Art Investment

Munich New Artists' Association

1909-1912 (formally up to 1920), Munich

Members-учредители: Т.-Э. Butler V. G. Bekhteev, M. V. Verevkina, F. A. Hartmann, O. Wittenstein, V. V. Kandinsky, A. Kanoldt, M. Kanoldt-Церенер, Th. Kanoldt, A. Kubin, Munter, К.-Й. Palmi, G. Freitag, H. Schimmel, H. Schnabel A. Erbse, A. G. Jawlensky.

Parties: P. Baum, E. bossy, J. Marriage, V. D. Burliuk, D. D. Burliuk, M. Vlaminck, V. I. Denisov, A. Derain, van Dongen K., П.-П. Girle, V. A. Izdebsky, E. Kahler, M. G. Kogan, A. Macke, F. Marc, A. P. Mogilevsky A. Nieder, Picasso, Georges Rouault, A. S. Sakharov, S. N. Sudbinin, O. Fischer, A. Le Fauconnier, H. Haller (Haller), B. Hather, K. Hofer, Э.-П. Scarf and others.

Exhibitions: 1-я (1909, Munich) — 3-я (1911, Munich).

International creative Association of expressionists@the semicolon was founded in January 1909 on the initiative V. V. Kandinsky. Creation was preceded by the so-called "Brotherhood of St. Luke" — creative Union, whose members gathered in Munich M. V. Verevkin in the Schwabing district. In the activities of the Companies in addition to artists participated theorists of art, musicians, dancers, writers. 22 Jan 1909 signed the Charter Companies. The President is elected V. V. Kandinsky, first Deputy — A. G. Jawlensky, second Vice and Treasurer —. Kanoldt, Secretary — O. Wittenstein (from 1910 — A. Erbse).

In the Charter included a clause according to which every member of Society "has the right to exhibit without prior approval of the jury to two of the works, provided that the total area of a work surface not exceeding 4 sq.m."

may 10, 1909, the Society was registered in the municipal register of associations of Munich.

NHOM held 3 exhibitions.

the First was held on 1-15 December 1909, Moderne Galerie Heinrich Thannhauser in Munich. Was attended by 16 artists who presented 128 works. Subsequently, the exhibition was shown in several other cities (Brunn, Elberfeld, Barmen (now both — Wuppertal), Hamburg, düsseldorf, Wiesbaden, Schwerin, Frankfurt-на-Майне). It was supposed to display the exhibition in St. Petersburg (not implemented).

V. V. Kandinsky wrote for the magazine "Apollo" review 1-ю the exhibition: "Being objective, I can safely say that created the first exhibition of the society of the atmosphere is not similar to the customary nature of the local exhibitions: surface effects on the eyes and tickling (sometimes bad) nerves. All the power and all the action of this small exhibition lies in the fact that each participant not only knows how to say, but knows what to say. Different souls — different soulful sounds, and, consequently, different shape: different range of colors, different “keys” system, a different pattern. Nevertheless, all imbued with a common desire — to speak from soul to soul. Here — is large, a joyful unity of the exhibition."

in the second exhibition (1-14 Sep 1910; Moderne Galerie Heinrich Thannhauser) were the most representative, along with the founders, attended the Paris and the avant-garde Russian artists — P. Picasso, J. Marriage, A. Derain, van Dongen K., A. Le Fauconnier, M. Vlaminck, Georges Rouault, D. D. Burlyuk, V. D. Burliuk, S. N. Sudbinin and others. All were exposed 115 works; after Munich, the exhibition was shown in Karlsruhe, Mannheim, Hagen, Berlin,Leipzig, Dresden, Weimar.

To the 1911 in Society there is a conflict between the progressive-minded and more conservative members who opposed the increase in the proportion of abstract works in the exhibitions. In January 1911 V. V. Kandinsky resigned the powers of the President NHOM. New President elected A. Arble. At the General meeting 4 Feb 1911 O. Wittenstein elected Vice-President, A. Kanoldt — first Secretary, Th. Kanoldt — second Secretary and Treasurer. Chairman of the exhibition of the jury was A. Arble.

In the preparation of 3-й the exhibition of differences between members NHOM grew into a scandal. 2 Dec 1911 exhibition jury rejected the painting V. V. Kandinsky "the last judgment / the Composition"; the formal reason for the deviation was the discrepancy works to the provision limiting the size of the work area of 4 sq m, while the composition of V. V. Kandinsky was more than 5 sq m (1.9 x 2.75). V. V. Kandinsky was accused of provocation, so as at that time, together with F. Marc has already discussed the plans of the organization independent of the almanac "the Blue rider". In protest the artist together with F. Marc, G. Munter, A. Kubin, F. A. Hartmann, and A. Le Fauconnier withdrew from Society.

In the third exhibition NHOM (18 Dec 1911 @1 mdas Jan 1912; Moderne Galerie Heinrich Thannhauser) were only 8 masters, which presented the 58 paintings. The exhibition also was shown in Zurich, Cologne, Elberfeld, Mannheim, Heidelberg, Frankfurt-на-Майне, Jena, Breslav.

In anticipation of 4-й exhibition, which was planned at the end of 1912, art historian O. Fisher has published the monograph "the New painting" (Das Neue Bild), which included reproductions of works by members NHOM. However, the text and comments, which were criticized left the society V. V. Kandinsky, caused the dissatisfaction of a number of artists, in particular A. G. Jawlensky, M. V. Verevkin, A. P. Mogilevsky and V. G. behteeva. 4-я exhibition did not take place.

At the end of 1912 A. G. Jawlensky and M. V. Verevkina left the Society, after which the activity NHOM stopped. NHOM formally existed until 1920, when it was excluded from the register of associations of Munich.

NHOM Members formed the nucleus of the new Association "the Blue rider".


1. V. V. Kandinsky Letter from Munich // Apollo, 1909, No. 4. P. 28.
2. T. V. Kotovich the encyclopedia of Russian avant-garde. Minsk, 2003. P. 216.
3. Buchheim L.-G. Der Blaue Reiter und die "Neue Künstlervereinigung München". Feldafing, 1959.
4. Friedel H, Hoberg A. Der Blaue Reiter und das Neue Bild. Von der "Neuen Künstlervereinigung München" zum "Blauen Reiter". Ausstellungs-Katalog. The Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, München. München, 1999.
5. H. Friedel, Hoberg A. Der Blaue Reiter im Lenbachhaus München. München, 2000.

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