Art Investment


GLUSKIN Alexander Mikhailovich

February 5, 1899 (Odessa) — July 18, 1969 (Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist

Alexander Gluskin studied at Odessa Art School under the guidance of K. K. Kostandi (1918–1921) and in the private art school of Y. R. Bershadsky. He worked in graphic art, easel painting, satire illustration; he also drew sketches for posters. He collaborated with Windows of political satire of South ROSTA (the Russian Telegraph Agency).

Since 1919 Gluskin participated in the First people’s exhibition of paintings, posters and signboards in Odessa.

Since 1921 Gluskin lived in Moscow, met group of young writers — E. G. Bagritsky, Y. K. Olesha, I. A. Ilf, I. A. Babel. In 1922 Gluskin together with S. Y. Adlivankin, A. M. Nurenberg, M. S. Perutsky, N. N. Popov and G. G. Ryazhsky became one of the founders of the New Society of Painters (NOZh). Gluskin was a member and active participant of exhibitions of the society Bytie (“Being”, 1924–1928), member of the Association of the artists of the Revolution (AKhR), Moscow Regional Union of Soviet Artists (MOSSKh, since 1932). The painter took part in the exhibition of works on revolutionary and Soviet themes in Moscow (1930), the jubilee exhibition Artists of the RSFSR for 15 years in Leningrad and in Moscow (1932–1934), and many all-union art exhibitions.

In 1930s Gluskin made several trips to factories and state farms in order to gather material for creative work. In 1950s–1970s he taught in Moscow Art School in Chudov lane. The personal exhibitions of the artist were held in Moscow in 1955 and in 1968.

In 1983 the retrospective exhibition of Gluskin’s works was organized in Moscow.

Alexander Gluskin was one of the most significant representatives of so called Moscow school of painting.  In his early works (1920s — early 1930s) Gluskin was under the impact of cubism and postimpressionism. Works of this period were characterized by expressive painting, with color contrasts, intensified plastic art and deliberate deformation of drawing. Later his manner of painting became softer and more lyric. In 1940s–1960s Gluskin painted a lot of landscapes form nature and portraits with retrained color gamma.

Works by Alexander Gluskin are in many museum collections, including the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts and others.

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