Art Investment

Dmitrevsky Nikolay Pavlovich


Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Dmitrievsky


DMITREVSKY (Demetrius), Nikolai Pavlovich

6 ноября 1890 (Hankow, China) — 2 января 1938 (Moscow)


From the family of the Russian Consul in Hankou; from 1895 he lived in Vologda. Studied at the Vologda classical gymnasium. Initial art education has received in "Northern mug lovers of fine arts" in Vologda (1906). Attempted to enter the Higher art school of painting, sculpture and architecture under the Imperial Academy of arts, but to no avail. He studied at the Drawing school of the Society for the encouragement of arts (1909-1910), private Studio Д. Н. Кардовского in St. Petersburg (1910), MUZHVZ (1911-1915; did not graduate). In 1915 he was called up for military duty and sent to the Alexandrov military College; participant of the First world war. In 1918 he was demobilized and returned to Vologda.

he Lived in Vologda (1918-1928), Moscow (1928). Worked in the field of easel and book graphics in the techniques of woodcuts, linocuts, lithographs. Executed portraits, landscapes; was engaged in ex-libris. In Vologda designed the productions of the National theatre of the revolution. He worked in the Department of museums and protection of monuments of art and antiquities of the Vologda provincial Executive Committee. In 1919 at the initiative of the artist drawing classes at the "Northern mug lovers of fine arts" have been transformed into State free art workshops.

Collaborated with the magazine "Carousel" (Vologda, 1922), Academia publishers, Moscow Association of writers, the "Young guard" and others. Issued collections of poems "Predgradie" (1924), "Willow shoots" (1926) С. Стрибожича That "Twelve" А. А. Блока (1927), "notes of petrashevtsy" Д. Д. Ахшарумова (1930), "Emelyan Pugachev" В. В. Каменского (1931), "Past and thoughts" А. И. Герцена (1931), "the city of the sun" Т. Кампанеллы (1934), "Poems" П. А. Вяземского (1935), "On the nature of things" by Titus Lucretius Kara (1936), "Memories about the case of Vera Zasulich" А. Ф. Кони (1938) and others. Created the series "Old Vologda" (linocut, 1922; together with И. И. Варакиным), "Memory А. Блока. Theatre" (lithograph, 1922), based on poems Э. Верхарна (woodcut, 1923 and 1924), Russian folk tales (watercolor, ink, pen, 1934). Executed the portraits of (in the technique of xylography and linocuts) А. Дюрера, Edgar Allan PoE, Michelangelo (all — 1923), В. И. Ленина (1924), А. С. Пушкина (1925 and 1934), А. А. Блока (1926 and 1929), М. К. Чурлениса (1927), А. П. Чехова (1929), Б. Л. Пастернака (1935) several self-portraits.

From 1912 — participated in exhibitions. Member of the "Northern mug lovers of fine arts" (warriors from 1912 to 1920). Exhibited: "Russian book mark" in Kazan (1923), the Leningrad society exlibrises (1925, 1926), "Graphic art in the USSR 1917-1928", "Russian xylography for 10 лет" (both — 1927), "Art ex libris" (1928) in Leningrad, society "fire-цвет" (1926), the all-Union printing exhibition "Engraving the USSR for 10 лет" (both — 1927), "The liberation movement XVI — XX centuries" (1928) in Moscow, "Artists of the RSFSR for XV years" in Leningrad and Moscow (1932-1934), international press exhibition in Cologne (1928) and others.

he Taught at the School of printing production (1919-1924) and Art school (1921-1924) in Vologda.

Exhibition of works by Dmitrevsky was held in Vologda (1964).

the Works are in many Museum collections, including the State Tretyakov gallery, the State Russian Museum, the Pushkin Museum im. А. С. Пушкина State Museum А. С. Пушкина (literary), Vologda regional art gallery and others.

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