Painter, graphic artist arts-прикладного art, set designer
From a peasant family. In 1896 поступил apprentice at a textile factory in Moscow, then was "boy" in the colonial merchant Myasnikova the artist worked in the icon workshop (1896-1901).
he Studied at night the artist's Studio А. П. Большакова in Moscow (1903-1906), MUZHVZ (1906-1913) К. Н. Горского, А. М. Корина, В. А. Серова, К. А. Коровина, А. Е. Архипова, Л. О. Пастернака, Н. А. Касаткина (without graduated diploma).
he Lived in Moscow, from 1915 — in the street. Worked in the farm on a list of churches in Moscow contractor Shivareva. Completed the painting of the refectory and chapel of St. Nicholas in the Cathedral of the Epiphany (elohovskom) Cathedral (1912; together with a team of painters В. П. Гурьянова), the Church of St. Nicholas in the Pits (1914) in Moscow.
In 1917 he was drafted into the army; served in an infantry regiment. In 1917, under the leadership П. В. Кузнецова participated in the design of this year's "Revolution" on the state racing Hippodrome in Moscow.
Published a campaign prints in the log "Path of liberation", organized by the art section of the Soviet of soldiers ' deputies. With the support of the cultural Department of this of the Moscow Soviet of soldiers ' deputies issued a cycle lithographed popular prints. In 1918 he was demobilized.
in 1918 worked in the Moscow Proletkult; campaign designed cars. In the early 1920-х entered the service in Maloyaroslavets uyezd Department of national education; taught drawing in the school level II. Performed as an actor and theatrical designer Rail in the people's house.
In 1920-30-х by order of the state publishing house carried out the prints, wall calendar, illustrated books. Worked on the painting of trays, boxes, engaged in lacquer miniature Museum for handicraft-художественной industry.
the Author of these works of art: "a Song about a Crow and a Combustible-Камне" (1910), "Vorobyov Mountains" (1910-е), "and Here rides the Ilya Muromets", "dawn-заряница, fair maiden", "you never know when God sleeps", "Baptism" revolution, "Not a prayer", "Mountain Land-Матери", "Recruiting song", "the Path of virtue", "Who forgot their duty to the Motherland", "Poor Makar", "The coming of the Antichrist" (1917-1918), "Volga and Mikula", "Maiden wedding song", "say Kalika..." (all — 1946) and others.
Worked in the field of easel painting and graphics. Genre painter, landscape painter, portraitist, painted pictures on historical subjects. Completed paintings: "crack house" (1915), "How our you doing in the city" (1919), "Farmers market" (1920), "Old stone bridge" (1927), "the Family" (1929), "the Roads (the episode on the maneuver)" (early 1930-х), "Courtyard in the morning" (1935), "Winter yard" (1937), "the Environs of Maloyaroslavets. Night" (1940), "the Bachelorette party" (1942), "the Monastery in Maloyaroslavets" (1944), "Moloduha" (1945), "the City taken by the Germans" (the first half of 1940-х), "Alexander Nevsky of the Novgorod Veche" (mid 1940-х), "Dancer" and others. The author of several works on the Civil war. Participated in the creation of diorama "Battle at Chongarskiy bridge" panorama "Sturm Perekopa" (with artists Studio М. Б. Грекова). Performed extensive graphic cycle on themes of Russian folklore.
Participated in the design of the pavilion "Moscow" at VSHV (1939). The author of the coat of arms of Maloyaroslavets (1943).
From 1917 — participant of exhibitions ("World of art" in Moscow). A member and Exhibitor Association "Heat-цвет" (1926, 1928, 1929). Participated in exhibitions of the society AHRR (1926), "the Union of Soviet artists" (1931). From 1932 — a member of mosskh.
Participated in exhibitions: "XV years of the red army" (1933), layouts, sketches and sketches of the panorama and diorama "Storm Perekop" (1938), all-Union art exhibitions (1939, "the industry of socialism"; 1946, 1947), paintings, drawings and sculpture (1941), sketches, panoramas and dioramas "Storming of Perekop" and "the defense of Tsaritsyn" (1942), "the Red Army against German-фашистскими invaders" (1943) in Moscow, 3-й (1925) and 4-й (1926) exhibitions in Kaluga, 5-й exhibition of paintings and graphics of modern Russian artists in Feodosia (1929), mobile exhibitions of paintings and drawings of Soviet artists in Gorky, Kuibyshev (1946), Saratov (1947), Perm, Nizhniy Tagil, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk (1948), Orel, Yelets (1949).
In 1978 в Moscow was organized an exhibition "А. Е. Куликов. 1884-1949: Soviet Russian lubok" (published catalogue); in 2009 в malojaroslavec the exhibition "Joy of life" Athanasius Kulikova", timed to 125-летию from the day of his birth (published catalogue). The artist dedicated edition of "Athanasius Efremovich Kulikov" (M-Ярославец, 1994), О. Р. Хромова "Athanasius Kulikov. Book of the artists" (Moscow, 2000).
the Works are in many Museum collections, including the State Tretyakov gallery, the State Russian Museum, art Museum of Kaluga, Maloyaroslavets municipal art gallery. Е. А. Чернявской and others.
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