The society Svobodnoye Iskusstvo
1912-1922, Moscow
the Members and exhibitors: A. F. Andronov, P. A. Baklanov, V. N. Vassiliev, A. V. Grishchenko, D. I. Divov, P. I. Ermilov, S. P. Izvekov, I. V. Ipatov, K. E. Kish, D. I. Kokurin, . K. Konstantinov, A. I. Kravchenko, Vladimir Krainov, A. A. Krasovskii, . E. Kuznetsov, S. E. Lednev-Щукин, M. V. LeBlanc, K. S. Malevich, I. A. Malyutin, A. V. Manganari, S. D. Merkurov, O. N. Natalina, V. N. Nevsky, S. V. Noakovsky, S. R. Orlov, I. N. Pavlov, . Piskarev, A. M. Pokrovskii, . N. Pomansky, A. L. Rzhevskaya, M. D. Windsunsky, D. G. Sobolev, A. V. Sokolov, V. E. Tatlin, A. P. Fabergé, S. I. Frolov, . A. Sheverdyaev, . L. St. George and others.
Exhibitions: 1-я (1912/1913, Moscow) — 9-я (1922, Moscow)
Art society@the semicolon was the result of the split of the society "Free art" soon after his first exhibition (December 1911 — January 1912). In early 1912 two formed the art group and simultaneously appealed to the Moscow city presence with the application for registration of the society under the name of "Free creativity". The decision of the authorities, this name was assigned to the artist group E. A. Gulevich. The petition, signed by V. N. Vassiliev, . K. Konstantinov, M. V. LeBlanc and S. R. Orlov, was rejected from-за formal inaccuracies in the Charter. May 8, 1912, the group registered a new Charter, under which it became known as "Free art". While the legal battle for the return of the original name lasted until the end of 1915, when a special decision of the Senate has been rejected completely.
According to its Charter, "Free art" aim "the spread of modern concepts concerning the fine arts" and had the right to organize in Moscow "a) art exhibits b) lectures, essays, courses, museums, etc.". From 1912 to 1918, there have been six exhibitions called "Contemporary art", which in addition to the paintings exhibited drawings, sculpture, decorative-прикладного art. The exhibition opened on Christmas day and lasted until mid-January next year. The works were selected by the permanent exhibition Committee, which included A. P. Baklanov, A. I. Kravchenko, M. V. LeBlanc, S. R. Orlov, . N. Pomansky, A. P. Fabergé. 1915 Chairman of the society was . E. Kuznetsov.
reserved Exhibition was evaluated by the critics and, according to A. M. Efros, were among the "younger"exhibition.
In 1918, the society participated in the two exhibition of paintings of the Professional Union of artists in Moscow (this speech is considered to be 7-й and 8-й exhibitions of "Free art"). After 9-й exhibition (1922), the Society ceased operations.