Art Investment

The Association of New Architects

1923-1932, Moscow

Members-учредители: V. S. Balikhin, N. V. Dokuchaev, A. V. Efimov, V. F. Krinsky, G. L. Lavrov, . A.] , A. M. Was.

Parties: B. N. Blokhin, . A. Bykov, P. V. Budo, A. V. Bunin, T. N. Varentsov, Yu. N. Gerasimov, A. Z. Greenberg, S. L. Zalesskaya, M. P. Korzhev, A. S. Korobov, B. D. Korolev, G. T. Krutikov, L. M. Lysenko, L. M. Lissitzky (El Lissitzky), A. F. Loleit, K. S. Melnikov, S. Mochalov, V. A. Petrov, M. I. Prokhorov, A. M. Rodchenko, J. S. Rubinstein, Y. K. Spassky, . N. Travin, M. A. Turkus, V. I. Figman and others.

the Association of artists-рационалистов. Founded by teachers and students of VKhUTEMAS, which proposed the idea of creating architecture based on the synthesis of plastic arts. The formation of the concept was influenced by the experiments with space-пространственными compositions K. S. Malevich and V. E. Tatlin.

July 13, 1923, the Charter was, according to him, the activities of the society were extended to Moscow. The presidents were elected A. F. Loleit (1923), N. A.] (1923-1928), M. P. Korzhev (1928-1930). Society Declaration "the Social function of the proletarian architecture" among its tasks was noted, in particular, the necessity of forming for practical work synthetic teams through the involvement of painters and sculptors in the brigade SNOWY.

N. V. Dokuchaev formulated the concept of artistic expressiveness of architectural works, under which is understood as a set of certain qualities of spatial forms: 1) the clarity and lightness of form perception vision on its basic properties; 2) the unity and harmony of the elements of complex shape; 3) how should the tension degree of organizing force of the impact of form on the viewer; 4) dynamics of form.

the Society is actively involved in architectural practice. Brigade aagain regularly participated in architectural competitions. Was developed: Residential quarter on the street (1927, architect. B. N. Blokhin, . N. Travin), the "city of artists" on Verkhnyaya Maslovka street (late 1920-х; architect. Yu. N. Gerasimov, V. F. Krinsky, L. M. Lysenko, A. M. Was). Created projects: building on Lubyanka square (1923; architect. V. F. Krinsky), the "City of the Future" (1928; architect. G. T. Krutikov); competitive projects: the House of industry in Moscow (1929-1930; architect. M. P. Korzhev, El Lissitzky, M. I. Prokhorov, S. L. Zalesskaya; 2-я prize), schools in the Moscow Kremlin (1929-1930; architect. V. S. Balikhin, V. A. Petrov, M. A. Turkus, M. I. Prokhorov), the Academy of Sciences in Minsk (1929-1930; architect. M. P. Korzhev, M. I. Prokhorov, S. L. Zalesskaya), the Palace of culture of Proletarsky district of Moscow (1930; architect. N. A. Bykov, M. P. Korzhev, Y. K. Spassky, M. A. Turkus), of the Palace of Soviets in Moscow (1-й tour — V. S. Balikhin, P. V. Budo, M. I. Prokhorov, M. A. Turkus), the Theater of mass action in Kharkov Great synthetic theatre in Sverdlovsk (both — 1931) and others. At the initiative of the ASNOVA discussed the idea of a color palette in the streets and squares of Moscow, in particular the project developed color solutions Myasnitskaya street.

At different times through El Lissitzky to cooperate in the Association wasattracted by the most progressive European architects, among them Le Corbusier, A. Ben, M. Stamp, E. root.

there have been several attempts of creating our own publication. In 1926, under the editorship of . A. Ladovskiy and El Lissitzky published the first issue of the journal "Izvestiya ASNOVA", where was placed the article . A. Ladovskiy "fundamentals of the theory of Architecture" and projects 1923-1925 years. A further issue of the journal was carried out. Publication "Architecture of VKhUTEMAS" (1927). The members of the society were active in the press on various issues of architecture in the magazine "Construction of Moscow", "Krasnaya Niva" and others. ASNOVA was in the controversy with the Association of constructivists, the OSA (Union of contemporary architects).

IN 1928 . A.] left the Association and founded the Association of architects-урбанистов (AGC). In may 1930 ASNOVA rights sector entered the Moscow branch of the all-Union architectural scientific society.

In 1931 he published "Software-идеологическая installation sector ASNOVA" (Soviet architecture, 1931, No. 1-2. 46-47), which specified the social function of the proletarian architecture: "synthesis of economic, technical, aesthetic and ideological factors — the basis of proletarian architecture; the unity of the sculptural form and technical design;, the plastic unity of all elements of the architectural ensemble, from individual buildings to the complex socialist city; active plastic connection of architecture and nature; organic plastic forms according to the nature of their experience."

In the early 1930-х ASNOVA was subjected to accusations of "following the bourgeois views on architecture", utopian designs, formalism. In particular, the critic P. Osipov in the magazine "art to the masses," wrote: "ASNOVA... replacing the technique of modern architecture bend in the direction of formal solutions... slipping into denial of the modern tasks of construction. Proclaiming the slogan of the upgrade construction, the creation of new rational forms of modern technology and materials, ASNOVA still does not go into the social meaning of the construction... the Essence of formalism in architecture is mainly in the fact that supporters of it, recognizing self-sufficient value of the external surface of perception, without delving into the essence of the content, refusing to understand social-экономический sense of the surrounding and sliding to the slogan @ldquo;искусство for art@rdquo;, and the organization of formalism ASNOVA — to the definition of @ldquo;архитектура for architecture@rdquo;".

In 1932 the activities of the Association ceased on the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) "On restructuring literary-художественных organizations."


1. T. Kotovich In. Encyclopedia of Russian avant-garde. Minsk, 2003. S. 39-40.
2. Osipov, P. OSA — "ASNOVA" // Art to the masses, 1930, No. 7. Pp. 6-9.
3. 100 years of public architectural organizations in the USSR. 1867-1967. M., 1967. P. 40-45.

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