1928-1932, Moscow
Members: O. N. Hildebrant (Diana), D. B. Daran, A. D. Drevin, L. Y. Zevin, S. D. Izhevsk, . V. Kashin, . Vladimir Kashin (Aide), . V. Kuzmin, Z. R. Liberman, T. A. Mavrina (Lebedeva), V. A.'s Milashevsky, M. I. Nedbaylo, S. N. Rastorguev, B. F. Rybchenkov, R. M. Simashkevich, A. F. Sofronova, C. K. Stefano, . A. Udaltsova, Y. I. Yurkun, V. M. Usticke.
Exhibitions: 1-я (1929, Moscow) — 3-я (2-я) (1931, Moscow)
a Group of artists, which consisted mainly of graphs, which aims the development of a certain stylistic problems in the field of watercolors and drawings; is named for the original number of participants.
- group made up of members of the Association of artists of graphs — . V. Kuzmin, V. A.'s Milashevsky, D. B. Daran, S. N. Rastorguev. The leading role in the formation of the platform belonged to V. A. Milashevskogo and . V. Kuzmin, who relied on the formula: "the quest for a plastic language, relevant to our time; struggle against academism — old and new". Creative line group was based on the desire to convey a living impression of nature in the form of expressive sketch or outline, which must be treated as whole and complete work of art. According to the memoirs B. F. Rybchenkov (From memories of "Thirteen" // Iskusstvo, 1987, № 6, p. 29), valued the ability to work "on a drawing or watercolor in one breath, quickly, easily in a predetermined rhythm, and so deftly, so as not to bore the paper."
the First exhibition was opened on 10 February 1929 in the House of press on Nikitsky Boulevard, 8 (now — Central house of journalists). Exhibited 144 artworks. In the introductory article in the catalogue of B. N. Ternovets wrote: "what can justify the emergence of new art groups? If not in a new perception of the world, not in the desire to Express it, to say is not expressed by another word? Not live if and anxious feeling of rushing past us life? If so, does not deserve any attention of this young group, because rich, complex, diverse fabric of art of Russian figure, she also contributes a fresh and colorful the stream."
To the exhibition responded to many periodicals — magazines "New world" (1929, no. 8, pp. 306-307) and "the Searchlight" (1929, No. 16), the newspaper "Pravda" (1929, 20 March) and "Horn" (1929, 13 March): it was noted the care in the selection of participants and the high cultural level of the exhibition. I. Berserk in the journal Gudok, wrote: "These artists work in the field of fine arts where recently notice some sleep, fatigue, and even some stencils. Work by all thirteen artists are valuable precisely because each of them strives for-своему the stencil to overcome, to find new ways of working as a draftsman...".
the work of twelve of the thirteen artists (with the exception of the artist-любителя Y. I. Yurkun) was purchased by the purchasing Commission of Paliskunta. Statement to take it to the group filed G. I. Rublev.
the Second exhibition, scheduled for the spring of 1930, did not take place of-за conflict within the group. The impetus for it, according to-видимому, provided the disagreements between . V. Kuzmin and art critic S. M. Rum, and a divergence of views with the other members of "the Thirteen". Inthe result, Roma took the introductory article to the directory 2-й exhibition of out sisters Hope and Nina Kashin, Michael Nedbaylo and Sergey Rastorguev. Directory 2-й the exhibition's introductory article "Talk at the exhibition" — a kind of Manifesto group, composed . V. Kuzmin from own quotes, quotes Rum, S. M. and F. Roginsky (critic), was published.
at the same time the group has added new members, thanks to which it has changed the direction, in particular lost pure graphic specifics.
the Third exhibition opened on 18 April in hall 1-го MSU. It includes 146 pieces; in addition to painting and drawing group members exhibited a number of works D. D. Burliuk living in the United States. At the request of participants, the exhibition was visited by A. V. Lunacharsky, who spoke highly of the exhibition and made recommendations for the acquisition of a number of works in the Central museums.
Despite this, the exhibition has received very negative reviews in the press (articles belonged in the journal "Team of artists", 1931, № 4; A. USS in the magazine "proletarian art", 1931, No. 6): artists accused of deliberate childlike view of the world, apolitical, individualism, aestheticism. Belonged wrote: ""13" — not only cranks, blissfully fallen into childhood, and as a counter-revolutionary group, like all other fools, sectarians to the kulaks, whose ideology they identify". R. Chernyak in the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (1931, no. 125) remarked: "the exhibition can be considered only as a Sally of bourgeois artists... consciously working on the bourgeois Western consumers" and warned "about the intensification of the bourgeois factions, their attempts to dig in the trenches "high skill" from there to shell the positions of bourgeois art". Artists sent a letter to the "Komsomolskaya Pravda" a polemical article (not published) and planned preparations for the next exhibition.
the activities of the Association ceased in 1932 in accordance with the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) "On restructuring literary-художественных organizations."