Auction "Russian enamel" November 7 brought almost 24 million rubles
In the two sessions were sold 273 lots of 504. Top-лотами of steel autographs of Yesenin
100-летнюю anniversary of the October revolution, the auction house "Russian enamel" held quite traditional in composition buying: books, autographs, photographs, postcards. In a separate thematic session devoted to the memorable date of the taking of the Winter Palace, was handed down collection of books with Imperial provenance, and documents relating to the first years of Soviet power.
Over the course of trading watched from the audience of about 15 people, about 20 people were traded for lots online, some regular customers prefer telephone trading, a number of buyers have left absentee bids. In the end, in the first session of the 401 lots sold were 212 (53 %) for a total amount of RUB 14.3 million (70.7% of the average total estimate). For the most part they were bought by the players in the room (38 %) and Internet (42 %), only 13 % of the lots went to telephone the players, and 7 % — owners of absentee bids.
the First significant auction took place for a convolute of two publications about the journey of Grigory Shelekhov (1747-1795), merchant and Navigator, founder of the first Russian settlements in America. Two books dedicated to the wanderings of Shelekhov from 1783 to 1788, the Internet was arguing with the phone player from 280 to 750 thousand RUB Won one of the online-покупателей. The marine theme continued rare translated edition of the work of the English Navigator and shipbuilder William Hutchinson "Experienced Board ships, with the indication of rules based on the improvement of practical driving them at all" (Nikolaev: In Type. Black sea navigation school, 1801). The book, released for auction with an estimate 320-340 thousand RUB, played a few online-участников, one of which she got for 600 thousand.
Another rarity was the subject of extensive bargaining — complete set of six small booklets (size 12,5 × 8 cm) under the unifying title "Pictures of Russian mores" (SPb.: Edition A. Jungmeister, 1842-1843). Books contain the story of F. Bulgarin, I. Myatlev, V. dal, A. Grech and N. Puppeteer and more than 300 engravings by V. Timm. For a set of phones with Internet arguing to 800 thousand rubles (estimate 300-350 thousand rubles). He won a phone buyer.
Another richly illustrated book — "History of Catherine II" by A. Brickner in 5 parts, containing 300 engravings by the best Russian and foreign engravers, — bought for 120 thousand rubles at the start with 45 thousand RUB Traded two participants in the room, telephone, Internet. The most persistent was one of the full-time players.
With enthusiasm traded party in the hall and a phone bidder for helpful in our time of import substitution Handbook K. Weber "cheese-making. A guide to the production of Swiss cheese, cooking Backstein and butter" (SPb.: Ed. A. F. Devrien, 1897). 7-8 thousand RUB came to RUB 50 thousand Won a book player in the room.
Miniature edition of "Eugene Onegin" in the pendant with the lens on the lid that helps to read the fine print — a real work of jewelry art. This lot was bought to start at 80 thousand rubles a player in the hall, which now literally can wear Pushkin's "closer to the heart". Good results were achieved and a couple of books of A. S. Pushkin. A rare edition of the poem "Bakhchsarai fountain" in the French translation of Lucian Repay (score of 280-300 thousand rubles), for 420 thousand rubles. bought one from online-игроков. And for 160 thousand rubles. went luxury the Paris edition of "Boris Godunov" with illustrations by B. V. Zvorykina (Paris: L'edition D'art H. Piazza, [1927]). The lot went to a telephone buyer has made a final bid twice the initial estimate (estimate 80-85 thousand rubles).
auction house "Antiquarium" continued to sell autographs of the poet Sergei Yesenin. In the last big auction in late October one letter to Yesenin was sold for 2.1 million rubles. At the auction of November 7, three autographs of Yesenin brought a total of 4 million rubles was First sold post card Esenin, addressed to Anna Alekseevna Saganowski. Satanovskaya was the first love of the poet, a prototype for the heroine of his poem "Anna snegina". Postal card, 1916, in which Yesenin wrote "Very sad. I never wanted to hurt you, and you invented. God be with you, I don't write. I have a habit to move...", is the last known written address of the poet to Saganowski. The lot was bought online-участник for 850 thousand rubles (estimate 800-850 thousand rubles).
Further, bargaining was for the publication of "Confessions of a bully" (M.: Imagist, 1921) with an Esenina to the address of the writer, historian and publisher Pavel Eliseevich Shchegolev. Per lot traded multiple participants in online and the buyer in the room. Last and became the owner of the autograph, making one last half-step to the level of 1.55 million rubles (estimated 900-950 thousand rubles).
Finally, for 1.6 million rubles online-игрок bought and the manuscript of the poem "Sleeping feather, plain expensive...". At the end of July — early in August 1925, this poem was published in the "Baku worker", "light" and "red Field". Presents autograph — is one of three well-known stationery manuscripts sent Yesenin in these periodicals. Estimate for the lot was 1.3–1.4 million rubles.
