The Society of South Russian Artists
1890-1922, Odessa
Members-учредители: E. I. Bukovetsky, K. K. Kostandi, N. Kuznetsov, G. A. Ladyzhenskaya, A. A. Popov, A. P. Rosmarien, . L. Skadovsky, B. V. Edwards.
the Members and exhibitors: V. N. Akimovich, . H. Alcomate, . Altman, A. F. Afanasiev, V. S. Balz, M. V. Gangs, V. D. Baranov-Россине, G. Z. Bashinjaghyan, E. S. Bendel, , Yu R. Bershad, A. F. Biscani, K. F. Bogaevsky, V. S. Bogdanov, . K. Bodarevsky, D. I. Bortniker, J. E. Borchenko, O. E. Braz, M. F. bree-Бейн, L. A. Brodsky, I. I. Brodsky, V. D. Burliuk, D. D. Burliuk, L. D. Burliuk-Кузнецова, S. M. Vasilopoulou, V. O. Gorbachevskiy, M. M. Vinnik, M. I. Voynar, P. G. Volokidin, E. K. Vrzhesh, A. V. Hansen, P. P. Ghana, A. F. GAUS, A. Golovin, G. S. Golovkov, I. S. Goriushkin-Сорокопудов, . K. Gradkowski, B. N. Grosser, A. G. Grossman, T. Y. Dvornikov, . D. Dmitriev-Оренбургский, V. K. of s, V. H. Souse, M. I. Zibanchik (Seebenstein), B. V. Zuyev, E. E. Ivanitskaya, . I. Ivanov, A. K. Kalning, S. T. Kamensky, V. V. Kandinsky, S. Y. Chisinau, A. A. Kobtsev, S. F. Kolesnikov, O. M. Konopka, Vladimir Korenev, V. F. Korenev-Новороссийский, D. K. Krainev, V. G. Krihatsky, I. I. Krylov, B. A. Kublanov, D. D. Kuznetsov, . A. Kukoverov, A. A. Kurennoy, V. P. Kurowski, . A. Kupin, A. B. Lachowski, P. A. Levchenko, . N. Lepetic, , G. T. Lysenko, . A. Markin, A. S. Martynovich, V. K. Menk, I. I. Mormona, V. L. Morozov, V. Affected Its, V. P. Nikulin, P. A. Nilus, A. M. Nuremberg, . A. Okolovich, S. K. Pankeev, L. O. Pasternak, I. V. Petrovsky, E. K. Petrocochino, . K. Pimonenko, M. F. Humble, I. P. Pokhitonov, I. D. Prokof'ev, B. V. Piaskowski, M. S. Saryan, S. A. Sevastyanov, P. M. Segal, I. F. Seleznev, E. S. Semenov, V. A. Serov, . A. Severin, . V. Smirnov, V. P. Snowballs, F. L. Field He, K. M. Solomakha, A. N. Stilianudi, E. I. Capital, M. S. Sadkowski, I. D. Tiunov, M. L. Trompeter, V. M. Farmakovsky, A. M. Fedorov, V. A. Fedorov, I. A. French, G. S. Fursa, E. I. Haji, P. F. Schwartz, I. A. Sklaver, A. A. Shovkunenko, A. A. Shurygin, B. I. Egiz, S. C. EMS-Могилевский, R. P. Efimovich and others.
Exhibitions: 1-я — Odessa (1890) — 29-я — Odessa (1919).
modeled the Association of traveling art exhibitions@the semicolon first organizational meeting was held March 11, 1890 — developed the Charter. The first exhibition opened on 8 April 1890, the second — in the spring of 1891. In the summer of 1891 was organized a large traveling exhibition, shown in the Sevastopol, Simferopol, Ekaterinoslav, Kishinev, Kherson. In the first exhibition, along with the founders, participated young artists of Odessa and Kiev. 3-й periodic exhibition (1892) the young people refused to participate from-за discontent privileged position of the founders and the inequitable distribution of income between members of a partnership and exhibitors.
In 1893 P. A. Nilus and E. I. Bukovetsky has developed a new Charter, aimed at overcoming divisions within the Association. Validthe members retained the right to exhibit the work without a jury, and took advantage when hanging the paintings, but the income from the sale of tickets, catalogues and reproductions were distributed among all participants equally. 5% of the amount received from the sale of paintings came into the Fund of the Partnership. The Affairs of the enterprises engaged in the Board, elected for 3 years. His first lineup consisted of: A. A. Popov (Chairman), P. A. Nilus (Secretary), K. K. Kostandi, G. A. Ladyzhenskaya, B. V. Edwards. In 1902 the permanent Chairman was K. K. Kostandi.
the Partnership is constantly replenished with new members — graduates of the Drawing school of the Odessa society of fine arts. For all the years Church it consisted of 85 members.
the Partnership played a prominent role in public-культурной life of Odessa at the turn of — twentieth centuries. In 1898 on the initiative of Church was created by the Odessa literary-художественное society (in 1904, was closed in 1909 reorganized into the Odessa literary-художественный club). In 1899 Church participated in the creation of the city Museum (now — Odessa art Museum), in the halls which held periodic exhibitions of the Association.
the Periodic exhibition opened on 1 October each year (in 1914 the exhibition was not); in total they involved 350 artists. The exhibitions were dominated by plein-air landscape and genre.
Along with the periodicals were: the spring exhibition of studies and sketches (1895, 1896), a charity exhibition in aid to victims of crop failure (1892, 1899), traveling exhibitions in Kharkov and Moscow (1894-1895), exhibition of sketches at the Odesa literary-художественного society (1898, 1902). Member Church participated in the exhibitions of the Kiev Association of art exhibitions (1895), the Rostov artistic society (1899), Nicholas art circle (1899), Ekaterinoslav artistic-артистического society (1900), Bessarabian society of arts (1908), and in the all-Russia industrial and art exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod (1896), world exhibitions in Paris (1900). A number of members of Church participated in exhibitions with other art associations, particularly the society.
With the organization of the Odessa Society of independent artists (1916), based on the innovative and avant-garde aesthetics, the Partnership entered into polemics with them.
Spring of 1917, Church participated in the creation of the Union of workers in the plastic arts. In the summer of 1918 and October 1919 Turk spent the last periodic exhibitions@the semicolon in June 1919 — "First national exhibition of paintings, posters, signs and children's creativity", in March — April 1920 — "National exhibition of paintings in memory of T. G. Shevchenko".
in the Summer of 1922 the activities of Turk stopped, which was largely due to the departure of its leading figures (P. A. Nilus, N. Kuznetsova, B. V. Eduards, p. P. Ghana) abroad. In the same year was founded the Society of artists to them. K. K. Kostandi, the backbone of which were members of Church.
1. D. Y. Severyukhin, Leikind O. L. The Golden age of art associations in Russia and the Soviet Union. Reference. SPb., 1992. P. 308-310.