Art Investment

The auction of porcelain and faience "Among collectors": how it was

Total revenue — 13.4 million rubles. Russian porcelain and faience sold at 57 %. And for the string of porcelain of Yuri Lvov and Hope Isakova from more than 90 lots the auctioneer earned white gloves

it was Thursday, 5 October. In an unusual early 4 o'clock in the afternoon in the hall of Slavic and neighboring finger "Romanovsky" hotels "natsional" it was crowded and noisy. We talked mostly about China, more than 500 copies which soon were to pass through auction. Such a major auction devoted exclusively to porcelain and its relatives — to faience, majolica, etc., Moscow has not seen yet. And who, if not the auction house "collectors" to conduct such auction, after all, on account of the same publisher are books on the subject of "Stamps of the Soviet porcelain, earthenware and majolica. 1917-1991", "Empire Kuznetsov and Konakovo", 5-томный catalog "Soviet porcelain" and others. Auction catalog 5 October also it can be attributed to the category of reference books for professionals and lovers theme — so vast was the selection and quality written descriptions of the lots.

To the start of the auction in the audience were about two dozen people, and online for the auction was watched by the same amount. By mid — the end of the auction participants, which can be explained as more relevant material in the second part, the directory, and still quite early in the start of the action. However, the decision to start the auction early, in retrospect, is very correct because the auction lasted almost 5 hours. During this time of the 517 lots managed to sell 270 (52 %) for a total of 13.37 million RUB (35.5% of the average total estimate). But this latest figure of 35.5 % is not misleading. The auction was more than successful — in particular, if we evaluate the patriotism of our collectors of porcelain. The Western product of the production of the Meissen porcelain manufactory Royal porcelain manufactory at Nymphenburg, the English company "Royal Dalton", the Vienna factory F. Goldsheider etc. were sold at 3% (sold 4 lots from 114). A porcelain and faience for domestic production — pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern Russian — 57% (sold lots from 256 449). Preference was given to the Soviet and modern China: here, the percentage of sales amounted to 70 % (227 lots left out of 325), and the total revenue reached nearly 12 million rubles, or 68% of the average total estimate. Were mostly by phone to multiple telephone customers left about 68% of all lots sold. The share of online purchases grew by 22 %. Hall and zaochku got respectively 6% and 4 % of lots sold.

opening bids section of the Russian pre-revolutionary China were sold 29 lots from 124 to 1 million rubles. Been-то outstanding auction battles, lots went mainly to start. The most expensive was the set of three decorative plates of the era of Nicholas I, the Imperial porcelain factory production of the so-called Etruscan service: over 290 thousand RUB bought it online-участник. Then rapidly flew past Thong unpopular foreign porcelain and, after a short break, Sergei Chistyakov has started selling porcelain Soviet.

In a string of early Soviet porcelain 1917-1945 gg top-лотом became porcelain perfume bottle in the form of a woman, made in 1925 on the Volkhov farfora-фаянсовой factory "Komintern" by famous favoritki Natalia Danko: over 400 thousand. the lot was bought by a telephone bidder. And for 390 thousand rubles, start, left Dulevo tea set "Mower and Reaper" 1927 — early 1930-х with pictures of Mikhail Adamovich.

In a separate section was made of the product of the Leningrad porcelain factory. In a string of sold 15 of the 28 lots at 1.34 million RUB (69 % of the estimate Thong). The most striking episode in here was the battle of the rates for the decorative dish "Miracle-юдо fish-кит" based on the tale of Pyotr Yershov's "Konyok-горбунок" (LPF, 1959). Painted dishes made in the figure of the artist Yuri Vasnetsov (1900-1973), a distant cousin of the famous brothers A. M. and V. M. Vasnetsov. Torg started a party on the Internet, but soon he had to give way to more persistent head and phone player. Further bargaining was between the two contenders. In the end, with 170 thousand RUB has reached 400 thousand. the winner was a phone.

In a small string of works of the sculptor of the Konakovo faience factory Maria Petrovna Cold (1903-1989) bought four lots of seven. All the work gone in one hand, to a telephone buyer, and start. More than all were sold cheerful song "kids in the sandbox (mud pies)", released in hard 1949: the hammer price amounted to 490 thousand.