Much higher than the estimate in the end it turned out the prices of albums and folders of the lottery drawing by Konstantin Yuon, Nathan Altman and Pavel Kuznetsov. For example, 10 times more expensive launch were sold album of 15 lithographs by Konstantin Yuon Sergiev Posad (Moscow: Edition "Book of partnership", 1922): party in the hall and telephone the buyer was traded from 24 to 240 thousand rbl Won the phone. Further, for 260 thousand rubles, while the estimate 75-80 thousand rubles. went album, "the Jewish graphic artist Nathan Altman" ([Berlin]: Petropolis, 1923). Lot won online-покупатель. Finally, folder "Mountain Bukhara" Pavel Kuznetsov with 12 colored the lithographs, lithographed title page, the sheet with the Preface and table of contents and two leaves of vignettes is so liked party in the hall and telephone the buyer that bargaining for it lasted up to 460 thousand rubles at the start with 32 thousand RUB Folder "Mountain Bukhara", thus, exceed the rating 14 times! A lot went to the player in the hall.
Upper bounds of the estimate has reached the front of the album, "Working-Крестьянская Red Army" (Moscow: Izogiz, 1934) with the art work of El Lissitzky (rating 220-240 thousand руб.; the result is 240 thousand rubles). And the profile of the Union of writers of the Soviet Union, completed in 1952 by hand by Alexander Vertinsky and including a brief autobiography of the author and a list of the 43 songs that I Vertinsky considered the most important in his work, exceeded the estimate by almost three times and got the player in the hall for 310 thousand rubles (estimate 110-120 thousand rubles).
To the second session of the auction, called "the Romanovs vs the Revolution. Books from Royal and princely libraries, autographs, historical documents, photographs and collectable records", Elena Gorsky began only at the end of the tenth hour of the evening, but the power of buyers, however, still remained. A,-видимому chose to wait for the second session in the home warmth and comfort, so buying activity spilled over into the Internet and phone players. Sale in the hall and absentee rates were isolated. The final statistics for the second session even better than the first: of the 103 lots purchased were 61 (59 %) for a total of 9.6 million rubles (115% of the average total estimate).
demand several categories of lots. In-первых, tray books donated to the representatives of the Romanov dynasty — often with inscriptions by the authors to address members of the Imperial family. Over 300 thousand rubles (estimate 130-140 thousand rubles) was sold a copy of the book by I. P. Shulgin "image of the character and content of the new history," from the collection of Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich.
Next, for 320 thousand rubles (estimate 120-140 thousand rubles) to a telephone buyer left podnosnogo copy of the book of poems "poet of the people" Gordei Shvetsov "Crown King-великомученику...", published after the murder of Emperor Alexander II, from the library of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich.
For 200 thousand rubles. was sold podnosnogo copy of the book "Fiftieth anniversary of a girls' school U. P. Bess. 1843-1893" with a dedication to the Great Prince Sergey Alexandrovich. The book traded with 50 to 200 thousand rubles (estimate 35-40 thousand rubles).
700 thousand rubles paid for podnosnogo copy of the book "the life of the higher schools of the Roman Empire. Speech delivered at the solemn meeting of the Imperial Moscow University 12-го January 1902, Professor Emeritus, I. V. Such," with a dedicatory inscription of the father of Marina Tsvetaeva and the founder of the Museum of fine arts (now the Pushkin Museum to them. A. S. Pushkin), the Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich (lot estimate 55-60 thousand rubles).
To 800 thousand RUB was trading participants for a luxurious copy of the "Commemorative book on the 1917" from the library of Grand Duchess Elena Vladimirovna, granddaughter of Alexander II, who married the Greek Prince Nikolai Georgievich (lot estimate 180-200 thousand rubles).
Fight betting was also for the autographs of representatives of the Romanov dynasty. Letter to Baron Melchior Grimm autographedCatherine II was sold for 120 thousand rubles (estimate 85 to 90 thousand rubles). Letter of Nicholas II Moscow General-губернатору Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, with the autograph of the Emperor in the fight with a telephone buyer won online-участник for 550 thousand rubles (estimate 200-220 thousand rubles). A collection of poems by Afanasy FET, donated by the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich actress Maria Potocka (as evidenced by emotional and unfolded a donation), traded up to 650 thousand rubles from the start of 150 thousand.
Not paid attention to the customers, a few rare photos of the Romanov family members — Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich, future Emperor Nicholas II (estimate: 120-130 thousand руб.; the result is 320 thousand rubles), Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna (estimate 65-70 thousand руб.; the result of 120 thousand rubles), the Moscow General-губернатора, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich (estimate 90-95 thousand руб.; the result of 150 thousand .RUB.).
Completed the auction of rare documents and publications of the first years of Soviet power. Among them, top-лотом was the "Information Bulletin" of the Simferopol City Emergency Commission at the Crimean revolutionary Committee from 1-15 March, 1921. The lot is 18.5 times higher than the preliminary estimate and was sold for 370 thousand rubles (estimate 20-22 thousand.).
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