the Sculptor, painter, graphic artist, painter on fabrics, publisher, impresario
From a noble family; the son of the head of the train station. Since the beginning of 1890-х lived in Odessa. Studied Drawing courses М. М. Манылама (until 1897), Odessa art school (1897-1901, 1903-1904) Л. Д. Иорини in the Royal Academy in Munich (1902-1903) V. von Romana. In Munich, became interested in the newest art trends.
Lived in Odessa. During the Jewish pogroms of 1905 года helped the wounded, was arrested (1905-1906) and sent from Odessa. Lived in Munich and Paris; met В. В. Кандинским, О. Роденом. At the end of 1908 he returned to Odessa. After a 1911 for some time retired from the artistic life, entered politics, became an active member of the socialist party. Was close А. Ф. Керенскому and И. И. Фондаминскому.
Organized Salons В. А. Издебского — two large-scale exhibitions of contemporary art are shown in Odessa, Kiev, St-Петербурге, Riga (1909-1910) and Odessa, Kherson, Nikolaev (1911). In 1911-1913 engaged in theatrical entreprise; founded the theatre-кабаре "Green parrot" (1910), the theater "New drama" (1913), organized a touring theater company.
In 1913 he moved to Paris. Studied sculpture, painting. Created figurative sculpture in the manner of kubofuturisticheskoy, landscapes, still lifes, abstract geometric compositions.
In September 1917 came with his family to Petrograd, and from there in January 1919 fled to Finland; about 1920 he returned to Paris. The Secretary of the Union of Russian artists in France. In 1921, together with Ж. Липшицем, О. Мещаниновым, О. Цадкиным opposed the world of art art — as a conservative and do not reflect "new trends in Russian school". In 1920-е have created a Studio for the production of drawings for fabrics "Albee" (1920-е). Since 1925 had ceased to care for sculpture and painting.
In 1940, after the Nazi occupation of Paris, left the city in June 1941 together with his family moved to new-Йорк. Classes resumed work. Sought to combine oil painting and relief. From 1959 he lived in long-Бич (California).
From 1897 — participated in exhibitions. Exhibitor of the society of South Russian artists in Odessa (1908), Salon С. К. Маковского in St. Petersburg (1909), exhibition of magazine "world of art" in Kiev (1909), exhibition of Russian art in the Whitechapel gallery in London (1921). Member of-учредитель and Exhibitor of the "New art society" in Munich (1909-1912); the member of the Odessa literary-артистического club (1913). His personal exhibitions were held in long-Бич (first half of 1960-х, 1965).
he Taught sculpture at Drawing courses М. М. Манылама (1909-1913).
a Retrospective exhibition of the artist was held in Saint-Петербурге (2005).
Work is represented in several Museum collections, among them — of the State Russian Museum, Moscow Museum of modern art and others.
1. American artists of the Russian Empire. Painting, sculpture from museums and galleries in the U.S. and private collections / Almanac. Vol. 208. St. Petersburg, 2008. S. 272.
2. Lacking О. Л., Makhrov К. В., Severyukhin Д. Я. Artists of the Russian Diaspora. 1917-1939. Encyclopedic dictionary. St. Petersburg, 1999. S. 298.
3. ru.wikipedia.org
4. museum.ru
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