Art Investment

The society The Champions of the New Art


Vitebsk — Petrograd (Leningrad)

Members: F. I. Belostotskaya, A. S. Wexler, M. S. Wechsler, I. T. Gabris, G. G. Klutsis, E. I. Gurovich, V. M. Ermolaeva, . I. Ivanov, A. Kagan, E. N. Cobra, . I. Cohen, L. M. Lissitzky (El Lissitzky), E. M. Editorial, K. S. Malevich, P. V. Miturich, G. Noskov, E. M. Roach (Rayak), D. N. Sannikov, V. M. Struminski, . M. Suetin, L. M. Khidekel, I. G. Chashnik, I. I. Chervinko, L. A. Yudin, D. A. Ackerson.

Exhibition: 1-я state exhibition of paintings by local and Moscow artists (1919, Vitebsk); Exhibition of paintings by Petrograd artists of all directions (1923, Petrograd).

avant-garde art Association@the semicolon appeared in Vitebsk, where in November 1919 at the invitation of the rector of the national art school (Artistic-практический Institute) V. M. Ermolaeva for the leadership of the painting Studio came K. S. Malevich. Originally the group was called Posnova (Followers of new art), Feb 1920 — UNOVIS.

Charter of the organization reads: "1. Goal @ldquo;Уновиса@rdquo; — adoption of new forms of arts, under which are understood by cubism, futurism, Suprematism. 2. To achieve this goal @ldquo;Уновис@rdquo; strives to perform all the work and tasks developed especially them program 3. @Ldquo;Уновиса@rdquo; is carried out in sections, the number, competence and composition of which are determined by the General Assembly or the Creative Committee. 4. The section shall elect from its midst a Chairman and a Secretary. 5. District activities @ldquo;Уновиса@rdquo; is not limited to".

In fact, UNOVIS was a new type of artistic Association, organized by the example of a political party. The group had its indisputable leader (K. S. Malevich), complex vertical structure (Chairman — Vice President — Creative Committee — General meeting), engaged in the promotion of strictly certain circle of ideas and fought for the only possible, according to the ideologues, the path of development of art (Suprematism). Also UNOVIS combines the functions of educational and research centers.

By August 1920 the number of groups was 36 people. The group consisted of members and candidates. The governing body was the Creative Committee. Members were taken by all persons "sympathetic to the objectives" of the Association and are willing to engage in various aspects of their implementation. The membership was conducted by decision of 3/4 of the votes of the Creative Committee and then presented for approval to the General meeting. Admission to the candidates ("individuals, only compassion... ideas") was conducted through a simple recording.

General meeting could be convened by the Creative Committee as well as at the request of 1/3 of its members or 2/3 of the candidates. Meetings were held at least once in two weeks; quorum — 1/2 of number of members. The members enjoyed the meetings, voting, candidates — Advisory. The meeting determined the number of members and composition of the Creative Committee, which is elected for a period of six months. Creative meetings of the Committee were held at least once a week, quorum — 2/3 of its members. Creative Committee has elected a Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Treasurer.

the Activities were carried out from variousfunds — one-off payments upon joining (50 to 100), monthly fees only with members (15 rubles), voluntary contributions and profits from the device readings, lectures, concerts, meetings, performances.

In their creative practice and manifests the artists applied the principles of Suprematism, which has developed in the works K. S. Malevich: "From cubism to Suprematism" (PG., 1915), "From cubism and futurism to Suprematism" (M., 1916), "On new systems in art (static and velocity)" (Vitebsk, 1919), "From Cezanne to Suprematism" (PG., 1920), "God does not throw off" (Vitebsk, 1922) and others.

As organizationally-педагогическая system UNOVIS consisted of propaganda, literary, pictorial, architectural and construction-технического departments-факультетов; abstract kubofuturisticheskom, graphic, decorative workshops. As a research laboratory engaged in studying the development of art, the emergence and development of the art form, adopting new aesthetics.

From 1920 operated a branch of UNOVIS in Smolensk (under the guidance V. M. Strutinskogo and E. N. Cobra). Originated branches in Moscow, Odessa, Orenburg, Perm, Samara, Saratov.

the Group spent the evening drawing with the analysis of student work, and organized debates. In February 1920 in the Latvian club in Vitebsk had been given a "Suprematist ballet" (N. I. Cohen) and the Opera "victory over the sun" M. V. Matyushin and A. Kruchenykh (making V. M. Ermolaeva, Malevich with the participation of students of art school). With a circulation of 5 copies issued almanac "UNOVIS" (1920), which was an installation of hand-written texts with literal collages, graphics, photographs.

Members participated in 1-й State exhibition of paintings by local and Moscow artists in Vitebsk (1919), held several independent exhibitions.

In late 1922 K. S. Malevich with a group of students moved to Petrograd, where he organized and headed the Ginhuke (State Institute of artistic culture); the activities of the UNOVIS continued at its organizational basis. In the Department of painting and culture of Ginhuke, which was headed by K. S. Malevich, the lab colors was in charge of V. M. Ermolaeva, laboratory forms — L. A. Yudin, graduate students and interns A. A. Leporskaya, K. I. Rozhdestvensky, V. V. Sterligov, . M. Suetin, L. M. Khidekel, I. G. Chashnik and others.

In 1923, the UNOVIS members participated in the exhibition of paintings of Petrograd artists of all directions, where their paintings were grouped on the principle of "system of cubism", "the system of futurism", "Suprematism system". Art critic Sergei I. jutkiewicz, not without irony wrote in the article "Bread capital" (LEF, 1923, No. 3): "the only good canvas throughout the exhibition — @ldquo;Уновиса@rdquo; — is absolutely clean, white, good soil. It can still-нибудь to do..."; in the same article described the reunification program as "metaphysical speculation."

the activities of the UNOVIS ceased in connection with the closing of Ginhuke (1926). Followers K. S. Malevich (V. M. Ermolaeva, A. A. Leporskaya, K. I. Rozhdestvensky, V. V. Sterligov, . M. Suetin, L. A. Yudin) organized the "Group picturesquely-пластическогоrealism".


1. In the circle of Malevich. Associates. Students. Followers in Russia 1920 — 1950-х. SPb., 2000. P. 12-23.

2. T. Kotovich In. Encyclopedia of Russian avant-garde. Minsk, 2003. P. 352-360.

3. D. Severyukhin I Leikind O. L. The Golden age of art associations in Russia and the USSR (1820-1932). Reference. SPb., 1992. S. 317-319.

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