Art Investment

Theatrical graphics Dobuzhinsky: 73% by lots and 84% for the money

On a small (100 lots) a specialized auction of Russian theatrical graphics "the office" has sold 64 lots, the average price of each of them is close to 170 000 rubles

Total thematic auction "Russian theatre" on November 23 in "the Office" has brought more than 10 million rubles

Hundreds of lots of theatrical subjects — sketches of suits and scenery, books, commemorative badges and signs — were offered for sale in the auction house "KABINET" on November 23. Half a dozen fans theatrical topic came to participate and observe the bids from the audience. Approximately the same number of players followed the bidding online. Telephone and absentee bids the auction complements the picture. In the end, with the hammer went lot 64 out of 100, while revenue amounted to RUB 10.6 million, or 49% of the average total estimate. More than half of the lots sold (36 of 64) got face-to-face participants; on the phone bought 11 lots; online-участникам, to join the fight 78-м lot, got 3 lots; absentee rates have played 14 times. The auction was held by the gallery Love Agafonov.

Opened the auction theatrical edition, commemorative medals and tokens. All items faleristics was bought at the start of one absentee player. The most expensive was a Sign in memory 100-летия State academic Maly theatre, awarded actor and Director A. G. Nezhdanov: the hammer price amounted to 120 thousand rubles.

the Main event of the auction "Russian theatre" has become a string of 49 sketches Mstislav Dobuzhinsky. Sold was 36 sketches (73 %). Revenue reached 10.25 mln (84% of the average total estimate). Almost every lot in the auction fight joined two participants in the hall. Sometimes they were connected by correspondence and phone players.

Opened a selection of sketches created by I fear nothing while working as the chief artist at the Lithuanian Opera and ballet theatre in Kaunas in the years 1931-1939. Two opponents in the hall and a phone bidder up to 240 thousand rbl traded for a sketch of the costume of Mephistopheles from the Opera "Faust" (est 170-220 thousand RUB) in the production of 1931. This role was performed by F. Chaliapin, celebrating the Grand success of his Opera, "just as in Russia the past time". The most interesting costumes in the spirit of the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch, was invented by I fear nothing for the scene of Walpurgis night in this performance. However, these sketches were left without a buyer.

Another work Dobuzhinsky for Lithuanian theatre — a sketch of the scenery for the first act of the play "hamlet" (staged 1933) — was sold for 310 thousand rubles at the start 210 thousand RUB over the same price hammer — 310 thousand. — reached and costume design Cassandra for production of the ballet "Harlequinade" in 1934 (estimate 180-230 thousand RUB).

Lots Thong Dobuzhinsky went alternately to one and then to another full-time player. With not smaller passion traded for applicants sketches Dobuzhinsky for productions in new-Йорке, Paris, Montreal, etc. for example, fora sketch of the scenery of the Polovtsian camp for the ballet "Polovtsian dances" staged by the Paris Opera in 1949, the participants had to haggle up to half a million rubles (estimated 260-320 million RUB). Significantly exceeded the estimate and design for Prokofiev's Opera "Love for three oranges" staged by the "new-Йорк city Opera" 1949 (est 210-260 thousand руб.; the price is 400 thousand rubles). Double sketch of the scenery (backdrop curtain of act II and the front end of the set) for the ballet "the prisoner" (international Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas, new-Йорк, 1957) traded to 340 thousand rubles. at the start of the 260 thousand RUB Lot at once,-то ever won the telephone party. Sketch of curtain for the ballet "Shadows" on the works of Shakespeare in a production of the Montreal ballet Ruth Sorel 1949 in the bargaining hall and the phone has risen to 420 thousand rubles (estimate 260-320 thousand rubles). Etc., etc. All interesting trades in thongs Dobuzhinsky and you name it. Sales results in the string once again confirmed the relevance of the artist's work among collectors.

But not a single a I fear nothing pleased the auction house "KABINET" fans of the theatre this evening. Interesting collection of seven works Mstislav Y. Sarovskogo (1896-1968) was completely sold out. Mirowski, received art education in Harbin in the Studio "Lotus", worked on the decoration of the Shanghai theater productions and not only. That theatrical sketches attracted the greatest interest of the participants (and there were more sketches of book illustrations). For example, for 160 thousand. RUB. at the start of 60 thousand rubles was sold to the phone player a sketch of the scenery of 1929. But for 140 thousand rubles. with the same start went costume design guards (1929).

Found new owners and all six sketches of Valentina Khodasevich — is largely due to the suddenly resurgent the Internet. The most expensive was the costume design, Mute to the operetta N. Strelnikov "the Heart of a poet" ("Berenger") in the formulation of the Leningrad theatre of musical Comedy, 1934: in the bargaining room and Internet lot increased in price from 45 to 80 thousand rubles.

Another favorite of participants was Tatiana Bruni. Sold out almost all of her sketches, the benefit of the price range was very affordable: the most expensive sketch (the costumes for the operetta "Just a dream") cost the new owner of 85 thousand rubles (estimate 70-90 thousand rubles).

Thus, the experience of the specialized auction dedicated theater schedule, can be considered very successful, with what we congratulate the staff of "the office." Let's hope that this is not the last thematic auction.

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