Terms of Use
Terms of Use ARTinvestment.RU
Carefully read the text of the Treaty. It contains binding rules and conditions that You agree to comply with in the case of use of the website ARTinvestment.RU and posted on the database.
the text of the Treaty can be changed over time at the discretion of the owner and in connection with the change in the current legislation of the Russian Federation, so users should periodically check the date of the current version of the agreement. Current edition is posted on the website at the time it is the user.
once You become a registered user of the site, You agree without exception to the terms and conditions of use listed in the current edition of the Treaty, and are responsible in case of infringement of intellectual property rights of rights holders represented on the site works in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
the Person who does not accept the conditions below, the contract has no right to use the site and its content.
You have no right to use the site without registering, as all content posted herein are intended solely for personal (non-commercial) purposes.
Contract of adhesion
this contract is concluded between the licensor and the User of the site ARTinvestment.RU and is a contract of adhesion. The beginning of the use of this site constitutes acceptance of the user at the conclusion of this agreement.
At the conclusion of the contract the parties proceed from the fact that the copyright holder has the exclusive right to the site and its content as the result of intellectual activity; is entitled to use at its discretion any not illegal; can allow or prohibit other persons using the website and its content in the amount of rights granted to them.
Other persons may not use the website materials without consent of the owner and determine the amount of permitted use.
the Use of the website materials without consent of the owner or to the extent not granted by the copyright holder is illegal and punishable under the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Starting work with this site, the user agrees to the processing of personal data in accordance with the law N 152-ФЗ "On personal data" and "the Policy of ZAO "safe" in relation to the processing of personal data". If the user does not agree with this condition, it must stop using the website, close the page and leave the site.
1. The terms used in the contract
Website — placed in the computer of the Internet, duly registered web-сайт address ARTinvestment.RU.
the Contents of the site, site content, site materials — the texts of articles, reviews, review, the database contained in them informational materials, graphics and colour images, symbols, photos, reproductions and other works that are the objects of copyright according to the law.
database (DB) — is presented in the form of comprehensive software collection of independent, itemized the materials,contains information about artists ' biographies, their published and published works, with attribution, statistical and other information about the public transactions in relation to these works, analytical and other information. Materials systematized in such a way that they could be found and processed by computer.
the holder — a person who has registered a website ARTinvestment.RU, the holder of the exclusive rights to the site and all its contents as to the result of intellectual activities that have a statutory right to dispose of the exclusive right, which may at his discretion permit or prohibit other persons the use of the site and its content as the result of intellectual activity.
User — a person who has accepted conditions of the contract with the owner and received on the basis of the non-exclusive right to use the website and its content for personal purposes.
2. Intellectual property rights
2.1. Exclusive copyrights to all programs, technology, concepts developed for the creation and operation of the site ARTinvestment.RU on design, including some elements of design, images, content (articles, analytical reviews, information and text content databases) belong to the copyright holder.
When using the site materials authorized by the copyright owner follows the link to the website ARTinvestment.RU mandatory.
2.2. The holder has also the exclusive right of the manufacturer (part 4 of article 1334 of the civil code) and compiler (selection and arrangement of materials, part 4 of article 1260 of the civil code) in relation to the published on the website of the database.
As the manufacturer database right has the exclusive right to extract from the database of materials and carry out their subsequent use in any form and by any means.
Nobody has the right to extract from the database of materials and carry out their subsequent use without the permission of the copyright holder.
the Exclusive right of the copyright holder as the manufacturer database is recognized and valid regardless of the existence and operation of the copyright rights of others to compile a database works.
2.3. In compiling the database, the right holder were guided by article 29 paragraph 4 of the Constitution that everyone has the right freely to seek, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information by any legal way.
