Art Investment



Around 1717 (Moscow) - February 4, 1757 (St. Petersburg)

Engraver .

In 1726 entered the gymnasium of the Academy of Sciences. In 1731, together with GA Kachalov began to study engraving at O. Elligera, and from mid-1730-x - y H.-A. Wortman. In 1737, promoted to apprentice. Participated in all Engraving Chamber Academy, including the publication of the album "House of Saint-Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Library, Kunstkamery etc» (1738) and Elizabeth's coronation album (early 1740-x).

Since the early 1740-s actual engraving head of the House. In 1746, after the dismissal Wortman received a master's degree and officially took charge of the works of the House. In 1744, Sokolov was asked to do a portrait of the Empress Elizabeth of the original L. Caravaque, which was completed in 1746, becoming a kind of model for all subsequent images of the Empress.

From 1735 to 1757 taught engraving and painting almost all students engraving business in the Academy of Sciences, including AA Grekova, EG Vinogradova, Y. Vasil'eva, P. T. Balabina, N. J. Sablin.

Sokolov - an outstanding master of reproduction prints the mid XVIII century, the representative of the so-called "Elizabethan baroque", which has had a significant influence on the style of Russian incisal prints. He worked in a variety of genres: creating portraits, pictures of fireworks, Plural solemn procession, vignettes, drop cap, maps, species engraving.

Artistic Heritage Sokolova is sufficiently large. Among the best works - portraits of Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich from the original GH Groot and Elizabeth on Caravaque, images ceremonial processions from the album of Elizabeth's coronation. It is engraved with a chisel, either exclusively or with a chisel on the etching preparation, in modeling the face and hands frequently used dotted technique.

Circulations some engravings Sokolova were quite high. Thus, a portrait of Elizabeth was immediately made in an edition of 1000 copies, then often overprint (there are reprints of the XIX century). Some prints, by contrast, represent a real collector rarity. For example, a portrait of EI Biron on Caravaque exists only in two copies, and a portrait of Grand Duchess Catherine Alekseevny by Hans Groot and known at all in a single specimen. All this greatly complicates the assessment system works Sokolova, which plays a huge role not only the artistic level, but also the quality of the imprint, the time of manufacture, the rarity of the particular engraving.

Sokolova works are in many museum and private collections, including the State Russian Museum, Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin State Museum of History, the National Library of Russia, State Hermitage Museum and others.

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