Art Investment

Zevin Lev Yakovlevich


Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Nikolaevich


Lev Yakovlevich ZEVIN

6 (19) December 1903 (Vitebsk) — 1942 (died at the front near Vyazma)

Painter, graphic artist, theatre artist, Illustrator

he Studied at the school of drawing and painting Ю. Пэна (1917-1918) in Vitebsk. At the same time worked in optical-механической workshop (1917). In 1918 he was sent to Petrograd to study singing.

he Studied at the Vitebsk people's art College (1919-1921): in the Studio М. Шагала (up to 1920), then К. Малевича and В. Ермолаевой later in Р. Фалька. A member of the group "UNOVIS" (1920). Together with Э. Волхонским and М. Куниным organized a "Group of three", which in may 1920 opened an exhibition in club of Arabia. Together with other artists was engaged in festive decoration of Vitebsk in 1918 and 1920. Was the decorative State-художественной workshop at the Vitebsk province Department of national education (1920).

From 1921 he lived in Moscow. He studied at the Moscow state free art studios — VKhUTEMAS (1921-1925) Р. Фалька.

Upon completion of the course, in 1925 for a thesis "working family" Л. Зевину was awarded the highest award — trip abroad for four years, but from-за to lack of money she did not take place. He continued his studies in graduate school VKhUTEMAS — Vhuteina (1926-1929, assistant Р. Фалька).

In 1930, sent to the RSFSR people's Commissariat in the commune "Vojo Novo" in Crimea (together with М. Горшманом, М. Аксельродом, Л. Жолткевич). In 1930 on assignment "Vsekohudozhnik" was his creative trip to the farms of Kherson region. In 1935 the Society of the land-utilization of Jewish workers (OZET), together with a group of young artists (М. Аксельрод, Р. Гершаник, М. Горшман, И. Зусман, Б. Розенблит etc.) sent to Birobidzhan.

From 1932 года — a member of mosskh.

Illustrated and designed several books: "Rook" Н. Кальмы (1931), "the Bugler" М. Светлова (1931).

Studied the design of performances in Belhoste (1932, Minsk), Moscow, Odessa, Birobidzhan (1930-е). He designed the performances: "Foreign Board" on the play Л. Славина (1932), the "Treasure of Napoleon" А. Айзенберга the play by Sholom-Алейхема "Holmgreen" (1935) (both — Belgoset, Minsk). The latter was soon resumed by the artist in the Odessa theatre.

a Member and Exhibitor associations: BOX (1927-1930), RHOMBUS (1930-1932, member of-учредитель), GROWTH (1928-1929), the group "13" (1929). Member of the Society of easel artists (1929-1931), did not participate in any exhibition of this society.

From 1919-го — participant of exhibitions (1-я Public exhibition of paintings by local and Moscow artists, 1919, Vitebsk). He exposed his works at the "Exhibition of three" club Arabia (1921, Vitebsk), the exhibition of graduation works of VKhUTEMAS (1925, Moscow), 1-й all-Belarusian art exhibition (1925, Minsk), the jubilee exhibition of art of the peoples of the USSR (1927, Moscow), 2-й all-Belarusian art exhibition (1927, Minsk, Belarus); exhibition of drawings "13" (1929, Moscow), 2-й the exhibition of society of artists "GROWTH" (1929, Moscow), 3-й all-Belarusian art exhibition (1929, Minsk), exhibition of acquisitions of State Commission of acquisitions of works of fine art for 1928-1929 годы (1930, Moscow), exhibition of Soviet graphics and book (1930, London), reporting the exhibition of works by artists dispatched to regions of industrial building and collective farms (1931, Moscow), 4-й all-Belarusian art exhibition dedicated to the third, decisive year of the five-year plan (1931, Minsk), exhibition of Soviet graphic art, book, poster, photo and art industry (1931, Johannesburg), the jubilee exhibition "Artists of RSFSR for XV years" (1932, Leningrad; 1933, Moscow), 5-й exhibition of Moscow artists (1937), 6-й the exhibition of the Union of Moscow artists (1939), the all-Union exhibition of young artists dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the Komsomol (1939), all-Union art exhibition "industry of socialism" (1939), 7-й the exhibition of the Moscow Union of artists (1940) (all — Moscow) and others.

In 1936-1940 he taught at the Moscow regional College of ARTS (now — Moscow art College of memory 1905 года).

In 1939 году worked in the etching Studio И. Нивинского. Applied to the technique of etching on zinc plates.

6 июля 1941 года Zevin in the ranks of the militia went to the front in 1942 году died near Vyazma.

Solo exhibition: 2003 (Moscow).

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