Quite a large section of Soviet porcelain and faience of the second half of the twentieth century sold was 65 % (sold 61 lot 94), the proceeds of a string made up 4.45 million rubles, or 92% of the average total estimate. String turned out what-то sense nostalgic: there was a lot of production enterprises of the former Soviet republics — Kiev experimental ceramic-художественного plant, Riga farfora-фаянсового plant, Gorodnitsky porcelain factory (Ukraine), Yerevan faience factory Korosten porcelain factory (Ukraine), etc. Adorning the catalogue cover lot 323 became the top-лотом of the auction: a pretty big (height 29 cm) sculptural composition "It became our tradition (the Eternal flame)", depicting the newlyweds laying flowers at the Eternal fire, was bought on launch phone player 1.99 million RUB. At the auction were presented the author's copy of the sculpture of Nina Alexandrovna Malysheva (Dulevo porcelain factory, 1974).

Another work Malysheva — sculpture Volkhov, a character in Opera by Rimsky-Корсакова Sadko (Dulevo porcelain factory) in 1954, and was sold with a small excess of estimates — for 380 thousand at the start from 350 thousand rubles. And phone the buyer wishes to discourage online-соперников cravings to argue, from the start immediately stepped up to 30 thousand rubles.

Judging by the buying activity, of particular interest have collectors of porcelain by the very young, up to 10 cm, porcelain figures. For example, in the figure of the girl with the bird Riga plant height of 7.7 cm, a gym and the phone was arguing from 7 to 30 thousand rubles. (won a phone). And for the author's copy 8-сантиметровой figures margaritas Permyak "portrait of the daughter" the Internet and the phone was traded from 90 to 170 thousand rubles And won again telephone party.

the Main event of the evening, perhaps, be considered the sale of a string of original porcelain sculptor of the Rybinsk Yuri Mikhailovich Lviv (1936-2010) and his wife Nadezhda Ivanovna Isakova (1950-2002). Working on Pervomaysky porcelain factory in the village Sand of the Rybinsk district of the Yaroslavl region, wife of-фарфористы has created an outstanding collection of fine porcelain figurines — more than 150 sculptures, which today is called the encyclopedia of Russian provincial life. The work of Yuri Lvov and Hope Isakova, who often painted the sculptures of her husband, fascinate at first sight, to conquer their warmth, humor, humanity, lack of socialist fervor. Out of the work of Lviv in small numbers, and-настоящему his talent capital collectors porcelain appreciated only in the late 1990-х, when the Moscow Museum of decorative-прикладного art hosted a large exhibition. Since then collectors and museums are chasing these porcelain figurines, and the prices are even at work 1990-х — 2000-х years comparable to the prices of antique porcelain.

At the auction "collectors" were offered a selection of 92 works by Lviv — Isakova, very often more instances. Result — 100 % of lots sold. If the competition was for each string, separately, Sergey Chistyakov was supposed to be white gloves. Revenue section exceeded 2 million rubles, or 113 % of the original aggregate scores. For virtually every lot traded the phone, room and Internet, but in the end, the collection was fragmented: all lots with the exception of five bought a phone customer. Several times he had to bargain. For example, in the triptych "the Artists in the open air" — from 28 to 46 thousand.

Then followed another pair of thongs designer China — and again 100% of sales. First, more than 700 thousand rubles in total brought the works of the artist Dulevo porcelain factory, masters of painting on porcelain of Vladimir Klimentievich were Asnetsov (1926-2005). For his set-солитер "Cherry", for example, was traded from 150 to 240 thousand rubles. And then was completely sold out string of China Y. B., Henrio, I.V. Ganio and N. N. Sanrio, adding to the total revenue of the auction over 500 thousand RUB, the Most exciting battle of the rates here was developed for a set of dishes for refrigerator (price rise from 17 to 90 thousand rubles.) and the figure of a cat made of Nelli Nikolaevna, Sanrio. In recent work, previously valued at only 2 800 RUB., bargaining began with 70 thousand RUB. were Arguing two phones, few players online and a participant in the room. She is destined to out-argue even the most active phone buyer this evening — in the end, the cat works of Nelli Nikolaevna, Ganio went to it 110 thousand RUB., 39 times higher than the estimate.

Completed trades Thong "of Our contemporaries. Russian porcelain and faience" and the specific literature on China. What-то way to go unnoticed decorative plates nonconformists Vladimir Nemukhin and Vladimir Yankilevsky, although they were offered at very reasonable prices (25 thousand rubles per dish). Preference was given to works by Tatiana Chapurgina Nina Troitskaya and other modern masters of China.

At the conclusion of the review of the first large specialized auction of porcelain and faience "Among collectors" I would like to wish the organizers to hold given their high standards. Hopefully, porcelain auctions will become regular here. The theme is interesting, and most importantly — beautiful.

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