Art Investment

Reviews of Auctions in Russia


Comparative results of the auction house "Russian enamel" on February 22

On the eve of the house "Russian enamel" has pleased its customers regular monthly auction of Russian and Western European art


Brief results of the auction in the Auction house Egorov 20 Feb

The participants in the room to take the revenge from the Internet, having won about one-third of all sales. Lead price tops-лист works of the late XIX — beginning of the XX century


The results of the auction "KABINET" February 17

Successful February auction opened with the sale of a huge collection in one lot


Large results large Auction house "KABINET" February 15

Tense struggle of the Internet of the hall during the auction yielded good results and beneficial impact on the overall statistics of trading


Auction "Russian enamel" on January 27. Short summary

Revenue of almost 7 million rubles. For men portrait by Vladimir Makovsky paid 600 thousand


The first art auction on January 31 in "the literary Fund»

Last day of January has pleased all lovers of painting, graphics and decorative-прикладного art 93-ми auction the Auction house "Russian enamel»


The results of the auction on January 24 at the Auction house "Russian enamel»

The first auction of 2018 gathered a full room and in a light, positive mood was a good start to the new season sales


The results of the auction the Auction house "Russian icon" 25 Dec

The total volume of trading amounted to more than 5 million rubles


Emerald brooch ballerina Ekaterina Geltser sold for 5 million rubles

Brooch with emerald in 27 carat became the sensation of the auction of fine and decorative-прикладного art in the house "Russian enamel" on December 16. The lot was more than three times higher than the start


The results of the auction on 14 December at the Auction house "Russian enamel"

The Internet continues to gain book trading. Magic hall and personal participation in the auction remain committed to the persistent booksellers and fans — for that and rewarded


Drawings Stalin's daughter with his notes sold for 2.8 million rubles

Collection of 14 children's drawings of Svetlana Alliluyeva with numerous comments left on the figures of her father, became a top-лотом rare book auction house "Among collectors" 12 Dec


Brief results of the auction on 6 December at the auction house "KABINET"

Auction "Russian art of the XIX — beginning of the twentieth century" in "the Office" has brought more than 5 million rubles. Success enjoyed works by Vasily Kuchumov, Alexander Schwabe, Mstislav Sarovskogo etc.


Auction "Russian enamel" November 25: a brief summary

Auction "the centenary of the revolution" in the "Antiquarium" gathered a full room and more than 59 million rubles


Theatrical graphics Dobuzhinsky: 73% by lots and 84% for the money

On a small (100 lots) a specialized auction of Russian theatrical graphics "the office" has sold 64 lots, the average price of each of them is close to 170 000 rubles


7.5 times higher than the start of a rare icon in the art Nouveau style at the auction "Russian enamel"

The hammer price of the icon "St. George the victorious" has reached 450 thousand. from the start of 60 thousand. These and other results of the auction of Russian and Western European art of the 18th Nov in our review


Soviet unofficial art in "Auction No. 1" on November 18. A brief summary

The auction catalog of 142-х lots were sold almost 40% and brought a total of slightly more than 4 million rubles


Picture of David Shterenberg in 12 times exceeded the estimate at the auction "Russian enamel"

3.2 million rubles were paid for the "portrait" painted by David Shterenberg (1881-1948) at the start from 250 thousand. A total auction of paintings, graphics and decorative-прикладного art in "Russian enamel" November 16, brought more than 8 million rubles


Antique paper, procardia and used books in the "Russian enamel" November 11. The results of the auction

Sold by 46% by lots and 44.5 % for the money. Revenue 878 thousand rubles


Auction "Russian enamel" November 7 brought almost 24 million rubles

In the two sessions were sold 273 lots of 504. Top-лотами of steel autographs of Yesenin


"Alexander Bubnov. The myth of" Trubnikovsky lane

Tonight at the State literary Museum opens the exhibition, organized by the Museum in conjunction with the gallery "vellum" and devoted to the work of Soviet artist — Creator of images of heroes of Russian history


The fifth anniversary of the Guild of antique dealers-книжников in the "Antiquarium". The results of the anniversary auction

Auction catalog October 28, separated by almost a third. Total revenue amounted to slightly less than 4 million rubles


Auction "the Auction house № 1" on October 28. A brief summary

Sold 1.7 million rubles. Top-лотом was the set of glass bottle and six glasses in the neo-Russian style with drawings based on sketches böhm


"Russian enamel" on October 21. A brief summary

Sold almost 9 million rubles With hammer away 43 % of the lots. Best selling porcelain, art glass and jewelry


Esenin letter went for 2.1 million rubles at the auction "Russian enamel"

And for 1.2 million rubles bought "ABC" Vladimir Lebedev, 1925. Auction "Russian enamel" on October 19


Painting, graphics and decorative-прикладного arts in the "Empire" on 7 October. The results of the auction

Directory of three hundred and fifty lots sold, for a third and collected in the amount of slightly less than 7.5 million rubles


Autumn auction house "SOVKOM" October 19. A brief summary

Auction of Russian and Soviet art in total gathered more than half a million dollars. Catalog sold by 53.5 %


Autograph Gennady Shpalikov went for 1.6 million rubles. at auction "KABINET"

Lot larger than the initial estimate of 16 times. But only auction "Antiquarium" on October 7 brought in 11.5 million RUB — 141% of the average total estimate


Auction of Russian, Soviet and West European art "Auction No. 1". A brief summary

Fifty of the 142 lots sold catalogue has brought to organizers more than 2 million rubles


Photo-филокартический the auction "Cabinet" on September 27. A brief summary

Vintage photos and postcards brought in a total of more than 5.1 million rubles. The catalog was sold out almost 50 %


The auction of porcelain and faience "Among collectors": how it was

Total revenue — 13.4 million rubles. Russian porcelain and faience sold at 57 %. And for the string of porcelain of Yuri Lvov and Hope Isakova from more than 90 lots the auctioneer earned white gloves


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