Auction "the Auction house № 1" on October 28. A brief summary
Sold 1.7 million rubles. Top-лотом was the set of glass bottle and six glasses in the neo-Russian style with drawings based on sketches böhm
Saturday, October 28 "auction No. 1" in his cozy office on Khamovnichesky Val held the auction of paintings, graphics, decorative-прикладного art and books. The beginning of trading in the audience were about a dozen people, more than half of them — buyers. Registered online about a half dozen people, most of the purchases were made via the Internet. Let's add to them a few-тройку phone buyers and absentee rates and get a very healthy picture of sales: with the hammer went lot 83 of 261 (32 %) for a total amount of 1.7 million rubles (23% of total estimate).
Opened the auction section of fine arts, abounding works in an affordable price range. Many works of unknown and little known authors. However, there were "names". So, for 100 thousand rubles at the start was bought oil Nikolay Dubovskoy "the Flood on the don" (1889). Study Dubovsky has become the most expensive product in the section of painting and graphics.
With a good bargain gone aquatint by an unknown author 1960-х years "traffic police on duty". The print was estimated at 6-10 thousand RUB, but started trading with absentee rate of 20 thousand rubles. Several participants in the hall and on the Internet traded for this work to 34 thousand RUB Won one of the full-time players. Continued urban theme lithograph Soviet artist Anatoly Verigo ". Garden ring" (1953). She also argued room with the Internet. As a result, the bargaining has reached 32 thousand rbl. at the start with 26 thousand (estimate 8-15 thousand rubles).
Found a new owner two sketches of the scenery of artist Liubov Silich — to the Opera "don Giovanni" and the ballet "Coppelia" at the Bolshoi theatre. Phone player bought both lots start at 25 thousand.
was Pretty successful string of caricatures of Lev Samoilovich Samoylova-Бабина, Yuri Nikolayevich Fedorov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Galbi and other masters of the genre. Of the 24 lots of cartoons sold was 16, almost every traded participants in the room against online-игроков. The most expensive was the caricature of Lev Samoilov "In the yard" for the magazine "Crocodile": a full-time player bought it for 22 thousand rubles (estimate 16-28 thousand RUB).
As in the last auction, "the Auction house № 1", the auction selection includes several phases of domestic cartoons, including all of my favorite "Nu, pogodi!", "Cat Leopold" and "the Crumb the raccoon". Almost all phases were purchased by absentee rates. The most expensive was the phase of the 15-го issue of "Nu, pogodi!" — scene where the Wolf is here-вот break on birch his guitar. The lot was purchased by absentee rate for 55 thousand rubles (estimate 50-80 thousand.).
In the decorative section-прикладного art top-лотом was set for vodka glass bottle and six glasses in the neo-Russian style with the image of hell and drinking sayings sketches of Elizabeth Boehm. The lot was bought by a telephone player to start for 290 thousand rubles (estimate 290-400 thousand rubles).
At a start of 84 thousand RUB online-участник acquired the bust of Alexander I, the production of English pottery Wood & Caldwell. A silver tea service for one person of four subjects (English production) were purchased by absentee rate of over 87 thousand rubles (estimate 87-105 thousand rubles).
Completed auction rare book section. Here found a new owner in the Internet, only one lot — the first volume "Military library", published by Ilya Ivanovich Glazunov (1856-1913) in 1837 and dedicated to the review of military history and tactics of the ancient Greeks (the result of 10 thousand rubles.).
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