Art Investment


EFANOV Vasily Prokofievich

23 ноября 1900 (Samara) — 3 марта 1978 (Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist

From a family of small entrepreneurs. He received his primary education in the unified labor school of the II stage (1908-1917). He studied at the Samara art-промышленном College (1917-1919). Passed examinations in the State free art studios (1920) and in the Petrograd VKhUTEMAS (1922) in Moscow, but unsuccessfully. He studied in private studios in Moscow: "the free Academy of arts" А. Е. Архипова (1922) and "the Studio on Tverskaya artist К. П. Чемко" Д. Н. Кардовского (1921-1926).

he Lived in Moscow. Worked as a portraitist, landscape painter, created the paintings theme. In 1924-1932 he also painted for magazines "Change", "Friendly guys", "pioneer", "Soldier and Sailor" and others. Implemented a number of political posters. As an actor, makeup artist, decorator collaborated in 4-й theatre Studio (1930-1934).

the Author of portraits: artists Н. С. Самокиша (1932), Я. И. Николаидзе (1944), В. Н. Бакшеева (1953), А. М. Каневского (1967); party leaders Г. К. Орджоникидзе (1937), В. М. Молотова (hammers on the background of the Kremlin wall) (1947; (Stalin) State prize, 1948), А. А. Жданова (1948), Я. М. Свердлова (1969); artists В. О. Топоркова (1945), А. А. Яблочкиной, М. С. Нарокова, С. Я. Лемешева, А. А. Остужева (all — 1946), the aircraft А. А. Микулина (1948), academics И. М. Виноградова (1957), И. Г. Петровского (1957), П. Л. Капицы (1958), И. В. Курчатова (1960), Н. М. Сасакяна (1964); Heroes of Socialist Labor С. А. Матвеева (1967), С. К. Крыловой (1971). Performed a number of thematic paintings: "Feat Г. И. Котовского" (1932), "Tankmen on manoeuvres" (1933), "an Unforgettable meeting" (1936-1937; (Stalin) State prize, 1941), "new Homeland" (1937), "Meeting students at Military-воздушной Academy. Н. Е. Жуковского with artists theater К. С. Станиславского", "Lenin and Gorky in Gorki" (both — 1938), "И. В. Сталин, К. Е. Ворошилов, В. М. Молотов at the bedside А. М. Горького" (1940-1944; (Stalin) State prize 1946), "Predators (Fascist doomed)" (1942-1943), "Stalingrad" (1943), "snake Charmers" (1954), "the festival" (1957) and others.

Under the guidance Г. К. Савицкого worked on the creation of the panorama "Sturm Perekopa" (1934-1938). Supervised teams of artists who created large group portraits-картины: panel "the Noble people of the Country of Soviets" for the Soviet pavilion at the world exhibition in new-Йорке (1939), "Leading people of Moscow in the Kremlin. Ceremony awarding the order of Lenin Moscow to celebrate the 800th-летия" (1949; (Stalin) State prize in 1950), "the meeting of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR" (1951; (Stalin) State prize, 1951).

Made a trip to the US (1939), France (1939, 1963, 1967), India (1952), Mongolia (1954), Italy (1958, 1965, 1969, 1975), Holland (1968), Spain (1970); has performed cycles of works of "Popular types of India" (1952), "the Mongolian people's Republic" (1954), "On Italy" (1965, 1969, 1975).

From 1927 — participant of the exhibition (the Second exhibition of graphic art in Moscow). Member AHRR. Member, organizing Committee member (since 1939), Secretary of the organizing Committee (1951) Union of Soviet artists. Exhibitor exhibitions: "XV years of the red army" (1933), "XX years of the red army and the Military-Морского Navy" (1938), all-Union art exhibitions (1939, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1952, 1954, 1955, 1957, 1958, 1961, 1965, 1967, 1970, 1972, 1973), "the Great Patriotic war" (1943) in Moscow and others. The participant of many international exhibitions and exhibitions of Soviet art abroad: in London (1932), new-Йорке (1939), Venice (1956), Brussels (1958, bronze medal), Rome, Florence (both — 1974), Bucharest (1975).

Held a solo exhibition in Kuibyshev (1943), Moscow (1971, 1975), Nalchik, Baku, and Leningrad (all — 1971).

he Taught at the Moscow art Institute. В. И. Сурикова (1948-1957), Moscow pedagogical Institute (1959-1978), Professor (from 1948). Author of several articles on fine arts: "Artist-боец", "Notes skill", "Unity", "My job — to capture nature" and others.

For his activity was awarded the title of member of the Academy of arts of the USSR (1947), people's artist of the RSFSR (1951), people's artist of the USSR (1965).

Retrospective exhibition of the artist held in Moscow (1981, 2001), Berlin (1981).

Work is represented in many Museum collections, including the State Tretyakov gallery, the State Russian Museum and others.


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