Painter, graphic artist
Studied in Elisavetgrad in evening drawing courses at Zemsky real school No. 1 (1905-1915) Ф. С. Казачинского; in Moscow — in the Studio И. И. Машкова (1916-1918); at the Riga Polytechnic Institute (1918; during his stay in evacuation in Moscow); in VKhUTEMAS (1923-1925) on painting faculty at И. И. Машкова.
In 1918 together with П. П. Соколовым-Скаля made a trip to the sci. In 1918-1922 were the troops of the White army on the Eastern front; lived in Harbin, Vladivostok, worked in local theatre artist and actor (pseudonym @Avgustinovsky mdas).
In 1922 he settled in Moscow. Drew for the magazine "Red pepper" (1925), newspaper "Laborer", "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (1926-1927). Illustrated books Detgiz: "In the East" П. А. Павленко (1937), "Stories" Р. И. Фраермана (1939), "lake Khasan" И. Н. Мошляка (1940), "Gold" Б. Н. Полевого (1954), "the Story of a childhood" М. Н. Штительмана (1956, 1960), "the Shot" Б. А. Ивантера (1956, 1961). Was engaged in a political poster: "For Soviet power!" (1928-1932), "Komsomol — in the series Despite of it" (1930), "the Pope — is our answer!" (1930), "Our cause — the enemy will be defeated!" (1941), "the bloody Beast, marked with the swastika..." (1942-1943).
In 1929 he participated in the expedition of academician А. Е. Ферсмана on a route Ashkhabad — Khiva through the Karakum desert. During the great Patriotic war he was in evacuation in Uzbekistan (1941-1944).
the Author of thematic paintings: "the Students KUTWA" (1926), "Agitators" (1930), "White terror" (1932), "On dogs" (1940), "mountain meadow" (1946), "Farm the Wrymouth" (1947), "Moscow" (1947), "On a ski trip" (1948), "Spring morning" (1949), "In training" (1952), "Pioneers of the stadium Dynamo" (1955); the series of drawings: "400 000 000" (early 1930-х). He drew a series of portraits: "the Best people of Uzbekistan" (1941-1944, pastel), "Cotton growers-передовики" (1957-1958, watercolor, pastel), "Young Leninists" (1968, pastel); easel portraits: "Innovators of production М. Левченко and Г. Муханов" (1951), "the Muscovite" (1956, tempera) and others.
Participated in the design of the Main pavilion VSHV (1937-1939): together with В. В. Хвостенко completed six painted panels in the hall "Culture".
From 1921 — participant of exhibitions (Vladivostok, Harbin). A member and Exhibitor AHRR — akhr (1925-1932), member of the USSR Union of artists. Participated in exhibitions: 1-й traveling exhibition of paintings and drawings (1929), the anti-imperialist exhibition dedicated to international Red day (1931), "Poster at the service of five" (1932), "Artists of the RSFSR for XV years" (1933), "XV years of the red army" (1933, mobile; also in Leningrad, Kiev, Kharkov), "Artists of the transport" (1934), Moscow artists (1939, 1948, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1960, 1961), "The works of Moscow artists during the great Patriotic war" (1942), all-Union art exhibitions (1946, 1947, 1951, 1954, 1955, 1957, 1958 — "40 лет of the Komsomol", 1961), "800 лет Moscow in the works of artists" (1947), Soviet poster (1950), 5-й exhibition of works by book artists (1955), exhibition 1-му all-Union Congress of Soviet artists (1957), "Socialist Moscow in works of Moscow artists" (1957), the Republican art exhibition "Soviet Russia" (1960), "Physical culture and sport in fine art" (1962), art exhibition by 25-летию of the defeat of the-фашистских troops near Moscow (1966), "Artists of Moscow — 25-летию of October" (1967), "the Soviet political poster for 50 лет" (1967) in Moscow; "Posters of the red Army" in Perm (1942); Jubilee Republican exhibition dedicated to the 25th-летию October, in Tashkent (1943); traveling exhibition of the Soviet graphic art (1947, Riga, Vilnius, Kaliningrad, Kaunas, Tallinn, Tartu) and others. Participant of several exhibitions of Soviet art abroad: Exhibition of graphics, drawings, posters and books in Danzig (1930), "Woman in the USSR and abroad" in Berlin (1931) has Held solo exhibitions in Moscow (1929, 1930, 1959), Ashgabat and Khiva (1930), Tashkent (1944).
the Honored worker of arts of Usbsr (1944). Memorial solo exhibition was held in Moscow (1985).
Work is represented in many Museum collections, among them — of the State Tretyakov gallery, Rybinsk state historical-архитектурный and art Museum-заповедник, Orlovsky Museum of fine arts, national Museum of the Republic of Belarus in Minsk, State Museum of arts of Uzbekistan in Tashkent.
1. The state Tretyakov gallery. The collection catalogue. Painting of the first half of the twentieth century. M., 2009, vol. 6, kN. 1. P.174.
2. The state Tretyakov gallery. The collection catalogue. Figure of the twentieth century. M., 2012, vol. 3, kN. 2. P. 46.
3. Directory of members and candidate members of the Union of artists of the USSR as of 1 июня 1967 года. M., 1968. P. 178.
4. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1976, vol. 3. S. 30.
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