Art Investment

Artist Art Associations

Творческое объединение
1 The I. E. Repin Society of artists
1924–1930 Moscow
2 The Society for the Encouragement of the Arts
OPKh, The Imperial Society for the Encouragement of the Arts, The All-Russian Society for the Encouragement of the Arts
1820–1930 Saint Petersburg — Petrograd — Leningrad
3 Moscow Society of Art Lovers
1860–1918 Moscow
4 St. Petersburg Artel of Artists
Artel of Artists
1863–1871 Saint Petersburg
5 Artel of P. A. Krestonostsev
1864–1865 Saint Petersburg
6 The Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions
TPKhV, The Society of the Itinerants, The Society for Itinerant Art Exhibitions, “Peredvizhniki”
1870–1918 Moscow, Saint Petersburg
7 The Society of Russian Acquaforte Engravers
1871–1874 Saint Petersburg
8 The Society of Art Exhibitions
1874–1885 Saint Petersburg
9 The Society of Russian Watercolorists
The Circle of Russian Watercolorists, The Imperial Society of Russian Watercolorists, ORA
1880–1918 Saint Petersburg — Petrograd
10 The first art circle for ladies
1882–1918 Saint Petersburg — Petrograd
11 St. Petersburg Society of Artists
Petrograd Society of Artists, Society of Artists of St. Petersburg
1890–1918 Saint Petersburg — Petrograd
12 The Society of South Russian Artists
The Association of South-Russian artists
1890–1922 Odessa
13 Moscow Association of Artists
1893–1924 Moscow
14 The Society of history-painters
1896–1906 Moscow, Saint Petersburg
15 The society Mir Iskusstva
"World of Art"
1898–1924 Saint Petersburg — Petrograd
16 The Abramtsevo art circle
The Abramtsevo circle
Last third of XIX century — beginning of XX century Abramtsevo, Moscow
17 Phalanx
Der Phalanx, The Phalanx society
1901–1904 Munich
18 the New Society of Artists
1903–1917 Saint Petersburg — Petrograd
19 The Union of Russian Artists
1903–1923 Moscow, Saint Petersburg — Petrograd
20 The group Alaya Roza
“Scarlet Rose”
1904–1904 Saratov
21 The group Murava
1904–1918 Moscow
22 The Association of Artists
1904–1924 Saint Petersburg — Petrograd
23 The group Venok — Stefanos
"The Wreath — Stephanos"
1907–1910 Moscow
24 The group Golubaya Roza
"Blue Rose"
1907–1910 Moscow
25 The society Free Aesthetics
1907–1917 Moscow
26 The group Venok
1908–1908 Saint Petersburg
27 The society Obshchina Khudozhnikov
"Artist Community"
1908–1930 Saint Petersburg — Petrograd — Leningrad
28 Munich New Artists' Association
1909–1912 (formally till 1920) Munich
29 The A. I. Kuindzhi Society of Artists
1909–1931 Saint Petersburg — Petrograd — Leningrad
30 The Union of Youth
1909–1913 Saint Petersburg
31 Vyatka Art Circle
1909–1918 Vyatka
32 The Society of Independent Artists
1909 (1916)–1920 Odessa
33 The Blue Rider
Der Blaue Reiter
1911–1914 Munich — Murnau
34 Jack of Diamonds
The group <em>Bubnovy Valet</em>, Knave of Diamonds
1911–1917 Moscow
35 The society Svobodnoye Tvorchestvo
"Free Art"
1911–1918 Moscow
36 The society Svobodnoye Iskusstvo
"Free Art"
1912–1922 Moscow
37 The Intimate studio of painters and graphic artists
1914–1915 Saint Petersburg
38 The Society of Moscow Women Artists
1914–1915 Moscow
39 The Group of Seven
The Union of Seven
1914 or 1916&nbsp;— 1919 Kharkov
40 0,10
1915–1916, 1917 Petrograd, Moscow
41 The Jewish Society for the Encouragement of the Arts
