Art Investment


1915-1916, 1917, Petrograd, Moscow

the Members and exhibitors: N. Altman, K. L. Boguslavskaya, M. M. Vasiliev, V. V. Kamensky, A. M. Kirillov, I. V. Klyun, K. S. Malevich, I. M. Men'kov, V. E. Pestel, L. S. Popova, I. A. Puni, O. V. Rozanova, V. E. Tatlin, . A. Udaltsova.

Exhibition and the society of artists.

the Exhibition was opened in December 1915 in the Artistic Bureau E. N. Dobychina (Marsovo pole, 7) in Petrograd under the title "the Last Kubo-футуристическая exhibition of paintings "0,10"". According to the organizers the exhibition was to mark the completion of the Kubo-футуристического period in Russian painting and the transition to a new stage of history — to bespredmetnichestva. The basis for the name was the idea K. S. Malevich on the subject of forms to zero crossing "over zero", developed in his declarative brochure "From cubism to Suprematism" (PG., 1915).

the exposition was dominated by the Suprematist works K. S. Malevich (among them are shown Black square) was presented the "counter-reliefs" V. E. Tatlin, "illogical" composition I. V. Clune and K. L. boguslawska. Produced for the exhibition catalogue and brochure A. Kruchenykh, I. V. Clune and Malevich "Secret vices academics", leaflet with the declarations K. S. Malevich, M. I. Minkova, I. A. Puni and K. L. boguslawska. In the last week of the exhibition there was held scientific public-популярная lecture, where the speakers were K. Malevich and K. L. Boguslavskaya (report I. A. Puni).

the Exhibition was a significant public outcry. M. V. Matyushin wrote an article entitled "About the exhibition the last futurist" (the Enchanted wanderer: Almanac spring. PG., 1926, p. 17). The event also responded to a critic of A. A. Rostislavov (futurist exhibition // Speech, 1916, January 9), I. Grabar (About boring: lecture on futurists // Day, 1916, January 14). A. N. Benoit gave a sharply negative criticism; on the Central work — compositions K. S. Malevich "the Black square", he wrote: "Without a number, but in the corner, up high, near the ceiling, in the Holy place, hung the "work"... g. Malevich, depicting the black square in the white frame. Undoubtedly, this is the “icon” that he futurists offer instead of Madonnas and shameless Venus, this is the “domination over the forms of nature”, which is fully logic leads one not only futuristic creativity with his acrosome and scrap “things”, with its sly countless intellectual experiences, but all of our “new culture” with its means of destruction and even more terrible means “restoration”, with its machine quality, with its “Americanism” with its Kingdom has not come, and come CAD. The black square in white frame — is... not a random little epizodik that occurred in a house on the Champ de Mars, and this is one of acts of self-affirmation of that beginning which has its name abomination of desolation and which boasts that it is through pride, through arrogance, through violation of all the love and tender, will lead all to ruin" (Speech, 1916, January 9).

April 1917 K. L. Boguslavskaya, A. M. Kirillov, I. V. Klyun, K. S. Malevich, I. M. men'kov, L. S. Popova, O. V. Rozanova, . A. Udaltsova announced the creation of a society "0,10" and joined the Unionartists (SDI). Delegates in the provisional Council of SDI was elected K. L. Boguslavskaya and I. A. Puni. In October — November 1917 part of the group K. S. Malevich joined the Association "Jack of diamonds" and participated in his last exhibition.

read More about the preparation of the exhibition, exhibits, reviews in periodicals, see: A. S. Shatskikh Kazimir Malevich and society "Supremus". M., 2009.

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