Art Investment

"Russian enamel" on October 21. A brief summary

Sold almost 9 million rubles With hammer away 43 % of the lots. Best selling porcelain, art glass and jewelry

Saturday, October 21, in the new spacious premises of the "Russian enamel" (in the same house on Gogol Boulevard, 29, but the entrance is closer to the metro station "Arbatskaya") received a traditional monthly auction of Russian and Western European art. Selection, as always, was extensive — more than five hundred lots. Art is comfortably located on walls and in showcases, and parties — in chairs. By the beginning of the auction in the hall there were about a dozen people, and the Internet — greater than 30. Section decorative-прикладного art, so it turns out that the more popular the "Enamel" in the hall there were already two dozen people, and the number of virtual spectators and participants increased to forty people.

as a result of 4-часового auction has been sold 43 % of the catalog (lot 224 of 525). Total revenue made up 8.84 million rubles or 32% of the average total estimate. If it is considered in General, and if you look at the sections, the art sold was 33% for the lots (82 lots sold out of 250) and 16.5% for the money (proceeds of 2.2 million rubles.), but in the section of DPI sales have gone very much: bought 125 of 229 lots (55 %) for a total amount of 5.2 million rubles (50 % of the mean estimate). Actively all were phone buyers: they got about 45% of lots; numerous online-участники acquired 23 % of lots; hall and zaochku got 15 % and 17 % of the lots respectively.

In the section fine art top-лотами became graphic works of Ivan Bilibin and Mstislav Dobuzhinsky. First, over 220 thousand rubles by correspondence rate was sold to the thumbnail of the screen saver to book V. L., and Lukomski, N. A. Chipolte "Russian heraldry" by Ivan Bilibin (score 200-210 thousand rubles). And then in the struggle of Internet, phone and absentee bids from 150 to 220 thousand roubles has risen a sketch of the Cossack costume for the production of miniature "Platov's Cossacks in Paris" by Dobuzhinsky. The lot was bought by telephone by a player.

FROM-стринге customers increasingly preferred the high-quality graphics of famous artists at reasonable prices. For a small watercolor "Landscape with factory" in 1934 brush Georgy Nissky phone two players were arguing from part-time to 75 thousand rubles (estimate of 40-45 thousand rubles). Watercolor went to one of the phones. And two gouache portrait of Uzbek and Uzbek Victor Ufimtseva in 1961 was sold in the room for 70 thousand rubles (estimate 70-75 thousand rubles).

Pencil drawing of two peasant Filipp Malyavin was sold at the start of 53 thousand. (score 53-55 thousand rubles). For 90 thousand rubles. bought by zaochke graphic landscape, "On the Volga" Ivan Goryushkin-Сорокопудова (score 83 to 85 thousand rubles.). Sold out all of zincography Anna Petrovna Ostroumova-Лебедевой with views of Leningrad, the more so because they were offered in the range of 5 thousand rubles.apiece.

the costumes for the play, "Stepan Razin" in 1939 Basil Komardenkova was bought online-игроком to start at 12 thousand rubles each. And some sketches of the costumes of the artist Vasily Kovrigin movies sold were in the range from 12 to 16 thousand rubles. And again all the purchase has goneonline-игрокам. Costume theme was continued by Dmitry Bushena: four theater sketch for the ballet "Les Elements" ("Elements") on the music of Bach offered in one lot was bought on launch phone player for 100 thousand rubles.

But it's all cheap graphics, and what about the painting? Indeed, in the announcement of the auction sounded such names as Korovin, Plastov, Gerasimov, Nalbandian. And it so happened that in the current market environment, these works at stated prices to sell would not. For example, top-лот — korovinskaya sketch of the scenery "In the mountains" — requested 2.2–2.3 million rubles. It is about $38-40 thousand at the current rate. Yes, these prices are often given for Russian Korovin at auction in London rather than at the Moscow auctions. However, the size of work is good (66 × 88), the picture is beautiful, with the expertise of art and chemical, albeit without the classic Korovinskoe Crimean sun and sea or a night in Paris. But there is one thing: for 8 months before this Korovin exhibited with the estimate 3-3,5 million rubles. on another auction and was not sold. Each subsequent appearance of a thing at the auction in a short period of time only reduces buyer interest, the work of "stare". Or landscape Nalbandian, estimated at 500 thousand rubles, also remained without a single bid. In the range of $8-10 thousand work Nalbandyan will leave more on Sotheby's or Christie's than us. Alas, these are the realities. To pay no one is going, even for good work.

