Esenin letter went for 2.1 million rubles at the auction "Russian enamel"
And for 1.2 million rubles bought "ABC" Vladimir Lebedev, 1925. Auction "Russian enamel" on October 19
About twenty people came to watch the how to sell rare books, autographs, photographs and postcards — total more than 450 lots. Active buyers among them were about a third. Not inferior to them a few phone players and two dozen online-покупателей. Rarely, but neatly played and absentee bids. Jointly gain by selling 24.5 million rubles, or 75% of the average total estimate. With the hammer went lot 252 of 465 (54 %).
Letter of Sergei Yesenin colleague poetic shop Nicholas Lucino sent from Tsarskoe Selo in August of 1916, was the top-лотом auction. In a letter to Yesenin offers Lukino to forget about what happened between them the misunderstanding associated with the reprint by Levchinym Yesenin's verses. Autograph Yesenin almost twice exceeded the estimate and got a new owner for 2.1 million rubles (estimate 1.3–1.4 million rubles). Equally important autograph Esenina has been exhibited towards the end of the auction — quatrain, which became later in the poem "I stayed one game...", "Oh, what a ridiculous loss! / Lot of funny in life losses. / I am ashamed that I believed in God, the / kiss me, I don't believe now." According to the signature, these lines were composed by Yesenin in 1923 in the famous cafes of the imagist "Pegasus Stall". Autograph on small, about the size of a postcard, rough, scrap paper, previously estimated at 550-600 thousand rubles, was sold for 850 thousand.
Another important autograph — Nikolai Gumilev — were sold at the launch party in the room for 1.2 million rubles. Gumilev left the deed to a book of poems by the translator and poetess Carolina Pavlova (1807-1893). The book was intended for the poet Mikhail Kuzmin "in the form of bribes from loving him N. Gumilev".
the Subject of autographs continued inskript Alexei Remizov on the publication of his novel "the Pond" with the design of Mstislav Dobuzhinsky (SPb.: Ed. "Sirius", 1908). This book, "in memory of the days spent on Earth Perkons'a" Remizov gave his friend, the Latvian poet Viktor Ivanovich Eglitis (1877-1945). For the lot party in the hall and telephone the buyer argued from 100 to 310 thousand. Won the hall. Even more significant auction result reached the ornate Remizov autograph on the copy of his "RUSAL" addressed to the owner of the Berlin publishing house "Epoch" Solomon Litmanovich Kaplun: the price of a book, put up with the lower estimate of 100 thousand rubles, in the battle of the rates reached 775 thousand.
For the manuscript of Pasternak's poem of 1944 "Spring" participants traded from 450 to 700 thousand rubles. And hitherto unknown book "Jolly Old England" — issued in 1946, "the Library of the Crocodile" a collection of poems by English poets in translation Samuil Marshak with the autograph of the translator — was bought for 80 thousand rubles (estimate 50-55 thousand.).
LEBEDEV, V. ABC. L.: GIZ, 1925. [36] p.: Il. Is 24.4 × 19 cm In the publishing lithographed cover
the literary Fund. 19.10.2017. Lot 323
Estimate: 800 000-850 000.
sale Price: 1 200 000 rubles.
litfund.ruMAYAKOVSKY, Vladimir: the Story of Vlas idler and idler / Fig. N. Ushakova. M.: Young guard, [1927]. 8 p., Il. 28,2 × 22,6 cm Publishing cover art and illustrations — colour lithography
the literary Fund. 19.10.2017. Lot 333
Estimate: 480 000-500, 000.
sale Price: 1 050 000 RUB.
Two seven-digit top-лотаauction "Russian enamel" on 19 October, belonged to the section of children's books. One of the first Soviet illustrated alphabets — "Alphabet" of 1925, with drawings by Vladimir Lebedev — was sold for 1.2 million rubles (estimate 800-850 thousand rubles). This masterpiece among the works of Lebedev in the field of children's books in the mid-1930-х the article of the newspaper "Truth" "About the artists-пачкунах" called the "pathology Atlas", where "adults — freaks" and "animals — cripples". From accusations of formalism Vladimir Lebedev is a long time to recover, and his "Alphabet" has become a rarity on the shelves. The copy offered at auction was in the collector's safekeeping and with the stamp of a bookstore in Tbilisi.
