Art Investment

Auction "Russian enamel" November 25: a brief summary

Auction "the centenary of the revolution" in the "Antiquarium" gathered a full room and more than 59 million rubles

it's there in the compilation, or that part of the auction, as promised, held a well-known lawyer and collector Alexander Dobrovinsky, but at the auction "KABINET" in the antique centre on the Garden-Кудринской last Saturday was Packed. Most likely, played a role both factors. One only lots with a seven-digit rating in the catalog was under three dozen. Most of them were sold. Total revenues amounted to 59.1 million rubles, or 74% of the average total estimate. The hammer went from 236 lots 360 (66 %).

auction Catalogue "the centenary of the revolution," was divided into two unequal parts: the first part, titled "the Russian Empire" consisted of 81 lots, and the second — "Soviet Russia" — of 279 lots. However revenue for the sales of lots of lesser amount of the pre-revolutionary Thong was 75 % of the total revenues of all auction — 44.4 million RUB Many lots away from the market. A bargain for what it was: the collection was presented to rare books, icons, works of Kholmogory carvers, Cabinet-bronze (including five sculptures Lancer), art glass, silver and enamel.

In the rare book collection tops-лотом was in-первых, the coronation album of Alexander II and Empress Maria Alexandrovna. The front of the book, published edition of only 200 copies, in a dispute of the telephone and Internet have reached a hammer price of 3.6 million rubles (estimate 3-5 million rubles). And-вторых, for the same 3.6 million rubles was bought a luxury edition of "History and monuments of Byzantine enamel: From the collection of A. V. Zvenigorodsky" — 70-й instance, belonged to Karl Vasilyevich Struve (lot estimate 3-5 million RUB).

up To 900 thousand rubles from the start to 600 thousand rubles were traded for the book Peter the great's era "polydorus Virgil Urbino eight books on the inventors of things" ([M], 5 may 1720). The essay of M. V. Lomonosova "the First fundamentals of metallurgy or mining" (SPb.: PECs. in Uti. Acad. Sciences, 1763) was bought for 260 thousand RUB Over RUB 700 thousand left the book on the journey of Catherine II in the Belarusian province "Topographical notes..." ([SPb.]: In Uti. Academy of Sciences, [1780]).

the selection of icons for 1.2 million rubles. was sold to a rare icon of "the Creation of Adam and eve" the end of the XVI — beginning of the XVII century (estimate of 1-1. 8 million rubles). For 1 million rubles. got a new owner, who bid over the Internet icon "Kazanskaya mother of God" 1777 in the original frame (estimate 1-1,5 million rubles). Over 1.1 mln RUB online-игрок got a rare icon of "the Holy martyrs Kirik and Ulita" (estimate 1-1,5 million rubles). For 1.7 million rubles were purchased icon "Resurrection of Christ" (estimate 1,5–2,5 million rubles.). And ikona "Iverskaya mother of God" in Kyoto went for 1.5 million rubles (estimate 1,2–2 million roubles). One of the most original was carved from walrus ivory by craftsmen of Kholmogory in the early nineteenth century icon "the last supper". Torg it was a confrontation between the two players and the Internet. Have dotorgovalas 500 thousandto 950 thousand. RUB. all in All, a string of icons of the 22 lots sold was 15 and most of them were purchased via the Internet.

the Theme of Kholmogory bone carving continues to the painting "farewell to the Emperor Alexander I". This outstanding example of carving craftsmanship, made by craftsmen from Arkhangelsk province at the engraving Afanasyev 1820-х years, was trading full-time and telephone party. The hammer price was 2 million rubles (estimate 1,5–2,5 million rubles.). Lot went to the hall.

9 lots Of Cabinet bronze — sculpture model E. A. Lansere, V. Y. Grachev, A. M. wolf and N. I. Liberiha @7 mdas were bought for a total amount of 7.46 million RUB Found new owners four of the five works of Eugene Lanceray. The most expensive was its sculptural composition "the Return of the peasants" (Saint-Петербург, 1890-е), won a bet of 2.1 million rubles (estimate 2-3 million rubles.). And, by the way, everything works Cabinet bronze was purchased via the Internet.

the Three plaques of the epoch of Nicholas I, included a series of 60 plates depicting military scenes (IPE, 1830), top of steel-лотами in a string of porcelain. At 1.4 million rubles. paid telephone buyer for two decorative plates "2-й lancers" (estimate 1,2–2 million roubles). And plate "Grenadier regiment Kaiser Franz. Unter-офицер" from the same series has gone to a new owner for 1.2 million rubles (estimate 1,2–2 million rubles.).

