Art Investment


WHITE Alexander F.


Painter, graphic artist

Biographical information about the artist scarce.

In 1894-1900 he studied at the Higher Art School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture at IAH. In 1900 he was awarded the title of class artist for the painting "Twilight in the Crimea", "Morning in the Caucasus" and others.

worked as a landscape painter. Member and exhibitor of the Society of Artists. AIKuindzhi (1918, 1926-1930), the Association of Artists (1922-1923), AHRR (1924-1926, 1928). Since 1932 - Member of the Union of Artists. Has exhibited his work at the First State Free Exhibition of Works of Art in Petrograd (1919), Jubilee Exhibition of Fine Arts (1927), the exhibition "Contemporary art group in Leningrad (1928-1929), First Public Exhibition of Fine Arts (1930), the commemorative exhibition" Artists RSFSR XV Years "(1932-1933) in Leningrad and Moscow, the first exhibition" The Union of Soviet Artists "(1931) in Moscow, a traveling exhibition of paintings, drawing and graphic artists in Moscow (1932) in Kharkiv, and others.

White works are in several museum and private collections.

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