Art Investment

"The breakthrough. Russian theatre-декорационное art. 1870-1930"

The exhibition, which opens tomorrow in the Museum Bakhrushina, will present more than 600 paintings, drawings, posters and models of authors such as Vrubel, Benois, Malevich, Lissitzky, Goncharova, Larionov, etc.

Theatre Museum. A. A. Bakhrushin and St-Петербургский state Museum of theatre and music present a unique scale and significance of the exhibition "Breakthrough. Russian theatre-декорационное art. 1870-1930". Exhibition ends the series of festive events associated with the celebration of 150-летия since the birth of prominent public and cultural figure, philanthropist, founder of the Theatre Museum of Bakhrushin Aleksei Aleksandrovich (1865-1929).

Dmitry Rodionov, the General Director GTSTM them. A. A. Bakhrushin: "the basis of the exhibition — unique collection of Nikita and Nina Lobanov-Ростовские collected all his life. In 2008 the collection was transferred to the Fund "Constantine" the Saint-Петербургскому state Museum of theatrical and musical art. And in the collections of the Theatre Museum n. a. A. A. Bakhrushin is stored in the second part of this whole. Combining rarities in the exhibition space, we present a full panorama of Russian theatre-декорационного art of the late XIX — early XX centuries, such an important period in the history of Russian culture. The idea of combining very serious, and the exhibition turned out to be an incredibly ambitious: more than 600 paintings, drawings, posters and models. No one had this route not been".

the exhibition presents masterpieces Wrobel, Golovin, Korovin, Bakst, Benoit, Kustodiev, Roerich, Bilibin, experimenting Malevich, Tatlin, Exter, Popova, Vesnina, Rodchenko, , El Lissitzky, unique in its wholeness and beauty of the scenery Larionov and Goncharova. Each section of the exhibition dedicated to the special exhibition space. In the panorama of the exhibition included the work of artists for world-renowned Diaghilev's Russian seasons, productions at the Moscow Chamber theater and the theater of Vsevolod Meyerhold, the original design sketches of the cabaret, circus and propaganda-массовых ideas, works created by Russian masters to performances abroad in exile.

the Exhibition is accompanied by detailed annotations that tell the history of their productions and the set designers, the aesthetic trends of the era, received a vivid and complete reflection in the house. The exhibition enriches the presence of modern interactive tools and videos that represent the most spectacular performances and expanding the scope of perception of works of art.

Prince N. Dmitry Lobanov-Ростовский about the exhibition: the Purpose of this project, in-первых is to give pleasure to the audience. Russian theatre painting of the late XIX — beginning of the XX century is characterized by high quality. It is colorful, dynamic, and apart from the world of theatre. Unlike what is happening in Europe it was developed by outstanding Russian artists of that time. They have infected the West with their creativity after Diaghilev brought its productions in Paris in 1908, In support of the appeal of this painting shows the exhibition of works from the Bakhrushin Museum in the Victoria and albert Museum in London (“Russian avant-garde theatre: war, revolution and design, 1913– 1933”, October 18, 2014 — on 15 March 2015). From-за strained political relations between Russia and the UK, the exhibition was moved to a tiny room, far away from the entrance to the Museum. Despite this, it was visited by 100 thousand spectators. The newspaper “daily star” wrote that the exhibition was placed in the “womb” of the Museum, but that, nevertheless, due to the huge interest of the public exhibition was extended for a month.

In-вторых, this pedagogical aspect, which is also significant. All currents of modernism in Russian art or originated on the stage, or were used in the theater. This is an unprecedented event in the world of painting, when in theatrical design, you can trace the development of the new currents of art. All these currents will be presented at the exhibition, from neonationalism to constructivism. This aspect of the superiority of Russian culture should be promoted both in Russia and abroad, since this fact is not fully known, but Russia should be proud.


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