Painter, graphic artist, sculptor, set designer
From the family solicitor Michael Antonovich Yustitskogo. He graduated from page corps school in St. Petersburg. He studied in the Classes of painting and drawing Я. С. Гольдблата in St. Petersburg, then at the Drawing school И. П. Трутнева in Vilna, in a private Studio Ж. Э. Бланша in Paris (1912-1913). Visited Vienna, Berlin.
In 1915-1918 he lived in Moscow. In 1918, on the recommendation of А. В. Луначарского and the direction of the Commissariat moved to Saratov, where he headed the Studio of painting and drawing at the Saratov Proletkult (1919). The founder of the society of artists of new art ("Presentity") is in Saratov (1920).
Went through a fascination with Fauvism (1910-е), cubism, constructivism (1920-е). In the early 1920-х he created concave reliefs using metal, wood, cardboard. He painted landscapes, compositions on fantastic stories. Author paintings: "Angelus" (1922), "Thrush" (1923), "Scenic design" (1920-е), "Fishermen" (1934), "Jockeys" (1940) and other; series of gouaches — "Fishermen", "Costumes and masks" (both — 1916), graphic series "Horsemen" (1920-е). Participated in competition of projects of a monument to "victims of the Revolution" (early 1920-х), presenting the project in the form of moving bridge.
Studied monumental painting and book illustration. He worked in theater as a Director and artist. Organized avant-garde theatre "Poema" in Saratov, intended as the arena for finding new forms of entertainment. Executed scenery for productions of "Zori" Э. Верхарна (1920), "Steam mass" В. В. Каменского (1921) for the Saratov drama theater. Karl Marx; "Robbers" Ф. Шиллера (1922) 2-й Studio of the Moscow art theatre in Moscow.
In 1936 he returned to Moscow. Collaborated in the publishing house "Academia"; completed the illustrations for the book "Blind" М. Метерлинка (1936), the works В. В. Маяковского, Э. Золя.
In 1937 был arrested on charges of anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda, sentenced to 9 годам and 6 месяцам correctional-трудовых camps. Was serving his sentence in Karelia and the Arkhangelsk region; worked in the camp art workshop. Released in 1946, he settled in Saratov.
Since 1916 — participant of exhibitions ("the Store" interior "Unicorn", Moscow Association of artists; all — Moscow). Exhibited associations: Northern society of artists in Kostroma (1917), AHRR in Moscow (1925), "4 искусства" in Moscow and Leningrad (1926, 1928, 1929). A member of the group "13" (1929-1930).
Participant of exhibitions: 4-й exhibition picturesquely-пластической culture (1920), exhibitions of paintings (1924), paintings, drawings and sculpture (1925, 1927), "the Soviet image" (1929), 1-й regional art exhibition (1934), exhibition in honour of 50-летия the Saratov art school (1947), works of artists of Saratov (1949) to Samara (Kuibyshev). The Exhibitor of several foreign exhibitions, in particular Art-кустарной exhibition of the USSR in the USA (1929, traveling), Soviet graphic art in London (1930), Soviet graphic art, book, poster and art industry in Johannesburg (1931). Held a personal exhibition in Saratov (1923).
he Taught at the state Free art studios (1919), factory art Studio (1946) in Saratov.
a Memorial exhibition was held in Saratov (1986). The artist dedicated the album-монография А. Т. Симоновой "the Artist Valentin Usticke" (Saratov, 2009).
the Works are in many Museum collections, including the State Tretyakov gallery, the Pushkin Museum im. А. С. Пушкина Saratov state art Museum im. А. Н. Радищева, Karakalpak state Museum of art. И. В. Савицкого in Nukus and other.
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