Another rare book for children, came up for auction, — poem of Vladimir Mayakovsky "the Story of Vlas lazy and lazy" with drawings by Natalia Ushakova (Moscow: Molodaya Gvardiya, [1927]). Interestingly, the prototypes for parents Vlas became friends Ushakova — writer Mikhail Bulgakov Love to my wife Bilozerka. Moreover, Bulgakov himself was indignant why Natalia always draws him so ugly. This book Mayakovsky first came to public auction and at once achieved an impressive result: 1.05 million RUB compared to 480-500 thousand. estimate.
Special attention deserves the string of photos and publications related to Alexander Blok. The drafters scattered them around the directory — photo four-year-old Sasha, a young schoolboy, held the poet and even of the poet on his deathbed. It was proposed and photograph of the mother Block. And his first publication — in Literary-художественном collection of students of the Imperial С.-Петербургского University. For each of the lots in "block Block" fought the telephone participant and player in the room. The victory is often won full-time buyer. He gathered together almost the whole set of portraits of the poet. Total: a photograph of a blond four-year old boy Sasha Block in a sailor suit went for 300 thousand rubles (estimate 120-130 thousand rubles); picture of a little schoolboy Alexander Block got a new owner over 310 thousand rubles (estimate 100-120 thousand rubles); photograph 17-летнего schoolboy Block 1898 — when he was so passionate about his "beautiful lady" Love Mendeleevo, was also sold for 310 thousand rubles (estimate 120-130 thousand rubles); two shots Block in 1920 went for 260 and 410 thousand rubles respectively (the evaluation of each of 180-200 thousand rubles); the poet on his deathbed, bought for 260 thousand rubles (estimate 180-200 thousand rubles). The first publication of the Block was bought on launch phone player for 45 thousand. And the picture of the poet's mother, Alexandra Andreevna Beketova (Kublickiy-Пиоттух) went on to start for 50 thousand rubles for full-time player.
More of estimate sold out and rare editions and documents of the Russian avant-garde. The first book that was illustrated by Alexander Rodchenko, — "Corinthians" I. A. Aksenova (Moscow: Centrifuge, 1918) — was purchased for 310 thousand. in the evaluation of 80-85 thousand RUB Over 290 thousand RUB got a new owner a comic ode to Sergei Gorodetsky "Journey of Sergei Gorodetsky in Batum" (Tiflis edition, 1919). Another unique artifact of the era — program of the first performance of Russian futurists, the tragedy "Vladimir Mayakovsky". It has had only two performances in December 1913. Production, Director and main actor in which he spoke of "the poet 20-25 years"Vladimir Mayakovsky, he criticized the nines — wrote Mayakovsky himself, "whistled it (the tragedy) down to holes". But who is-то has maintained a program of theatre of the Moon-Паркъ. The price has come down to us relics several times exceeded the estimate, and the program got a buyer for 190 thousand rubles (estimate of 28-30 thousand rubles).
it is Possible to mention a few transactions in the last auction, the amount of which was above the estimate. Unexpectedly expensive leaving the book "the Funny side of Japan. Humorous collection of art curiosities Japanese life" (SPb.: T-во Art Print, 1904). For the lot, valued at only 9-10 thousand rubles, furiously traded several players online, which at the last stage is connected and a permanent telephone buyer. Him-то book and got as many as 300 thousand rubles.
10 times higher than the estimate in the struggle of Internet and phone was sold 12-томный work P. Blanchard "Plutarch for youth, or the lives of glorious men of all peoples...": the lot went to a telephone buyer for 500 thousand rubles (estimate 50-55 thousand rubles). And a set of promotional cards confectionary story of the Partnership of A. I. Abrikosov & Sons rose in price from 10 to 110 thousand rbl. the auction was only between online-игроками. Set of prints "Folk paintings" publisher Sytin went for 700 thousand rubles, three times more expensive than the estimate 190-200 thousand.
with So many turned rare book auction on October 19. And only auction of passion "literary Fund" had subsided, and the approach is already next auction — on Saturday, October 28, Nizhny Kislovskiy pereulok will host the auction, timed to 5-летию Guild of antiquaries-книжников. Follow the news.
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