Art Investment

Emerald brooch ballerina Ekaterina Geltser sold for 5 million rubles

Brooch with emerald in 27 carat became the sensation of the auction of fine and decorative-прикладного art in the house "Russian enamel" on December 16. The lot was more than three times higher than the start

at least 80 people took part in Saturday's auction of Russian and Western European art of the house "Russian enamel" 16 Dec: the number of users online went up to 45, about 15 participants traded on the phone, and more than 20 people came to watch the auction from the audience. The entire four-hour auction incubated, of course, not all. In the auction hall there was a natural turnover: who is-то came for the paintings and drawings, other — for porcelain and silver, and who-то at all needed one-единственный lot —, the most famous brooch of Catherine Geltser. But to her we shall return, but first we will describe the General picture. Just traded at RUB 16.4 million, or 55.7 per cent of the average total estimate. With the hammer went 204 of 544 lots (37.5 per cent). The number of the winning person, by correspondence, telephone and online betting in koi-то eyelids were about the same. Is that phone buyers bought a little more than all other categories of the bidder.

250 lots of fine art sold was 31% by number (77 lots sold) and 38.7 % for the money. The most highly valued work in the section of fine arts, graces the cover of the catalog, more than lived up to high expectations. Large canvas portrait of Vasily Grigoryevich Khudyakov (1825-1871) "Girl with a sickle" began trading with absentee rate of 1.65 million rubles, however, the initiative quickly moved to the party room and his rival on the phone. The picture played in seven steps by 100 thousand. —, the final winning bid of 2.35 million rubles was made by telephone by the buyer.

to Mention also a two-fold excess of rating beautiful "Male portrait" 1822, from 90 thousand rbl. the auction has reached 180 thousand rubles. And although in the catalogue it was described as the work of an unknown artist (possibly English), the signature allows us to assume the authorship of the famous French artist German-русского origin of Karl Karlovich Steuben (1788-1856). At least the comparison of the signature on the portrait samples on well-known works Steuben speaks in favor of this version. But because of the interest shown by the participants to the "n/x", is not surprising. The prices of works of Charles Staben at European auctions can reach from a few thousand to tens of thousands of euros. For example, in 2015, at the Bonhams auction his "Portrait of Napoleon" was sold for €22,33 thousand euros including Commission. So, blissful ignorance of some and the insight of others allowed her to develop quality work for reasonable money. The new owner of the paintings will, in-первых, to understand its authorship, and in-вторых, to determine who is depicted on it, and who knows, maybe the name of the model not only re-open a forgotten page in the two hundred year history of existence of "Male portrait", but also increase its value on the market today.

the rest of the section of painting and drawing passed without any surprises. A natural demand for work by well-known authors. So, the watercolor "portrait of the artist S. I. Yaguzhinsky" Philip Malyavina was sold by absentee rate for 115 thousand. in the evaluation of 80-90 thousand RUB Over a very small (8 × 15.5 cm) watercolor George of Nyssa, a gym and the phone was arguing with 15 to 42 thousand RUB Won the lot party in the hall. Two portraits of the same girl of a masterpiece of socialist realism Boris Ioganson (sketches for the painting "Before exams"), previously estimated at 28-30 thousand rubles each, was sold for 44 and 60 thousand rubles. respectively. "Female portrait" by Dmitry Zhilinsky, bidding for which began with 75 thousand rubles, went online-покупателю 95 thousand RUB Work "tree Trunks" of the famous landscape painter Nicholas Romadin online-участник acquired to start at 80 thousand rubles. "Winter landscape with Church", 1920, brush Byalynitsky-Бируля bought on launch for 170 thousand RUB from a telephone bidder. Buying is an emotional rather than investment sense can be attributed to the sale of three Crimean landscapes Konstantin A. Prokhorov (1924).

String of icons were sold at 45% for the lots (sold 20 of 44) to 46% for the money (revenue of over 1.5 million rubles). Top-лотом became the Icon of the mother of God "Kazanskaya" from the workshop of Seeds Galkina (Moscow, 1899-1908), purchased by the participant in the hall to start for half a million rubles (estimated 500-550 thousand rubles). In addition, over 310 thousand. when you estimate 300-350 thousand rubles. went Vyatka icon 1880-90-х years, "the Annunciation". The most active market has been for the Smolensk icon of the mother of God again Galkin's workshop: the Internet and two telephone party arguing for it with 100 up to 240 thousand rbl Victory was on the side of one of the phone buyers.

the String of silverware, although he was large and diverse, the participants met pretty cool: sold 25 lots of the 93 (27 %) 22% of the total estimate (revenue slightly more than RUB 1 million). Fight rates turned around except for the silver Cup holder with enameling made by the masters of the Sixth Moscow Artel in 1908-1917 years: from 150 thousand rubles. dotorgovalas to 220 thousand roubles the owner of the lot was a party in the hall, peressorivshis two telephones and correspondence rate.

But at last came the turn to the beloved strings of jewels, in which this time were 14 lots sold out of 33. Antique earrings, anklets, chains, brooches, were found new owners mainly at the stated price or slightly higher than the estimate. But it was not until such time as Sergey Chistyakov announced top-лот auction — brooch with natural 27-каратным emerald cabochon and 54 diamonds with a total weight of 11.64 carats, belonged to the star of pre-revolutionary and Soviet ballet Yekaterina Vasilyevna geltzer (1876-1962). Brooch,made in 1908-1917 years the firm of Charles E. Bolin and sealed in one of the photos from the ballerina began to trade with 1.5 million rubles. the Applicants had at least five — three phone customers, at least one online-участник and collector in the room. This full-time participant inevitably interrupted all competitor rates. First walked on 200 thousand rubles. Then, in view of the significance of the amount has lowered the step to 100 thousand rubles. the Last half a million rubles was the most intense, and only at the rate of full-time player in 5 million rbl. the auction stopped. Under the applause of the buyer's legendary brooches left the room.

After such sale the draw of the remaining lots has not made a strong impression, but the result achieved is very impressive. In a string of China sold 1.43 million RUB (61 % of the estimate), and in the string of a variety of arts and crafts that do not fall under the above categories, the revenue was 67 % of the estimate (1.4 million rubles). On this holiday note ended last in 2017 auction of Russian and Western European art in the "Russian enamel", and I want to wish the organizers in the New 2018 to continue in the same vein.

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