Of successful transactions in the picturesque selection we can mention the sale of three works of Athanasius Sheloumova (one of them @postauction mdas) in the range from 30 to 120 thousand руб.; two inexpensive but cute works of Nikolai Petrovich Miroshnikov ("Girl with bows" for 30 thousand rubles. and "country house" for 18 thousand rubles); vivid picture of Tamara Shilovskaya "Under the tree" 1960-х years (the price of 40 thousand.).

decorative Section-прикладного art opened a rather large string of icons. Of the 46 lots sold was almost 17 and a half million (39% of the total estimate Thong). Top-лотом Thong has become the icon of the "appearance of the virgin to St. Sergius of Radonezh": absentee member bought it for 320 thousand.

a Few phone players from 100 to 240 thousand rbl was traded for the icon "the unburnt Bush" in a silver frame and case manufactured Kazan master in 1864. The lot went to one of the phone players. For 100 thousand rubles at the start was bought online-игроком icon "Transfiguration" (estimate 100-150 thousand rubles). And the icon of the mother of God "unexpected joy" was sold to a party in the hall with a small market for 190 thousand rubles (150-200 thousand). Finally, for 150 thousand rubles were purchased icon Palekh masters "the Fiery ascent of Elijah the Prophet" and the icon "Lord Almighty" Moscow factory Dmitry Orlov in 1858 went telephone buyer for 160 thousand.

String silverware consisted of 99 lots. Of these, 44 were sold for a total amount of RUB 1.3 million (34 % of the mean estimate). The most expensive was the holder with painted enamel masters S. samoshina (Moscow, 1908-1917). The lot was bought online-участником for 160 thousand rubles (estimate 142-165 thousand rubles). Almost lost him to price a set of Cutlery (forks and knives) for six of the firm of K. Bolin. Party in the hall bought it for 140 thousand rubles (estimate 120-150 thousand rubles.).

At a good price took all three proposed pot. For 24 thousand rubles. was sold to the French coffee pot second half of the nineteenth century the firm "Henri-Louis Chenailler" (estimate 12-18 thousand rubles). The lot was purchased via the Internet. For 22 thousand rubles in absentia, the player went to the Austrian silver coffee pot with finial in the form of a rose (estimate 18-20 thousand rubles). But for a set of coffee pot and milk jug in neo-classical style of firm of Pavel Ovchinnikov telephone buyer paid 95 thousand rubles without Commission of the auction house (est 89-95 thousand rubles). Demand dessert spoons decorated with enamel: they were dismantled in the range from 32 to 46 thousand.

One of the most popular lots of strings of silver was the salt shaker in the Russian style in the form of a pouch. Her phone several players argued with the part-time rate to 44 thousand rubles, while the estimate 10-14 thousand RUB Salt got one of the phones.

the long-awaited for many string of jewels was sold 9 lots of 13, or 69 %; rescued about 600 thousand rubles or approximately 59 % of the estimate. Top-лотом here steel earrings Malinki with natural sapphires cabochon-cut and faceted diamonds: party on the phone arguing with them for a party in the hall with 125 to 220 thousand rubles., but to give the lady didn't want.

the Most successful string of last auction was a string of porcelain and glass. Of the 80 lots sold here was 53 (66 %) for a total of 2.53 million RUB (85% of the average total estimate). Many lots have gone much more preliminary estimates. For example, in the original jug "Coral" plant Kornilov brothers (score 71-77 thousand RUB) hall was arguing with the phone to 110 thousand RUB Pitcher went to the room. A set of kettle, milk jug and sugar bowl 1820-50-х years plant Safronov (score 50-75 thousand RUB) got a full-time player for 150 thousand well preserved Cup and saucer of the firm of Gardner painted with a view of the estate, estimated at 45-55 thousand rubles, liked to multiple telephone participants and the audience. In the end, the hammer price reached 100 thousand.

In the collection of the artglass drew the attention of three items from the service of the Imperial yacht "Derzhava". This service was designed by the architect I. A. Monighetti yacht for Emperor Alexander II and consisted of 1428 items of glass. All three objects (a Cup and two glasses) was purchased over the phone. The most expensive tall glass was bought for 232 thousand rubles (estimate 212-250 thousand rubles).

Finally, the last small subsection of a variety of works of decorative-прикладного art, which cannot be attributed to the previous categories, were sold out half and the most expensive lot became elegant showcase (as if specially designed for the collection of arts and crafts), decorated with inlays of bronze, brass and natural stone. Lot pulled out in a dispute telephone party, bet 140 thousand rubles (estimate 85-95 thousand rubles).

the Organizers of the auction can safely be congratulated on another successful auction on the part of PDI and wish further development in the direction of fine art. The next meeting of the auction house "Russian enamel" is scheduled after the holidays, on November 11, and it will be another auction.

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