Art Investment


Dmitriev-Orenburgsky Nikolay

April 1, 1837 (Nizhny Novgorod) - April 21, 1898 (St. Petersburg)

painter and graphic artist.

was born in a noble family. Primary education received at home, then studied at the Ufa gymnasium. Prepare to apply for military service, but at the insistence of honorary associate of the Academy of the free IAH Colonel Zatsepin and Y. Rostovtsev, have seen the youthful drawings Dmitrieva, entered the IAH (1859-1863). Engaged in a class of historical painting by FA Bruni and Markov. For student work repeatedly pointed medals: in 1856 - small and large silver, 1857 - a small silver, 1858 - a large silver, in 1860 - a small gold for the program now "Scenes from the Olympic Games. She led her son to fight. In 1861 and 1862 to compete for a gold medal programs "Grand Duchess Sophia Vitovtovna at the wedding of Vasili the Dark" and "Streletskii rebellion", but to no avail. In 1863 he took part in the so-called "Bunte fourteen" by refusing to compete on a gold medal given by the IAH program. Came out of the Academy, received the title of class artist of 2 nd degree, but continued to exhibit work at academic fairs.

In 1863 he entered the Petersburg Artel artists. In 1868, for the painting "drowned in the village" was awarded the title of academician. In 1869, accompanied by the Grand Duke Nicholas in the journey through the Caucasus, the Crimea, Kharkov and Voronezh. The trip created the album, which includes 42 pencil drawings made in the journey. In 1870, became one of the founders TPHV, but in the exhibitions of the Association was not involved.

in 1871 to improve the skill IAH shipped at government expense abroad for three years. Until 1874 he lived in Düsseldorf, the advice of L. Knaus and V. Vauthier. In 1874-1875 he worked in Munich and Vienna, and later - in Paris, where he remained until 1884. Since 1877 was a member of the Society SUPPORT mutual charity and Russian artists in Paris, worked in the ceramic workshop, organized by members of the Society. Exhibited works at the Paris Salon.

repeatedly visited Russia. On orders from the imperial court performed a series of paintings on the battle theme, in particular from the history of Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. To this end, made a trip to Bulgaria. In 1883, for painting "Battle of Sistovskih Heights convoy Alexander II» and "Departure of Alexander II in Ploiesti, written for the Winter Palace, was awarded the title of professor of battle painting. At the end of 1870 helped create the murals in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.

Since the end of 1884 he lived in St. Petersburg. In 1891 he became one of the founding members of the St. Petersburg Society of Artists. Exhibited his works at exhibitions of the Moscow Society of Lovers of Fine Arts (1881-1882, 1887-1890), the Society of Russian watercolors (1893-1897), the Association of South Russian Artists (1893), the All-Russia industrial and agricultural exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod (1896) and others.

In 1890 he taught at art courses. He worked in the field of book and magazine graphics, collaborated with the magazines "Iskra", "World illustration", "Niva", "North", "Pictorial Review", "bee". Illustrated works of Alexander Pushkin, Leo Tolstoy, Nekrasov, Turgenev. In 1899, in the halls of IAH in St. Petersburg held a memorial exhibition of the master.

Dmitriev-Orenburg - one of the leading representatives of the academic trend in Russian art of the second half of the XIX century. His works have been built on careful preparatory drawings masterful, clear, balanced composition with pronounced center, restrained color range. He worked mainly in the field of battle and genre painting. He turned to etching and lithography.

Works Dmitrieva-Orenburg are in many museum collections, including the State Tretyakov Gallery, State Russian Museum, State Hermitage Museum, and others.

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