Autograph Gennady Shpalikov went for 1.6 million rubles. at auction "KABINET"
Lot larger than the initial estimate of 16 times. But only auction "Antiquarium" on October 7 brought in 11.5 million RUB — 141% of the average total estimate
Auction October 7, 2017 has become one of the most successful in the history of the house "KABINET". Judge for yourself: in the two sessions sold was lot 262 of 358 (73 %), while almost each of the sold lots went to fight, exceeding the estimate in a few, or even dozens of times. The auction for 358 lots (plus charity string) lasted for 5 hours. Total revenue by 41% exceeded the preliminary estimate. The secret of success is simple: unique autographs, archival documents, photographs and works of art which were offered to collectors. Another possibility to obtain such things can simply not be submitted. For example, when another auction will be a collection of documents, pictures, photos from the personal archives of Henry Sapgir? But because the output was the same — to bargain. Seriously all approached this question room. Full-time players bought 44 % of the lots (for the most part all gone to one full-time participant, which were traded on behalf of his client). The Internet was also very active: 29 % of lots sold were purchased online-игроками. 17% of the lots went to several telephone customers. Finally, absentee rates have played in 10% of cases.
the First session of trading, of the 247 lots under the name "St. Petersburg collection", United autographs, manuscripts, letters, drawings and pictures of the Silver and Bronze age of Russian culture. "Bronze age" — concept is new, so offered to call the flourishing of all fields of culture in the post-Stalin era.
One of the symbols of this period was the beloved film "I step through Moscow" on the script Gennady Shpalikov. The autograph of the screenwriter and poet was first put up for public auction and became a sensation of the auction. This poignant poem was written Shpalikov two years before suicide (the poet died at the age of 37) in the house of the future poet, then still 17-летней Tatiana Shcherbina and her parents. From Shpalikov then left his wife, actress Inna Gulaya, his films did not take in wide release, life was nothing, was with friends and drank. "When you fall evening noise — outside of navigation, sailing directions, —, I treasured and cherished, — to my soul itching where to put myself, — ditch Lee — cuckoo, — and weightlessness bed, — pillow — under the ear..." Five sheets of drafts of this poem and the dedication "to Dear Tanya..." top of steel-лотом auction. The autograph was estimated in 100-300 thousand rubles, but, as noticed sitting in the hall of the venerable bibliophile Leontiy Ivanov, "to be honest, he should be worth a million". His words proved prophetic. In the struggle for the manuscript entered zaochku, hall, two phones, Internet. The main fight in the end was between the party in the hall and telephone the buyer to place bets via the Director of the auction house. Reached 1.6 million rubles., And lot went to the phone player.
This sale has greatly influenced the statistics of all the first trading session. Revenues amounted to 135% of the average total estimate (6.4 million rubles), although sold 69.5% of the lots (171 of 246).
Another top-лотом, in addition to the autograph Shpalikov, was the publication of "the tale of the military secret, Malchish-Кибальчише and solid word" Arkady Gaidar with illustrations by Vladimir Konashevich (М.-Л.: Ogiz; Young guard, 1933). Two phone and Internet services argued in this book from 150 to 320 thousand. won the Internet. And immediately followed by a 6 times more expensive start, it was sold to a privatedealing innocent Smoktunovsky during his work in the BDT them. Gorky in 1957-1960 gg: a lot of 15 thousand rubles went up to 130 thousand rubles and went to a telephone buyer. The collection "Horizons" (1922) the poet Valery Bryusov with a dedicatory inscription to the lead actor of the Chamber theater Nikolai Tsereteli had also found a buyer: for 100 thousand rubles. the lot went to a phone buyer (estimate 80-120 thousand rubles).
the Autograph of Ivan Bunin in the collection of his works in 10 volumes, published in 1935 in Berlin, the publishing house "Petropolis", the Internet and a few phone players traded from 150 to 250 thousand rubles. came out the Winner of one of the telephone participants.
was almost completely sold out Thong manuscripts, photographs and books with autographs of Joseph Brodsky and Sergei Dovlatov. In thongs Brodsky for 100 thousand rubles at the start went to the phone book player "Part of speech: Poems 1972-1976" autographed by the author. And in a string of publications Dovlatov became the most expensive collection of short stories "the Suitcase" (edition 1986) with a dedication of the author: in 80 thousand rbl. the lot went to a telephone bidder.
the Manuscript is written in a 1939 essay Konstantin Paustovsky about Alexander Green was sold for 42 thousand rubles at the start of 15 thousand RUB. And the book with the autograph of the leader of the literary group Chelnokov Vladimir Erl in the fight of the Internet and the hall has risen from 6 to 45 thousand. Won the autograph face-to-face participant. Handwritten letter to Alexander Tvardovsky, the poet Margarita Aliger traded several participants in the room, telephone, Internet. As a result, 15 thousand start reached a hammer price of 62.5 thousand RUB Autograph got one of the full-time members.
Next, with a substantial excess of assessment have been sold autograph of Varlam Shalamov's book of poems "leaves" (the result of 42 thousand руб.; the evaluation of 20-30 thousand rubles); inskript Michael Gendelev on the compilation "the garden of Allah" (the result of 65 thousand руб.; estimate 5-10 thousand rubles); handwritten letter poet Yuri Ivaska Konstantin Kuzminsky (the result of 48 thousand руб.; estimate 15-25 thousand).
