Art Investment


1923-1928, Moscow

Members-учредители: K. F. Bogaevsky, E. I. Kamzolkin, K. V. Kandaurov, I. A. Mendelevich, A. E. Mycanadian, Y. L. Obolenskaya, p. P. Sviridov, M. E. Kharlamov

Members and exhibitors: N. N. Agapeeva, T. T. Amirov, H. M. Aladzhalov, K. A. Andreev-Кокорина, A. Arkhipov, . N. Achkasov, . S. Barsamov, F. S. Bogorodsky, . Bychkov, V. A. Vatagin, V. M. Furkin, B. I. Vendors, M. A. Voloshin, V. Wulf, . N. Vysheslavtsev, G. P. Goldstein, V. I. Grundy, A. A. Gromov, S. N. Grositsky, O. L. Della-Вос-Кардовская, . P. Demetrius, M. A. Dobrov, M. V. Dobuzhinsky, V. N. Domogatskii, M. M. Ekimov, L. A. Egorov, K. P. Ershov, O. A. Iacolina, A. N. Gurari, M. M. Zaitsev, I. I. Zakharov, A. A. Ioff, S. I. Kalmykov, B. B. Kameraz, D. N. Kardovsky, E. N. Kachura-Фалилеева, G. I. Kainov, K. I. Kolesov-Шевлягина, A. N. Mosquitoes, M. I. Konoplev, V. S. Konstantinov, K. E. Kostenko, R. I. Kotovich-Борисяк, . V. Krandievskaya, E. S. Kruglikova, A. Kuznetsov, I. S. Kuklinski, A. Kulikov, V. P. Kurmanaevskogo, . E. Lancer, , A. A. Lappo-Данилевский, M. V. LeBlanc, P. M. Lebedev, S. I. Lobanov, S. P. Lodygin, L. M. Makarov, V. V. Meshkov, D. I. Mitrokhin, S. Z. Magrachev, P. I. Neradovsky, . I. Nesterov, E. D. Nikiforova-Кирпичникова, E. V. Aranovsky, V. S. Orlov, A. P. Ostroumova-Лебедева, A. N. Pavlov, A. E. Panov, A. M. Pastukhov, V. P. Petrov, K. S. Petrov-Водкин, . Piskarev, S. I. Pichugin, I. N. Pleschinskiy, S. V. Priselkov, E. G. Prokofiev, S. M. Prokhorov, A. A. Pupyrev, . E. Radloff, J. E. Radlov, Yu. V. Razumovskaya, A. A. Rybnikov, . G. Salov, A. N. Samokhvalov, E. E. Semenova, S. P. Sergeev, A. A. Sidorov, A. K. Simonov, V. A. Skvortsov, F. Smirnov, I. A. Sokolov, P. I. Sokolov, P. I. Spassky, P. N. Staronosov, A. A. Suvorov, M. A. Sukhotina, B. A. Tacca, K. A. Tomaszewski, . P. Ulyanov, P. S. Utkin, V. D. Falileev, L. N. Tomasiewicz, . I. Khrustachev, D. N. Chilikin, L. T. Chupiatov, M. A. Sharonov, . K. Schwede-Радлова, A. M. Shishkevich-Круглова, V. A. Alpert, B. N. Essen.

Exhibitions: 1-я (1924, Moscow) — 5-я (1929, Moscow).

Exhibition Association; founded in December 1923 by a group of former participants "World of art", the Union of Russian artists, the New society of artists, "the Moscow salon". In his work the members of the Association relied on the traditions of world of art, pushing as software installation "composite realism on the basis of artistic craftsmanship". In a letter to the K. F. Bogaevskogo 27 Jan 1924 K. V. Kandaurov wrote: "the First exhibition will be interesting for-старому... and if you don't attract buyers, visitors... the name of the society gave @ldquo;Жар-Цвет@rdquo; — is anybody not visible to the fern flower".

the company was located in the apartment house at the corner of Silver and Krivokolesko lane on Arbat street (house No. 4), where he lived sculptor V. N. Domogatskii, meetings were also held in the Central house of workers of arts on the street Herzen. Associationwas organized five exhibitions in Moscow (all accompanied by the publication of a catalogue); exhibitions were held in the Central House of scientists (1926), the building of the Anatomic theatre of Moscow state University (1928). 4-й exhibition (1928) was illustrated jubilee exhibition "XXX years of creative activity K. F. Bogaevsky". In addition, members of the community participated in the First state travelling exhibition of paintings (1925, Moscow — Saratov, Volgograd — Kazan @Nizhny Novgorod mdas), 1-й and 2-й traveling exhibitions of paintings and graphics, organized by the people's Commissariat Glaviskusstvo (1929, Moscow; 1930, Nizhny Novgorod — Kazan — Sverdlovsk — Perm — Ufa — Samara — Saratov — Penza). Works from the exhibitions were acquired not only by private collectors but by museums, particularly in the State Tretyakov gallery ("Kaffa (Feodosiya Old)", "Landscape with trees" K. F. Bogaevsky).

In the introduction to the catalogue 4-й exhibition A. A. Sidorov wrote: "Artists @ldquo;Жар-Цвета@rdquo; the United most clearly is their attraction to the painting, to the composition, as opposed to Dan @ldquo;этюду@rdquo;, so targetvolume in modern painting. Historically, the group has developed on the ruins @ldquo;Мира art@rdquo; that all-таки remains the Central and most cultural group traditions and heritage... To @ldquo;Жар-Цвету@rdquo; will always be those vlacica art of our energy, which is equally as close and stuffy formalism and naturalism".

however, the Union was under attack from Orovsky criticism. So V. M. Lobanov wrote: "His mission society in his statement in the catalogue for 3-й the exhibition, although it considers @ldquo;композиционный realism on the basis of artistic skill@rdquo;, but in his artistic practice the same, sometimes complicated sound national motives, decorative approach, which, as in @ldquo;Четырех arts@rdquo;, reduces the social significance of the most artwelove. This creative method of arcuatula, despite the presence at exhibitions a sufficient number of those with revolutionary content, making them work detached from the main paths of contemporary fine arts and allows to rank their organizations in any-то its parts cultivating bourgeois tastes of the modern audience."

In 1929, the Society ceased to exist. In 1931 some members joined the Union of Soviet artists, part of — to the Association "Art — socialist construction" (ISTR).


  1. Lobanov V. M. Art groups over the past 25 years. M., 1930. P.142.
  2. Severyukhin Dy, Leikind O. L. The Golden age of art associations in Russia and the Soviet Union. Reference. SPb., 1992. S. 63-64.

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