues specified in the section of Russian art of the late XIX — beginning of the twentieth century the theme of the village and stands out against the background of contemporary works catalog due to academic scenic interpretation, the quiet delights of the selected view and its charming old-fashioned.
PURYGIN Leonid Anatolievich (1951-1995) Woman-счастье. The second half of 1980-х
oil on Canvas. 80 × 61
the Current heading character "artist of the week", Leonid Anatolievich Purygin, presented at the auction the work "Woman-счастье" — can say, "the model-показательной" picture of the artist. In the spotlight — specific female character, surrounded by diverse, extremely bizarre appearance shapes and details, for which the artist, in fact, received from the public, the definition of "Russian Bosch".
KONYSHEVA Natta Ivanovna (1935) the judgment of Paris. 1995
Wood, oil. 92 ×50
Completes the auction catalog well-known and many beloved Natta Ivanovna Konysheva (see "artist of the week: Natta Konysheva — Queen of the avant-garde with Serebryanicheskaya"). Her work is a very individual interpretation of the ancient mythological story of "judgement of Paris". Like the painters and miniaturists of the middle Ages, the artist deploys the narrative of a different time and place of the action scenes at one of the scenic plane.
at the same time with our staff 342-м AI Auction open 28-й auction of the project "XXI century. Modern Russian art." The catalogue contains the works of Lydia Vitkovskaya, Diana Vouba, Natalia Garnovskii, Nina Kotel, Sergei Maksiutina, Alexander Mareeva (Lima), Anatoly Purlik, Ekaterina Rozhkova, Vladimir Salnikov and Natalia Turnovo.
All the best of luck on 342-м AI-Аукционе and 28-м auction "twenty-first century. Contemporary Russian art"!
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