Art Investment

The St. Luke's Guild of Painters

1917-1918, Petrograd

Wizard (members): D. N. Kardovsky, VI Shukhaiev, A. E. Yakovlev.

Apprentice (candidates): B. F. Kovarskii, V. N. Bags, . E. Radloff, . V. Remizov (Re-Ми), M. E. focht.

a Group of artists that emerged on the initiative D. N. Kardovsky, V. I. Shukhaev and A. E. Yakovlev which goal the revival of professional traditions of the old masters. Officially were not decorated.

the name Chosen — reminiscence of the European Guild of St. Luke (Guild of the Association of artists of Northern Europe XV — XVII centuries) and the famous Roman Academy of St. Luke. The Evangelist Luke — patron of painters, which, according to legend, belongs to the first image of the virgin Mary with the Baby.

At the heart of teaching was a technique D. N. Kardovsky, built on a careful study of the pattern; Kardovsky demanded that students "impeccable command over the line, clarity in the study of specific forms, love of detail, completeness of the work." The organizational structure of the repeated medieval Guild system: master — journeyman — student; was supposed to be built on strict discipline and subordination of the artistic to the will of the "master craftsmen".

the First meeting was held on 17 April 1918. N. E. radloff keynote address: "the goals and means of pictorial art", which was subsequently published in the journal "Apollon" (1917, No. 8-10): "We believe that organized society is only built on a common understanding art of its members... Speaking of our iskusstvovedeniya, we do not intend to surprise someone-либо than-либо new. We are not discoverers of new currents and not the inventors of new “isms”. Our iskusstvovedeniya is not one of the possible new views on art seeking their rights along with the existing... the result and the goal of beautiful art is a painting... Two tasks are indicated in front of us: a practical implementation of the objectives of painting, that is, the establishment of an absolute artistic values, and to achieve this, our development and training other artists to assimilate the picturesque literacy".

the Participants planned to create a partnership on equal footing, to organize a publishing house, a club, a workshop for production of decorative paints; to arrange lectures, conduct debates. However, the program was not implemented; in 1918, the Society ceased to exist.


1. Lebedeva I. In. The society of painters. The history of the artistic life of Leningrad 1920-х // Soviet art history. Vol. 24. M., 1988. S. 350, 358.
2. Radloff N. E. Shop St. Luke // Apollon, 1917, No. 8-10. P. 61-97, 92.
3. D. Y. Severyukhin, Leikind O. L. The Golden age of art associations in Russia and the Soviet Union. Reference. SPb., 1992. P. 333-335.

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