Art Investment


LADYZHENSKY Gennady Aleksandrovich

23 января (4 февраля) 1853 (Kologriv, Kostroma province) — 2 (15) September 1916 (Kologriv, Kostroma province)

Painter, graphic artist

From a noble family. He graduated from district school in Kologriv. He studied at the Imperial Academy of arts (1870-1879): first as volnoslushayuschego, from 1871 — permanent pupil in the architectural class; carried out the measurements, drawings and watercolor views of the churches of Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod. Since 1873 engaged in the class of landscape painting in М. К. Клодта. The advice И. Н. Крамского. He studied the technique of etching under the guidance of И. И. Шишкина. In 1874 for the landscape "On the Black river" was awarded a small silver medal in 1878 for his painting "Evening" — a large silver medal. In 1879, for the painting "the Postal road in the woods", "a Stormy day", "picnic" received the title of class artist of 2-й degree.

Lived in Kologriv (1880-1881, 1914), 1881-1914 — in Odessa. Travelled to the Crimea, to the Caucasus, in Turkey (1890-е), traveled on Military-Грузинской the road (1900). He painted landscapes, genre paintings and portraits. Many worked in watercolor technique, was engaged in etching. Author paintings: "Chickens", "Petersburg" (both — mid 1870-х), "Evening" (1876), "Early spring" (1884), "hadzhibey" (1899) and other; watercolors: "Odessa", Kologriv landscape"; etchings: "Two herons in the woods", "Three pigeons and three butterflies". In 1910 "for fame in the artistic field" was awarded the title of academician.

1874 — participated in exhibitions. Exhibited at academic exhibitions (1874-1889, with interruptions), the society for the encouragement of arts (1875-1893, with interruptions), the Society of Russian watercolorists (1890-1909). Member of-учредитель and Exhibitor of the society of South Russian artists (1890-1907, with breaks); in 1900 came from the members of the Partnership. His personal exhibitions were held in Odessa (1886, 1899).

he Taught drawing at the Odessa real school, Odessa school of art (1884-1914); among students — Ю. Р. Бершадский, И. И. Бродский and others.

Collected a large collection of paintings, graphics and decorative-прикладного art (now — in meeting Kologriv Museum of local lore).

a Memorial exhibition to mark the 50th-летию from the death, took place in Odessa (1964).

Work is represented in many Museum collections, including the State Tretyakov gallery, the State Russian Museum, Odessa art Museum and others.

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