Art Investment

Antique paper, procardia and used books in the "Russian enamel" November 11. The results of the auction

Sold by 46% by lots and 44.5 % for the money. Revenue 878 thousand rubles

on Saturday 11 November at the auction house "Russian enamel" held an auction of antique paper, antique postcards, books and not only. A selection of 343 lots were sold within three hours in the presence of 6-7 observers and buyers in the hall and more than 20 members on the Internet. The auction took place in a quiet mode with periodic bursts of activity of buyers on a separate Thong. A large part of the lots were purchased through the Internet. Pretty much bought and intramural players. Phone bids and absentee bids have won less. Total revenues reached 878 thousand RUB — 44.5% of the average total estimate of 1.97 million RUB From hammer away 158 of 343 lots (46 %).

Opened the auction filokartisty string — guaranteed hit at the auction of the antique paper in the house "Russian enamel". Almost all items of the collection were sold out: hammer away 32 of the 36 lots proposed with the cards. Revenue for the string reached 91 thousand rubles or 103% of the average total estimate. The prices were more than reasonable. For example, for 8 thousand roubles has bought a collection of 288 cards 1940-60-х years, two albums (rating of 6-10 thousand rubles). For more rare instances I had to trade. So, for 5 pre-revolutionary postcards with the views of the current district of the city of Pushkino were arguing up to 7 thousand rubles at the start of 2 thousand.

In thongs graphics, Amateur drawings, etc. the most expensive was a collection of 17 prints. 1830-х years, including two painted. Lot absentee rate bought for 55 thousand rubles (estimate 55-70 thousand.).

In the advertising section and not only of individual lots posters were in great demand. Billboard "Samples of cigarettes factory trade house Vasily Asmolov" 1880-х years two phone player traded to 38 thousand rubles (estimate 20-30 thousand rubles). Next, a humorous map of the First world war, in which countries are represented in the form of animals, in a dispute several online-игроков has risen from 20 to 100 thousand roubles the Lot was the most expensive lot of the auction on 11 November. Finally, for a trial print poster 1960-х years "to Fight only in sports!" a participant of the trading room and part-time up to 13 thousand rubles (estimate 1-2 thousand rubles) and in the end won.

used books Section passed without much-нибудь impressive auction battles. Except for a selection of 45 children's "books-малышек" 1940-х years bet online-участники from 6 to 22 thousand rubles.

Among the most valuable autographs of buyers have considered the signature of yevno azev (1869-1918) in statement about getting a salary in the Moscow branch of the universal company of electricity. Traded for a lot of the Internet-участники. Start exceeded 4 times (the result of 20 thousand руб.; estimate 5-10 thousand rubles).

Another Thong, sold out almost completely, was the string "Labels, packaging, inserts" containingpre-revolutionary notched liners that were placed in boxes with confectionery, as well as rare Soviet labels, packaging and advertising sheets 1920-60-х years. Was sold out 19 of the 20 lots, revenues were 20 % higher than the total estimate.

completes auction of the photographs sold 51% of the lots (38 lots sold from 75) and 84% for the money (total revenue 212 thousand rubles). Over 14 thousand RUB here online-игрок bought a stereoscope with a set of stereo pairs (estimate of 10-20 thousand rubles). Up to 32 thousand rubles party in the hall was traded for a photo archive of student of the school of ensigns in the Plovdiv photo: D. Samson the early 1930-х years (estimate of 10-20 thousand rubles). And the album with 54 photos of this trip in the Altai 1930-х years has increased in price from 2-3 to 15 thousand rubles. a Lot went to the Internet.

the Next auction "Russian enamel" is scheduled for December 23. And next Saturday, November 18, we are waiting for another auction of Russian and Western European fine and decorative-прикладного art.

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