Drawings Stalin's daughter with his notes sold for 2.8 million rubles
Collection of 14 children's drawings of Svetlana Alliluyeva with numerous comments left on the figures of her father, became a top-лотом rare book auction house "Among collectors" 12 Dec
Auction a selection of the 293 lots of rare books, autographs, photographs and drawings sold about two and a half hours the audience. Online for the auction was watched and participated from 20 to 35 users. By the way, Internet-игроки bought most lots — 54. Almost did not depart from them phone buyers: they accounted for 47 of the final rates. 14 times lots were given to participants in the room. And only 4 lots were bought by absentee rates. In total, there were 119 lots sold out of 293 (41 %) for a total amount of 11.8 million rubles, or 67 % of the total estimate directory.
good statistics are largely due to the successful sale of two top-лотов from the collection of the grandson of Stalin, Yakov Dzhugashvili. This, in-первых, the aforementioned collection of children's drawings of the daughter of Stalin Svetlana Alliluyeva — "Setence" as it is affectionately called father. "Setanta / tear red / mushrooms! They are venomous!", — writes Stalin on the figure where the daughter is portrayed picking mushrooms in the forest. "Setanta! / [inaudible.] you're in sandals! / Bird has flown / And you feed them / Later!", — is the inscription in red pencil in another picture. A figure with a group of hares on the edge of Stalin painted who — where "the Politburo": here "Mikoyan", here "uncle Lara tsyrlah" (L. Beria), but the "Mikoyan" and "nikolasha" (Nikolai Bulganin). Stalin himself called "Gene. hare" and by watching "uncle Chamberlain". Date signatures of Stalin — 1930-е years. The fight for the lot entered the phone buyer and the players on the Internet. With 1.9 million rbl. the auction rose to 2.8 million rubles. excluding the auction house Commission. Won a phone buyer.
From the same source — family of Yakov Dzhugashvili — is happening and the second top-лот auction: review of silk carpet "Youth leader", made in 1949 at the Tbilisi silk-weaving factory and presented to Stalin on the occasion of the 70-летия. In addition to the typescript of the review, drawings and photographs is of particular value in this set of documents is a handwritten review of the gift recipient. Stalin jokingly offers to solve the problem, "how much to Stalins to cover [crossed out the word "cover"] of the USSR", considering that the area of the Soviet Union is 21.300.000 square kilometres and the Ploschad Stalina (more precisely, of the carpet with Stalin) — 10.335 sq. m. the Verdict of the Secretary General — to send the carpet to the Museum (Museum of Revolution — now the Museum of contemporary history of Russia). For a review of the carpet is a bit bargain party by phone and online-участники. The hammer price — 1 million rubles (starting from 950 thousand rubles). Won the same telephone party.
Of the thematic strings, which was divided catalog "collectors", the most impressive was the string of books on the military history of Russia. Of the 52 lots to the new owners left 31 (60 %) totaling 3,165 million rubles (64 % of the average totalestimate Thong). Many lots were sold at auction. For example, from 60 to 150 thousand rubles. trading participants in the Internet room and on the phone popular in his time essay General-майора fleet Rostislav Shklovskogo "the Life of Admiral Fyodor Ushakov" (SPb.: [Marine scientist Committee; in type. The Imperial Academy of Sciences], 1856). The book won one of the online-игроков. From 90 to 160 thousand RUB. arguing online- and phone bidders for a rare four-volume edition "materials for the history of Gangut operation" (PG.: type. Mor. m-ва, 1914-1918). Won a phone buyer.
Among others have successfully sold books on military history worth mentioning "Description of the Patriotic war in 1812..." 1839 A. I. Mikhailovsky-Данилевского (evaluation of 340 thousand руб.; the price is 360 thousand rubles); "History 2-го Rostov Grenadier regiment" in 1902 (sold at the start on the phone for 290 thousand rubles); ceremonial edition of the history of His Imperial Majesty of consolidated infantry regiment with illustrations by artists S. Solomko N. Samokish (selling to start over 390 thousand rubles); the book of General of infantry N. P. Mikhnevich's "Strategy" in two volumes, sold for 310 thousand rubles at the start of 290 thousand.
Mention two successful sales in a string of publications XVIII — beginning of the XIX centuries Is in-первых, "a brief History of Russian trade," Mikhail Chulkov (Moscow: in type. Ponomarev, 1788), for which the phone was arguing with online to 360 thousand rubles (estimate 290 thousand rubles). And-вторых, the second edition of "the Complete works of M. V. Lomonosov" (St. Petersburg.: dependency of the Imperial Academy of science, 1794), has risen in price in the auction against up to 650 thousand rubles (estimate 450 thousand rubles.). Online-игроки this time he was more insistent telephone buyer.
Topic multi-volume editions of famous Russian scientists continued 3-е edition of "history of the Russian state" N. M. Karamzin (SPb.: in type. A. Smirdin, 1830-1831). Edition in 12 volumes, which notes Karamzin was greatly reduced, however, doubled the score and went to a telephone buyer for 950 thousand rubles. at the start of the 450 thousand. This, incidentally, was the third cost lot auction 12 Dec.
an Interesting rarity was offered to the collectors in the section "Poetry and prose" — miniature baby edition "Pink bouquet" with 25 fables by I. A. Krylov, V. A. Zhukovskii, B. M. Fedorov, and J. de Lafontaine (SPb.: in type. Sakharov, 1839). The lot was bought by a telephone participant to start at 200 thousand rubles In the same string for 220 thousand rubles at the start of 180 thousand rubles. was sold to a convolute of works of the poet-декабриста kondrati Ryleev — one of the five organizers of the uprising, sentenced to death. Released in 1825, the convolute, in addition to the poem "voynarovsky" and his collection of poems "Duma", included was a handwritten copy of the suicide letter to his wife Ryleeva.
well-Deserved interest are second-hand bookshops book publishersAcademia. So this time not without little sensation. Little literally. Miniature format (17,5 × 12,5) edition of the Latin faceti (small comic stories) Italian writer Poggio Bracciolini (1380-1459), published in 1934 in a limited edition of 300 numbered copies not for sale, at the stated estimate was between 3 thousand. trade started with 42 thousand rubles. In the end the lot went to one of the online-игроков almost 17 times higher than the start — for 50 thousand rubles.
Completed the auction of an interesting collection of postcards, photos, letters, medals, etc. from the collection of A. F. Dobrynin, Soviet Ambassador to the U.S. from 1962 to 1986, was Sold 7 lots of 11. Fight betting was for a photo taken by Yuri Abramochkin in December 1988: it is Mikhail Gorbachev, Ronald Reagan and newly elected 41-й U.S. President George W. Bush walk in front of the Statue of Liberty. Autographs Gorbachev and Reagan added shot values. With 17 thousand rubles. dotorgovalas to 57,5 thousand RUB Most persistent was a buyer in the room.
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