Art Investment


BENKOV, Pavel Petrovich

8 (20) December 1879 (Kazan) — 16 января 1949 (the Samarkand)

Painter, graphic artist, set designer

he Studied at the Kazan art school (1898-1901) И. А. Денисова, Г. А. Медведева; Higher art Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture under the Imperial Academy of arts in St. Petersburg (1901-1909, with a break) Я. Ф. Ционглинского, Г. Р. Залемана with 1903 — in the Studio Д. Н. Кардовского. In 1909, for the painting "the Resignation" received the title of artist. In 1905-1906 he visited Paris, studied at the Academy Р. Жюльена. Visited Italy (1906, 1908, 1911, 1913), Spain (1908), traveled in Central Asia (1928-1930).

he Lived in Kazan, from 1930 — Samarkand. One of the founders of the Uzbek Soviet art. He painted portraits, landscapes, genre paintings of content. Author of painting works: "the covered Bazaar in Bukhara" (1929), "Old Bukhara" (1931), "Teahouse" (1932), "silk reeling factory “Худжум”" (1932), "8-е March in the square" (1933), "the Occupation of Bukhara by the red partisans in 1920 году" (1935), "Ratscrew" (1935), "Ochocka cotton" (1936), "the proclamation of the Uzbek Soviet socialist Republic" (1940), "Girlfriends" (1940), "Mother hero" (1943), "letter from the front" (1945), "In the ditch" (1947), "grape harvest" (1947) and others.

In 1910-20-е designed productions in the theatres of Kazan, Irkutsk, Omsk. He performed sketches of costumes and scenery for the productions: "Ivan Susanin" М. И. Глинки, Carmen Ж. Бизе in the Kazan Opera theatre; "Takhir and Zukhra" С. Абдуллы That "Mystery-буфф" В. В. Маяковского in the Russian drama theatre.

From 1903 — participant of exhibitions (exhibition of VAS). Exhibited: the society of the Independent (1914), society of travelling art exhibitions (1916, 1922). Member AHRR (1922), Tatar (1923), Union of artists of Usbsr (1933). Participated in exhibitions: 1-й state exhibition of arts and science (1920), 2-й state exhibition of painting, sculpture and architecture (1921) in Kazan; the Jubilee exhibition of art of the peoples of the USSR (1927), exhibition of paintings by artists of Uzbekistan (1934), "XX years of the red army and the Military-Морского Navy" (1938), exhibition of the best works of Soviet artists (1941), all-Union art exhibitions (1946, 1947) in Moscow; Republican art exhibitions (1935, 1936, 1940, 1943, 1945), The jubilee exhibition of fine arts of Uzbekistan (1947) in Tashkent and other. His personal exhibitions were held in Moscow, Kazan, Tashkent, Samarkand (1960-1962 to mark the 50th-летию creative activity).

he Taught at the Kazan art school (1909-1918), Kazan state architecture-техническом Institute — architectural-художественных workshops — Kazan art-педагогическом College (1921-1929), the Samarkand art school (from 1931); after the artist's death in Samarkand the school was named after him. The honored worker of arts of Usbsr (1939).

a Memorial exhibition was held in Moscow (2000). Published memoirs and correspondence of the artist: П. П. Беньков, 1879-1949. Memoirs, correspondence. Comp. М. А. Соколова. Kazan, 1981.

Work is represented in many Museum collections, among them the State Tretyakov gallery, State Museum of art of peoples of the East, the State Museum of fine arts of the Republic of Tatarstan in Kazan, the Museum of arts of Uzbekistan in Tashkent and other.

1. Aromas. The Kazan avant-garde 1920-х. Catalogue of the exhibition. Comp. Galeev И. И., Ulanova О. Л. State Museum of fine arts of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan; gallery "Art-Диваж", Moscow. M., 2005. S. 136.
2. The state Tretyakov gallery. The collection catalogue. Painting of the first half of the twentieth century. M., 2009, vol. 6, kN. 1. S. 82-83.
3. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1970, vol. 1. S. 368-369.

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