Art Investment

Anderson Voldemar Petrovich


Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Anders, Vladimir


ANDERSON (Anders), Waldemar (Vladimir) P.

1883 (according to other sources, 1891, Riga) - February 3, 1938 (near Moscow)


Born in a working class family. First art education received in the Riga City art school, but education was interrupted due to the outbreak of the First World War. After serving from 1917 to 1922 the Red Guards and the Red 7-th of the Latvian Rifle Regiment, Anderson returned to school: in 1922, entered into the Higher Artistic and Technical Workshops (Higher Art School), who graduated in the class Korovin in 1924.

In 1925, Anderson became a member of the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia. Became a professor of Higher Art. At the exhibition of the artist began on display since 1918, participated in the exhibition on the tenth anniversary of the Red Army.

As a representative of the small peoples of the USSR Anderson was a member of the Latvian labor artistic commune, where the number and the representatives of the avant-garde. Attended Latvian society "Prometheus».

In 1937, Anderson's one of the first arrested, among others, the Communards in the standard charges of belonging to a counter-revolutionary fascist terrorist organization that supposedly existed in "Prometheus. Taganskaya suspect kept in jail.

shot in 1938. He was buried at Butovo range.

Anderson works written in the spirit of socialist realism: "Breakthrough of the Denikin front parts of the Latvian red", "Portrait of a member of the PBC and the Chairmanship. CA Union Osoaviahima RP Eideman "," Captain N-body Skog v. Latsis Ya Ya "," Portrait of beg. Latvian Division v. Stutski and Divisional Commissioner v. Apina ».

artist's paintings are in the Museum of the Revolution, the Museum of the Red Army and other museums in Russia, as well as in private collections.

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