Art Investment


TENET Alexei Ilyich

3 сентября 1899 (village Sapyorno Warsaw province) — 10 июля 1972 (Moscow)

Sculptor, graphic

Studied in Zamoskvoretsky art school in Moscow (1918) Б. Н. Терновца, В. А. Ватагина, VKhUTEMAS (1921-1925) Б. Д. Королева and А. М. Лавинского.

he Lived in Moscow. He worked in easel and monumental and monumental-декоративной sculpture. Participated in the implementation of the plan of monumental propaganda; the author of the monument "to Fighters for Soviet power in the far East" (1917-1922).

From 1920 — participated in exhibitions. A member and Exhibitor of the society of Russian sculptors (1927), akhr (1929). Participated in the exhibition of paintings, sculpture, graphics in Petrovsk (1921), diploma works of VKhUTEMAS (1925), works of revolutionary and Soviet themes (1930) in Moscow and others.

he Taught in VKhUTEMAS — Vhuteine (1925-1934).

Works are in several Museum collections, including the State Tretyakov gallery.

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