1915–1918 Petrograd, Moscow
42 The society Supremus
1916–1917 Moscow
43 The St. Luke's Guild of Painters
1917–1918 Petrograd
44 The association Proletcult
Proletarian Culture
1917–1932 Petrograd — Leningrad
45 The society Zelenaya koshka
"Green Cat"
1918–1920 Khabarovsk
46 The Society of Young Artists
1919–1923 Moscow
47 The society The Champions of the New Art
1919–1926 Vitebsk, Petrograd — Leningrad
48 The group ZORVED
"See-know", The group of advanced vision, KORN
1919–1932 Petrograd — Leningrad
49 The group Vsadnik
"Rider", The group of graphic artists Vsadnik ("Rider"), The group of graphic artists under Kazan Art Studios
1920–1924 Kazan
50 The futurist group Chervonnaya Troika
"The Three of Hearts"
1921–1922 Omsk
51 The society Makovets
The union of poets and artists Art – life
1921–1926 Moscow
52 The New Society of Painters
1921–1924 Moscow
53 The society Bytie
1921–1930 Moscow
54 The group Method
The group Projectionists
1922–1925 Moscow
55 The Kostandi Society of Artists
1922–1929 Odessa
56 The association The Left Front of the Arts
LEF, The Revolutionary Front of the Arts, REF
1922–1930 Moscow
57 The Association of the artists of Revolutionary Russia
AKhRR, The Association of the artists of the Revolution, AKhR
1922–1932 Moscow
58 The group Amaravella
Quadriga, Cosmists
1923–1928 Moscow
59 Zhar-Tsvet
Fiery flower
1923–1928 Moscow
60 The Association of New Architects
1923–1932 Moscow
61 The group Concrete Artists
1924–1925 Moscow
62 The society Moscow painters
1924–1925 Moscow
63 The society Four Arts
1924–1931 Moscow
64 The Artel of Ancient Painting
The Palekh Artel of Ancient Painting
1924–1935 Palekh near Ivanovo
65 The group Ob’edinennoye Iskusstvo
OBIS, "United Art"
1925–1925 Moscow
66 The group Art to working people
1925–1928 Moscow
67 The Society of Easel Artists
1925–1932 Moscow
68 The Youth Organization under the Association of the artists of Revolutionary Russia
OMAKhRR, The Youth Organization under the Association of the artists of the Revolution, OMAKhR
1925–1932 Moscow
69 The Society of Russian Sculptors
1925–1932 Moscow
70 The society Masters of Analytic Art
1925–1932 Leningrad
71 The Organization of Contemporary Architects
OSA, The OSA group, The Association of Modern Architects
1925–1932 Moscow
72 The group Put’ Zhivopisi
"The Way of Painting"
1926–1930 Moscow
73 The group Tsekh zhivopistsev
«The guild of painters»
1926–1930 Moscow
74 The society New Siberia
1926–1931 Novosibirsk
75 The association Krug Khudozhnikov
"Circle of Artists"
1926–1932 Leningrad
76 The society Masters of New East
1926/1927&nbsp;— 1930 Tashkent
77 The Association of realist painters
1927–1932 Moscow, Leningrad
78 The Society of Moscow artists
1927–1932 Moscow
79 The Group of painting-plastic realism
1927–1934 Leningrad
80 The artist community ROST
ROST ("Growth")
1928–1930 Moscow
81 The art society October
The All-Russian association of workers of new arts Oktyabr ("October")
1928–1932 Moscow, Leningrad
82 Moscow Association of Stage Designers
1928–1930 Moscow
83 13
The group Trinadtsat ("Thirteen")
1928–1932 Moscow
84 The society Tsekh Khudozhnikov
"The guild of artists"
1930–1932 Leningrad
85 Izobrigada
"Group of art workers"
1931–1932 Moscow

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