Art Investment


lacquer Nikolai Andreyevich

1894 (Moscow) - 1970 (Moscow)

Graphic artist, painter, set designer, sculptor.

born in the family of the painter, muralist. The first artistic skills has led her father. While still in school, served as first assistant to the artist's Theater, VA Sims. In 1908 he enrolled at the Stroganov Artistic and Industrial School, where he studied at the DA Shcherbinovskaya, P. Pashkov, VE Egorova.

During the Civil War joined the Red Army. He worked in the field of propaganda art. In the political department of the Third Army of the Eastern Front, he organized and headed the art and decorative studio, engaged in the manufacture of posters, registration of agitation trains and propaganda station, as well as propaganda for the revolutionary design urban holidays.

demobilized in 1923, continued his education in the studios Rodchenko and D. Kardovsky. Entry into the creative association "Genesis". In the late 1920's - early 1930's was sent to Dagestan "for the production of drawings and sketches in the works on display in socialist construction ..." A series of drawings "Fisheries" (1928-1931), travel to farms in Dagestan "(1928 -1931), "Gergebilstroy" (1930-1935), "Sulakstroy gorge Chirkov (1933). In 1932 took part in the exhibition "15 years of Soviet Graphics" in 1939 - in the exhibition "Industry of Socialism" in Moscow. In 1935, in Dagestan held the first exhibition of lacquer, in the same year he organized an exhibition of artists of the Northern Caucasus.

During the Great Patriotic War he was evacuated to the Urals, in its 1942-1943 schedule the work depicted weapons factories. In 1944-1945 worked as a correspondent of the Military Medical Museum of the Soviet Army. Repeatedly went to the front, running the set of field sketches, later combined into a series of "On the roads of war." He was awarded the medal "For Victory over Germany».

In the postwar period dealt primarily scenography, from 1948 to 1955 was the chief designer of the State Folk Dance Ensemble of the USSR under the leadership of Moses IA. Collaborated with the chorus of. Pyatnitsky performed costumes for the anniversary program to mark the 50 anniversary of the team. Since 1952 was awarded the USSR State Prize. Created a series of paintings "Dance of the USSR" and "Dances of the peoples of Dagestan. He worked in the decorative sculpture, mostly of wood and papier-mache.

Name Lacquered until recently was known only to a narrow circle of specialists, yet he - one of the most talented and interesting artists of his time. The flowering of the artist's work falls on the 1920 - 1930 and is connected with the work in the field of propaganda art and creative business in Dagestan. If agitation master schedule is extremely rare, the figures of the late 1920 - the first half of 1930 constitute the bulk of his creative heritage. Most of them are made in a free manner with a brush and ink, they are largely consonant with the works of NN Kupreyanova, especially with his diaries 1930-1931. As Kupreyanov, varnishes sought in his schedule to capture not only the grandiose building projects, in its release cycles and are often found pictures is quite different - the images of oxen, carrying cargo, sketches of human figures in various occupations, landscape sketches, genre scenes and portraits.

Artistic Heritage Lacquered sufficiently large. The works of masters are in many museum collections, including the State Tretyakov Gallery and the Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin.

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