2.4. The Treaty of accession of the possessor of rights were guided by article 1273, 1274, 1291 part 4 of the civil code in terms of amount of usage represented in the database of information in order to protect copyright holders on the materials constituting the content of the site, and established by law the right of personal use of works (published and lawfully published) by citizens (individuals) to the extent permitted by applicable law, as well as citizens and organizations in the information, scientific, educational or cultural purposes.
3. User Rights
3.1. The user may use the site only within those rights and those ways provided by this contract (see section 3.2). Right to use website materials, not expressly stated in this contract shall not be considered granted to the User.
3.2.The user has the right:
- to use the site for personal purposes not related to commercial activity;
- to extract information from the database for personal use: free private viewing in the family circle, a temporary copy is for personal use them by;
- , provided acknowledgement of the source (database ARTinvestment.RU) allowed: quotation, justifiable scientific, educational, cultural nature of the work in reviews, articles scientific, cultural-просветительской and training topics;
- is a free to use site materials for informational, scientific, educational or cultural purposes, namely:
- to quote the original and in translation for scientific, polemic, critical or informational purposes exclusive news from the site, to the extent justified by the purpose of citing, including reproduction of excerpts published on the website articles in the form of related media, citing a source
- to use the website texts and excerpts from them as illustrations in editions, radio@- and television programs, of sound@the video - and training character in volume, justified by the intended purpose,
- freely, with the name of the author of the material and the link to the site reproduction in a single copy without profit extraction of text content in the form of separate articles and reports by libraries and archives at the request of citizens for educational or scientific purposes, as well as educational institutions for classroom.
3.3. The user shall not:
- to reproduce what-либо of the materials that make up the content of the site, that is, to produce one or more copies of any of the website materials in whole or in part (whether images, articles, database and other) in any material form, including in shape zvuko@- or video. The product record on the electronic carrier, including record in a computer memory, also is considered reproduction, except when such recording is temporary and constitutes an inseparable and essential part of a technological process having the sole purpose lawful use of recording or lawful bringing of a work to the public;
- to distribute components of the site works (originals, copies, copies), by sale or other disposition;
- to produce a public display of website content that is, any demonstration directly on the screen using film, slides, television pictures or other technical means, and also demonstration of separate frames of audiovisual work without observance of their sequence directly or via technical means in a place opened for free visiting, or in a place where there is a significant number of persons not belonging to ordinary family circle, irrespective of whether the product is perceived in the place of its demonstration or in another place simultaneously with the demonstration of products;
- to translate or otherwise process the content of the site. This processing refers to the creation of a derivative work (processing, etc.), reproduction and editing of images, processing and editing of texts andother intervention materials are subject to copyright. Under the processing of databases refers to any change, including translation from one language to another, with the exception of adaptation, i.e., changes implemented solely for the purpose of functioning of the database for a specific technical means of the user or under control of concrete programs user;
- to inform the contents of the site in the broadcast or cable;
- to bring the materials on the website (in any amount) to the public so so any person can access them from any place and at any time by choice;
- play posted on the website database — as a whole, and parts.
4. the copyright holder reserves the right to change the terms of this agreement at its sole discretion unilaterally and to make changes in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
5. No copyright for what-либо the material on this site is transferred to the contract.
6. When using the website, the User guarantees the observance of the exclusive rights of the copyright owner on the site and its materials are subject to copyright of third parties provided to the right holder rights to use their materials, as well as the rights of authors whose works are posted on the website.
7. the Agreement shall enter into force from the date of use of the website and is valid for the period of its use by the User.
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© artinvestment.ru, 2025
Attention! All materials of the site and database of auction results ARTinvestment.RU, including illustrated reference information about the works sold at auctions, are intended for use exclusively for informational, scientific, educational and cultural purposes in accordance with Art. 1274 of the Civil Code. Use for commercial purposes or in violation of the rules established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is not allowed. ARTinvestment.RU is not responsible for the content of materials submitted by third parties. In case of violation of the rights of third parties, the site administration reserves the right to remove them from the site and from the database on the basis of an application from an authorized body.