Auction struggle was between the phone and the Internet a collection of items related to personality V. S. Kotlyarova ("Tolstoy"). For example, for a lot included in the catalogue of the exhibition Tolstoy 1997 "Money. Full denomination", argued from 20 to 130 thousand rubles. And for the x-ray picture of internal organs Kotlyarova with written on it a letter addressed to Olga and Alexander Florensky and stamps French mail, phone the buyer paid 48 thousand RUB when you start from 20 thousand. these works belong to this kind of art as a mail-арт in which Kotlyarov-Толстый very successful. Another art-объект mail-арта — collage of pasted on cardboard of photographs, stamps, coins, Kotlyarova sent by mail from Paris to Moscow in early 2000-х, — found a new owner for 100 thousand rubles. with an initial assessment of 20-40 thousand rubles.
the first session of the auction was followed by a small string of charity in support of the actor Vladimir Konkin. Among the items submitted for the auction a folk artist, top-лотом was a copy of the script of the film "Era of mercy" ("the meeting Place cannot be changed"). For a personal copy of the script of Vladimir Konkin with corrections and notes by the role of Volodya Sharapova was traded from 120 to 340 thousand RUB (score from 50 thousand rubles). The lot was bought by a telephoneplayer.
In the framework of the second session of the auction "three centuries" October 7, collectors were offered a unique selection of paintings, drawings, photographs, books and documents from the personal archive of the poet Henry Sapgir. Most of the lots were connected with poets and artists — members of the so-called Lianozovo group, whose 60-летие is celebrated this year. With the hammer gone 91 of 112 proposed lots (81 %). Total revenue for the second session amounted to over 5 mln. — 150% of the average total estimate.
Top-лотом second session was the figure of Erik Bulatov "Login". For a small (26 × 26.5 cm) drawing on paper space, a phone and a few online-участников traded from 150 to 600 thousand. Lot was purchased by the Internet. A lot or a little? Bulatov's drawings of comparable quality sold at similar prices (about $10 million) over the last year at Sotheby's.. But the buyer "Sign" was lucky he won the work is not only recognizable to Bulatov's story, but with a distinguished provenance (I think that belonging to the collection Sapgir played an important role in the pricing).
Among other original paintings and drawings from the collection Sapgir it is worth mentioning two works by Oscar Rabin. First, for 240 thousand rubles by correspondence rate was bought atypical solar Rabin, an early (1957) watercolour "Rural landscape" (estimate 200-300 thousand rubles). Then for 200 thousand rubles party in the hall was bought written in 1989 in Paris paintings by Rabin "Le Chalet" with an inscription by the author to the address of Mila and Henry Sapgir (estimate 120-180 thousand rubles). And another gift Saphire — graphic work of Viktor Pivovarov 1980 "Dedication to Malevich" — bought by absentee rate for 220 thousand roubles starting from 150 thousand rubles.
Four women's graphic portrait of the leader of the "Lianozovsky group" Evgeny Kropivnitsky brought a total of 212 thousand rubles. And the picture of his son Lev Kropivnitsky "women and bugs" in 1966 was purchased by absentee rate for 200 thousand rubles, within the estimate 180-250 thousand RUB Found new owners and pictures of Valentina E. Kropiwnicki: all three of her original drawing was purchased via the Internet.
Unexpectedly praised bidders pencil portrait "Sleeping Sapgir" the 1972 work by an unknown artist. On a hall has passed hearing that this work is presumably vahrich of Bahchanyana. They began to bargain. In total, 5 thousand rubles reached 350 thousand rubles.! The lot was purchased by a party in the hall. Another unexpected top-лотом became a samizdat book of Bahchanyana "Mirror" with original color lithographs and handwritten signatures, which should be read with a mirror. Book of 10 sheets, made by the artist in a single copy was sold in more than 38 times start — for 380 thousand rubles (estimate 10-15 thousand rubles).
a Collection of poems "the Inhabitants of the barracks," Igor Holin with pictures Pivovarova and autograph of Choline to address Sapgir was sold for 165 thousand rubles (estimate of 10-20 thousand rubles). And the poetry collection Igor Holin 1960-х years with corrections of Henry Sapgir, consisting of several parts ("the World is passing", "Poetry without poetry", "hospitals", "Poems aboutnature"), traded from 20 to 300 thousand a Lot won room.
Finally had auction participants to compete and gift set, released in 1992 in the framework of the exhibition "lianozovtsev" in the museums of Bochum and Bremen. The kit includes a collection of poetry, the representatives of the "Lianozovsky group" in Russian and German language with autographs of Choline, Sapgir and Nekrasov, a set of photo cards with pictures of members of the Association and audio cassette recording of poems of Yevgeny Kropivnitsky, Igor Kholin, Genrikh Sapgir, Jan Shatunovskii, Vsevolod Nekrasov. For all the wealth in gift box room arguing with Internet 25 up to 250 thousand. — lot exceeded estimate by exactly 10 times.
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