Art Investment

Menkov Mikhail Ivanovich


Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Minkov


[ (Minkov) Mikhail Ivanovich

15 сентября 1885 (Vilna) — 1926 (Yalta)


Biographical details are scarce and contradictory. Possibly had a relative of Moscow beetle П. И. Менькову. He graduated from dvinskoe real school. Studied in MUZHVZ (1912-1914), first at the sculpture Department, then — on architecture (not completed). In the years of study at the College met with К. С. Малевичем and joined the group of his followers. Under the real name was put in a futuristic drama А. Е. Крученых "Gly-Глы".

In 1914-1915 with his family lived in the town of Ostrog, Volyn province. In 1915 he was mobilized for military service; short time he was in military school.

For earnings was engaged in photography and retouching. Created and abstract Suprematist compositions: "Cubism (Tram No. 6)" (1914), "Symphony (Notes)" (1915), "Newspaper", "Squares in space" (both — 1918), "Pointless" (1919), A "Scenic composition", "electric bulb". Has developed his own variant of Suprematism. Issued a Manifesto to "0.10" (1915), which appealed to the emotional perception of painting. Together with К. С. Малевичем and И. В. Клюном issued a Declaration (leaflet) "Principles of art" (late 1910-х).

One of the initiators of the society "Supremus" (1916-1917, was not officially issued), member and Exhibitor of the societies: "0,10" (1915-1916, 1917), "the Jack of diamonds" (1917). At the "0.10" exhibition showed four works under the title "Painting in the 4th dimension". Also participated in 1-й exhibition of paintings of the professional Union of artists (1918), 8-й state exhibition, 10-й state exhibition "non-objective creativity and Suprematism" (both — 1919) in Moscow, 3-й exhibition of paintings in Ryazan (1919).

Probably worked on projects for embroidery handicraft cooperative in the village of Recruitment Kiev province, which was led by Н. М. Давыдова.

In the late 1910's — early 1920-х was part of Art-строительный subsection of Narkompros, headed by Malevich. By-видимому, worked as an assistant to Malevich at the State free art workshops.

Some of the artist's works were acquired by the Museum of painting culture in Moscow.

In the early 1920-х was in Yalta, where he was recovering from tuberculosis in a sanatorium.

Work is represented in several Museum collections, including in the Samara regional art Museum, the Museum of modern art. А. А. Пластова in Ulyanovsk, Krasnodar regional art Museum named after. Ф. А. Коваленко and others.

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