Art Investment

7.5 times higher than the start of a rare icon in the art Nouveau style at the auction "Russian enamel"

The hammer price of the icon "St. George the victorious" has reached 450 thousand. from the start of 60 thousand. These and other results of the auction of Russian and Western European art of the 18th Nov in our review

Saturday November 18th about two dozen people chose to hold it at the auction house "Russian enamel" at the auction of Russian and Western European art. More than ten collectors bid on the phone. Online for bidding throughout the entire auction was observed from 40 to 45 people. Thus, the number of participants varying degrees of activity exceeded 75 people. And that's not counting absentee rates, which also took place.

summary statistics: sold 230 of 510 lots (45 %) for a total of 7.95 million RUB (31% of the total assessment). Actively all were phone buyers, buying 36 % of lots sold. The room and the Internet went to 23 % and 24 % of the lots, respectively. In 17 % of cases played absentee bids.

Section of painting and graphics, numbering 250 lots sold was 40 % (the new owners have 100 lots). Revenue — little more than 3.5 million rubles, which is 29% of the estimate. I did not all the top-лоты and "names". However, some things were traded in earnest.

for Example, passionately argued two phone player with a party in the hall for the work of Ivan Avgustovich welz "Summer. Stacks." This Sunny landscape was eventually sold significantly more evaluation 250-260 thousand RUB: RUB 460 thousand bought party in the hall. As for the painting by Vladimir Grigoryevich Orlov "Cossacks" in the auction dispute has entered the online and phone bidders. As a result, 60 thousand rbl. of the start of bargaining reached up to 140 thousand RUB Won online-покупатель.

the Atmospheric landscape of the late 1950-х "it's Raining. Moscow" by Vasily Akimovich Arlashin two telephone participant traded up to 180 thousand rubles (estimate of 150-160 thousand rubles.).

Two academic drawing by Johann Cortman "Bust of Zeus" and "Apollo Bust full face" found a new owner for the launch of — for 20 thousand rubles each. A pair of graphic works was presented in the work of the famous sculptor Sergei Konenkov. With the hammer took only one watercolor sketch — to the sculpture "Samson Fighting": the drawing was purchased by absentee rate for 140 thousand rubles.

Found a new owner for two of the three landscapes Yevgeny Medvedev: "Urban landscape" and "cityscape with tram" was bought by telephone by a player to start for a total of RUB 140 thousand. Also at the start — for 150 thousand rubles. — left the graphic work of Ilya Glazunov — illustration for the story by Kuprin "Duel". Finally, a large canvas Yaroslav Viktorovich Titov "Football. At the gate," was purchased by a party in the hall to start for 300 thousand rubles.

after warming up on the visual arts, the auctioneer Sergei Chistyakov started to draw decorative-прикладного art and icons. String of icons was quite large — of the 39 lots —, however, were sold only 9 icons on 15 % of the estimate (revenue 773 thousand rubles.). Opened a selection of two rare icons of mid — in the second half of the XIX century, which was tradingthe participants in the hall and via the Internet. First, from 60 to 110 thousand rubles argued for the icon in a silver frame "the Fiery ascent of Prophet Elijah" in 1878. And then for 100 thousand rubles at the start from 36 thousand rubles. went to the icon "the Holy Empress Alexandra" 1853 master Gregory Kopylova. In both cases, victory was on the side of phone players.

Top-лотом among icons and the second value of the lot of the auction was a rare icon in the style of a modern "St. George". With the announcement, the final in a string of icons lot all participants noticeably brightened. Employees of the auction house grabbed the phone: at least 5 phone customers were going to be traded. The first bet was made on the Internet, where also there were several contenders. Not far behind, and full-time participants in the hall, and it was in a hall with a motivated buyer. When the market went from 60 thousand rbl. of start up to 100 thousand rubles, head to this party stunned the rivals, calling from the amount of 300 thousand rubles. Who-то of the players overcame the first confusion and put 320 thousand. But our hero is in the room stepped up to 400 thousand. One of the phone players tried half a step — 410 thousand. He responded the same full-time member 450 thousands. At the same time,-видимому, everyone realized that useless to argue. Pause, the auctioneer counted to three slowly, and hammering announced that the icon in the art Nouveau style sold face-to-face player 7.5 times more expensive start — for 450 thousand. the audience gasped. The hero of the day went to the lobby to agree on the details of the purchase, but this time everyone was crowded at the window with icons — even look the same. And had time. The buyer took the buy already literally 10 minutes and left.

And trades, meanwhile, went on as usual. Started selling arts and crafts. Say at once that the total section of silver, porcelain, glass and so on. brought 3.7 million rubles (45 % of the estimate), and the proportion of lots sold was 55 % (left 121 of the 221 lots).

In the string of silver jewelry were sold 23 items of 58 (40 %) for 828 thousand rubles (nearly 30 % of the estimate). Glass decanter with silver finial with a figure of a gnome (Western Europe, beginning of XX century) online and phone participants played first in the string. From the assessment of 8.5 to 12 thousand rubles reached a hammer price of 75 thousand. Won the decanter telephone buyer. And the most expensive silver pieces German steel tray 1912 weighing about 3.5 kg (hammer price 100 thousand руб.; assessment 100-115 thousand rubles) and the holder "the Princess-Лебедь" from the workshop of P. I. Agafonov (hammer price 165 thousand руб.; assessment 165-170 thousand RUB).

Next was a favorite of many string jewelry. Of the 18 lots sold was10, and only three of them — diamond jewelry: bracelet style ar-деко, earrings first half of the twentieth century and ring in the art Nouveau style — brought a total of more than 850 thousand rubles For the ring party in the hall paid at the start of the 295 thousand RUB over Earrings absentee rate bought for 270 thousand rubles (estimate 259-265 thousand rubles). But for the bracelet in the style of al-деко had to fight two telephone parties with the audience. With 176 thousand rbl. the auction has reached 286 thousand RUB who Won-то from the phone players.

the largest percentage of sales by lots showed in the string of porcelain and glass. Sold was 64 % of the lots (68 of 107). In monetary terms, the result is also impressive — 1,25 mln, or 52% of the estimate.

Equally well sold China and glassware, and small and not very plastic porcelain. For example, for 200 thousand rubles at the start was bought a rather large (length 31 cm, height 20 cm) porcelain sculpture of a polar bear, made in the walls of the Imperial Stroganov school in 1908-1909 In 1911, this "White bear" was exhibited at the International exhibition in Turin. A lot was purchased on the phone. And the selection of glass top-лотом was the goblet of uranium glass production IPE 1840-х., who went on to start for 135 thousand rubles.

Final string a variety of works of applied art, not attributable to any of the above categories, was rich in unique things. For example, a set of theatrical masks from papier-маше beginning of the twentieth century based on the works of N. Gogol in a case in the form of a book with a profile writer — bought it for 20 thousand rubles. Or a complete set of antique Chinese chess, carved from bone. For the chess, by the way, the telephone party were arguing with the hall from 27 to 42 thousand rubles. And we are willing to bet that the next monthly auction of Russian and Western European art in the "Russian enamel" is no less interesting. And maybe more. After all, this will be the last auction before the New year.

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