Art Investment


Vasily Ivanovich Denisov

January 1, 1862 (Zamosc Lublin Voivodeship) - May 1, 1922 (Zagorsk)

painter, graphic artist, set designer.

born in the family priest. He graduated from the Warsaw Music Institute class horn. In the early 1890's, moved to Moscow, took a job in the Russian Private Opera Orchestra Mamontov. After its closure in the service in the orchestra of the Russian Drama Theater FA Korsch. At the same time began to paint yourself. In 1897-1898 he studied at a private studio Korovin, in 1899 - at the School of EN Zvantseva and AA Hotyaintsevoy KA Korovin, Valentin Serov, NP Ulyanov. In the second half of 1890 - early 1900's served as artist in the Italian opera and the opera house SI Zimin.

I created landscapes in the Impressionist manner. Since 1894 has participated in exhibitions of the Moscow Society of Art Lovers (up to 1899, with interruptions) from 1901 - in the exhibitions of the Moscow Association of Artists, from 1905 is a member of the Association. Since 1903 has exhibited his works at exhibitions "World of Art". At the same time made friends with the masters association "Blue Rose" whose work has had a significant influence on the formation of his individual style. Began to create fantastic songs in the spirit of Symbolism. In 1905 a joint exhibition held Denisov and N. Ulyanov in Dresden.

in 1905 collaborated with Meyerhold in the studio at Cook's street in Moscow, in 1907 - worked for the theater Komissarzhevskaya in St. Petersburg. In 1906-1907 took part in exhibitions of Russian art, organized by SP Diaghilev in Paris and Berlin. In 1909-1910 exhibited at the Salon VA Izdebsky, in 1911 and 1913 - in the Moscow Salon. After the death of MAVrubel created a series of graphic compositions in explanation of the picture "Demon defeated", called "In memory Vrubel. In 1910 he held the first exhibition of the artist in Moscow.

In 1912, together with ST Konenkov, JF Rachmaninoff and AF Mikula traveled to Greece and Asia Minor. In the same year in the Art Bureau of NE Dobychina Moscow hosted a joint exhibition Denisov and Rose Russe, in 1915 held a personal exhibition in the gallery NE Dobychina in Petrograd. In 1913-1915 he worked in the St. Petersburg (Petrograd), the Theater of Musical Drama. He has designed a collection of literary and art "in 1914. In 1917, showed his watercolors at the personal exhibition in the salon Unicorn ».

After the October Revolution performed sketches posters and panels for special congresses and meetings in the Bolshoi Theater. In 1920, together with ST Konenkov and son, Vladimir Denisov, designed the theatrical performance "Samson-winner" in the First State Circus on the colored avenue in Moscow. In 1919-1921 worked with the theater Henrietta Pascaru. In 1919 he lived in Lipetsk. In 1921 he moved to Zagorsk.

heyday of the artist's account for 1900? e - 1910? e and fully linked to the symbolism. The greatest interest in the artistic heritage Denisova are fantastic and allegorical compositions ( "Night," "Sin", "On the Death of Vrubel"), in which he sought the decorative expressiveness of color, line and texture that brings his work with the works of many goluborozovtsev in particularly with the early work of NP Krymov, PS Utkin, PV Kuznetsov.

Denisov's works are in several museum and private collections, including the State Tretyakov Gallery, State Russian Museum.

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