In the string of silverware and glassware for 850 thousand RUB online-участником was bought a silver jug and tray. 1896-1908, decorated with polychrome enamels on filigree Moscow master Nikolai Vasilievich Alekseev (estimate 0,8–1,2 million rubles). And 2 million rubles were sold at the start of the Internet twin crystal jars with silver lids in the form of heads of owls of Carl Faberge (Moscow, 1908-1917). Another lot who have reached seven-figure hammer prices, — fruit bowl with silver base and bowl carved from jade (estimate 1-1,5 million руб.; price for 1 million rubles).

In the final section of the catalog the pre-revolutionary struggle was developed for a unique collection of glass articles from a famous collection. 29 names (as individual items or entire sets) were offered in a single lot. The rating was not published. Bargain started phone and online-игроки. Came to 6.3 million rubles., but the reserve price was never reached by the participants, and the lot was removed from the auction. Not found new owners and a futuristic edition of Velimir Khlebnikov and Aleksei Kruchenykh.

this pre-revolutionary epoch gave place to the epoch of the Soviet, and auctioned Xeniahanded the auction gavel Alexander A. Dobrovinsky, whose artistic and professional conduct, was certainly one of the main decorations of the past trades. In the section "Soviet Russia" sold, was lot 183 of 279 (65.6 per cent), revenue made up of 14.65 million RUB (72,6% of the average total estimate). The selection was diverse: Newspapers, pamphlets, books, China, posters, paintings, drawings, furniture, photographs, icons, sculptures and even shackles.

Top-лотом the second part of the auction and the whole auction was the big paintings "At the stadium. Competition osoaviahima" 1929 by artist Victor Perelman (1892-1967), a member of AHRR, a disciple of K. Korovin and A. Arkhipov. A lot was bought on launch for 5 million rubles (estimate 5-7 million rubles). But also, in Thong fine art to mention you can sell for 1 million rubles Tushev picture Yu. p. Annenkov "Parisienne" 1920-х years (estimate 0,7–1,2 million roubles) and a portrait of Vladimir Mayakovsky, written in the style of socialist realism Vyacheslav Mariupol (estimate 200-300 thousand руб.; the price of 220 thousand rbl.). Found new owners and two works of contemporary artist Alexander Zhernoklyueva from the series "Red sailors" (the hammer price of 500 thousand rubles and 300 thousand rubles). And for 65 thousand rubles. was sold to the classic work of the representative SOC-арта Alexander Kosolapov "Lenin — Coca-кола" (estimate 60-100 thousand rubles).

Another category of lots, demand, posters of the Civil war period and the first years of Soviet power. Over 140 thousand rubles. at the start with 50 thousand RUB left poster GROWTH presumably 1920 "the elephant and the pug". A poster GROWTH "On the Polish front. Under the gun! Flash!" by V. Mayakovsky rose in price from 50 to 135 thousand rubles. Finally, for the poster "Red army commander always leads the Red Army to victory..." the new owner has paid 90 thousand rubles at the start with only 20 thousand RUB From excitement he sold out and Newspapers of the period of the revolution, the prices of which ranged from several thousand roubles to five hundred thousand roubles.

a Set of 26 badges "Excellent Soviet army" (1942-1955) was bought to the upper bound estimate for 150 thousand rubles (estimate 100-150 thousand rubles). Breastplate "Honored worker of NKVD" 1940-х years has gone to a new owner for 130 thousand rubles (estimate 120-180 thousand rubles).

Finally, guest album the poet Zenobia Valconca — so-called "Green book" in which he left his drawings, dedications, poems of Bella Akhmadulina, vahrich Bakhchanyan, Andrei Voznesensky, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Daniil Granin, Igor Kholin, and many others, was bought for 440 thousand roubles in the evaluation of 400-800 thousand.

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