Art Investment

Zozulin Grigory Stepanovich


Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Zazulya, Zozulya, Zozulin


ZOZULYA (Zazulya, Zozulin) Grigory Stepanovich

26 января (7 февраля) 1893 (Kiev) — 23 января 1973 (Palanga, Lithuanian SSR)

Painter, graphic artist, set designer, decorative artist-прикладного art

Studied at the Central Stroganov-промышленном school (1907-1918) В. Е. Егорова, А. В. Щусева. Worked in the studios of А. М. Родченко (1919-1922) and Д. Н. Кардовского (1925-1926) in Moscow.

he Lived in Moscow. He painted landscapes, portraits, still lifes, genre scenes; was engaged in book graphics and theatre-декорационным art.

Issued a statement: "the maid of Orleans" Ф. Шиллера in the Theater К. Н. Незлобина (1913), "On the busiest place" А. Н. Островского in the Teacher's home (1915), the Queen of spades П. И. Чайковского in the Theater Novoslobodskaya people's house (1917), "At the bottom" А. М. Горького (together with Н. А. Лаковым) the red army Studio-клубе "Red cuckoo" (1920), "Blizzard" Д. А. Щеглова in a Central community theater at the Moscow gubernia Department of the Union of Soviet trade workers (1927), "Poverty — is not a crime" А. Н. Островского in the Club plant. М. В. Фрунзе (1936), "Imaginary invalid" Ж.-Б. Мольера in Music-драматическом theatre (1946) in Moscow, "Mahmud of Torabi" А. С. Чишко in the Uzbek theater of Opera and ballet.

Studied design of squares and streets of Moscow to the revolutionary holidays (1922 and 1927), exhibitions of museums and exhibitions ("Our achievements" in the Polytechnic Museum, 1931; exhibition of the people's Commissariat for heavy in the House of Unions, 1935). Participated in the design of the pavilions "Glattbach" and "Glauconem" (1939) and Bashkir ASSR (1954-1955) at the agricultural exhibition in Moscow. Created design sketches water bus to the channel "Moscow — Volga" (1955). In the late 1940-х — early 1950-х was designing furniture for public interiors.

Since 1916 — participated in exhibitions. He exposed his works at exhibitions: "Moscow theatres October decades" (1928), decorative arts (1946, 1955), 3-й exhibition of watercolours by Moscow artists (1957) in Moscow and others. Member and participant of exhibitions Association "Genesis" (1929).

In 1975 в Moscow was the posthumous exhibition of the artist.

the Works are in many Museum and private collections.

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