Art Investment

Kogan Moisey Gertsevich


Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Moishe


KOGAN, Moses (Moyshe) Gertsevich

12 (24) March 1879 (Orhei Bessarabia province) — 3 марта 1943 (Auschwitz, Poland)

the Sculptor, graphic artist arts-прикладного art

From a religious Jewish family; brother artist Schneier Kogan. He studied in a cheder, then in a gymnasium in Kishinev. In his youth he was fond of technology and chemistry. In 1903-1910, he lived in Germany. He studied in Munich with Professor of sculpture V. von Romana, under whose leadership medal and mastered pottery, carvings in wood and stone.

In 1900-е performed painted reliefs, terracotta vases, hammered silver, bronze, drawings for embroidery and fabrics. Closer to В. В. Кандинским, А. Г. Явленским and other Russian artists in Germany. The New member of the Munich society of artists (1909; has created a medal in honour of that society), Association "Blue rider" (1910), Das Junges Rheinland (late 1920-х). Enjoyed the patronage of the German philanthropist К. Э. Остхауса.

From 1910 he lived permanently in Paris. Sculptural work has received rave reviews О. Родена and А. Майоля; a favorite genre was the female Nude, the torsos of wood or Terra cotta in a simplified and somewhat primitive manner. In 1920-е was engaged in woodcut, lithography, linocut, photography. Created illustrations to the poem К. Вита "ISO" (Berlin, 1922). Participated in the literary gatherings-художественной group "Through".

From 1908 — participated in exhibitions. Exhibited in the Berlin secession (1909, 1911, 1912, 1926), the salon d'automne (1908; 1925 — Vice-президент salon in the sculpture section) and the Tuileries salon (1926, 1927) in Paris, 1-м (Odessa — Kiev — Petersburg) and 2-м (Odessa — Nikolaev — Kherson) Salons В. А. Издебского (1909/1910, 1911). Participated in many group exhibitions in Munich, Weimar, Cologne, Hagen, Dresden. In 1928 the work of Kogan exhibited in the Russian section of the exhibition "Contemporary art of Europe" in Hamburg. In 1913 and 1914 had a solo exhibition in the Munich gallery "Г. Гольц".

he Taught at the Hamburg school of arts and crafts (late 1900-х), the New school of arts П. Ситроена in Amsterdam (1930-е).

In February 1942 he was arrested and sent to Drancy concentration camp, then transferred to Oswiecim (Auschwitz).

a Memorial and retrospective exhibitions were organized in Paris (1955, gallery "Zach"), düsseldorf (1964), Amsterdam (1993, the Stedelijk Museum), Bremen (2002/2003).

Work is represented in many Museum collections, including the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, the Kunsthalle in Bremen, the State gallery in Moritzburg, Museum Ludewa in Cologne and others. Archive Moses Cohen in Bonn with the European cultural Foundation collects information and examines the artist's work.

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